The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 372 Being Targeted

Chapter 372 Being Targeted (Second Update)
When Tang Ping left, she threatened Ji Yang with a few words.

But Ji Yang didn't take the other party's words seriously at all, he just took it as a small episode in life.

After Chen Daxiong and Tang Ping left, Ji Yang had already calculated the money for the books he bought.

Ji Yang paid the money, and left Linhai Book City with a few bags of "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual".

Back in his car, Ji Yang was not in a hurry to leave.

Anyway, it's okay to go back to the villa now, he plans to put the "Emotion Xiaobai Growth Manual" on the WeChat store first.

Ji Yang's WeChat store has a total of ten shelves, and all ten shelves have products for sale.

If you want to put "Emotion Xiaobai's Growth Manual" on the shelves, you have to take off a product.

Ji Yang has to think about which products are suitable for removal.

"Little sheep are expensive, so not many people buy them, but they are still fresh, so they won't be off the shelves for the time being."

"Although the sales of cakes have declined, the sales are still good, and there is no need to rush to remove them from the shelves."

"Although instant noodles are the first product I put on the shelves, the sales have been very stable, and this one doesn't need to be taken off the shelves..."

Ji Yang made a simple analysis of the sales situation of the commodity and the potential situation of sales.

After he thoroughly analyzed his ten commodities, he made the decision he thought was the most correct.

"Let's take the perfume off the shelves, even though perfume was once the best-selling item on my WeChat mall."

"But since Fairy Baihua made the flower dew, basically no one has bought it. Two bottles have been sold in the past few days."

"With the appearance of the floral dew made by the flower fairies, there is no market for perfume, so let's take the perfume off the shelves."

After some analysis, Ji Yang felt that it was most appropriate to remove the perfume from the shelves.

Whether it is now or in the future, perfume, which was once the best-selling product in its own mall, basically has no market.

The perfume in Ji Yang's hands is no longer in stock, and there are only a dozen bottles on the WeChat mall.

Anyway, these perfumes couldn't be sold anymore, Ji Yang didn't care about the money for these dozens of bottles of perfume, so he just took them off the shelves.

The perfume was off the shelves, and the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" was on the shelves. The price Ji Yang set was not high, but it was not low either.

A book of eight thousand merits, one book Ji Yang can net eight hundred merits.

Just now I bought a total of 35 copies of "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual", one book has 35 merits, and [-] copies are [-] merits.

The handling fee is too expensive. If only a 10,000% handling fee is charged, these books can be sold for [-]+ merits.

With 10,000+ merits in hand, the merits in Ji Yang's hands are enough for 200 million. At that time, he can be promoted to the rank of seventh-rank immortal.

It's a pity that I can only think about it, because from the time it is put on the shelf to when it is sold, the two handling fees add up to 90.00% of the handling fee, and Ji Yang can make a net profit of [-]% in the end.

"Black, really black."

After Ji Yang complained twice, he found Yuelao.

Yue Lao said that after he puts the book on the shelf, he will help promote it.

This free advertisement, I can't miss it.

Only with advertisements can we sell better.

"Yuelao, a book about love is already on the shelves. It's called "Emotion Xiaobai's Growth Manual". I'll sell it for [-] merits a copy. The price isn't high, so help me spread the word."

"Eight thousand merits are not high. There are many people who need this kind of book in heaven and earth. Even if you sell it for [-], someone will buy it."

"Don't worry, I will help you promote it, and you can also post it to Moments to promote it yourself."

Eighty thousand merits, what a joke.

Although there are quite a few gods in Heaven and Earth, but if it really sells [-] copies, not many people will buy them.

Just like a little sheep, there must be people who want to buy it, but one hundred thousand merits is still a lot for many gods.

So Ji Yang felt that the eight thousand merits were not low.

"Okay, I will use Moments to advertise, just remember to help me promote it."

"Advertisement, what is an advertisement?"

The word "advertisement" sounds strange to Yuelao.

Not only are there few new things in this heaven and hell, but even new vocabulary, Ji Yang is also drunk.

"Advertising is publicity. I won't tell you. I'm going to drive home."

Things are done, it's not too early.

There is still some distance between Linhai Book City and the villa.

Ji Yang went back at this time, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin should also be back.

"Car? What is a car?"

Ji Yang's strange words one after another made Yuelao confused.

But Ji Yang ignored Yuelao this time, anyway, you wouldn't understand.

I'd better go back to accompany my woman first.

"Ji Yang, it seems that someone has been staring at us?"

When Ji Yang was about to drive out of the parking lot, Xiao Longnv climbed from Ji Yang's sleeve to the co-pilot seat, raised her head and said.

"I feel it too, don't worry about them, it's just a bunch of low-class guys."

When Ji Yang left Linhai Bookstore, he felt someone staring at him.

But he didn't care, because he felt that the person staring at him was weak, and he shouldn't be a stubborn stubble.

Ji Yang didn't take these low-level people seriously.

It's fine if these people don't make trouble for him, but if they really do, Ji Yang won't be polite to them.

"It's probably those two guys from Linhai Bookstore just now. If they talk endlessly, then don't blame me."

Ji Yang smiled coldly, started the car and left the parking lot of Linhai Book City.

Ji Yang's guess was correct, the people staring at him were indeed Chen Daxiong and Tang Ping.

"This guy's car is not bad, Dongfeng Warrior, he must have some background."

Chen Daxiong watched Ji Yang drive away, and said softly to Tang Ping beside him.

"What's wrong with the Dongfeng warriors? What's wrong with the background? There are too many people with backgrounds in our Xtreme League."

"I said, why are you so cowardly? You can't do that, and you're good at fighting."

Tang Ping glanced at Chen Daxiong with some disdain, and said with contempt.

Chen Daxiong blushed when Tang Ping said it, but he didn't speak.

I used to be very good, okay, it's not because of you, a rib girl.

Although the figure is not very drop, but some aspects of the taste is quite big.

It's not because you squeezed me dry that I became like this.

"I asked Lao Wu to get some medicine from Africa. This medicine is very effective. Old men in their [-]s and [-]s can take it. I will give you some tonight."

Tang Ping winked at Chen Daxiong, touched Chen Daxiong's crotch, and said with a lewd smile.

Chen Daxiong shuddered from being touched by Tang Ping, his red face turned black.

Taking medicine again, I became like this, besides being squeezed dry by you, it is because I took too much medicine.

But now I am like this, and I can't do without medicine.

"I'll talk about what happened tonight. It will definitely make you happy, so hurry up and call Lao Wu and the others."

"Wait until you say, the day lily is cold, I have already sent Lao Wu a WeChat message, let's catch up quickly."

Tang Ping touched Chen Daxiong's crotch again, but only twice, but the other party didn't respond at all, which made Tang Ping a little upset.

It seems that he is really not the majestic Chen Daxiong he used to be.

 Thank you for your support. A new month has begun. Those who have monthly tickets hope to vote for Xieben and Moments. Thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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