The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 39 The Tasteful Li Zixuan

Chapter 39 The Tasteful Li Zixuan
Mu Hong had been worried that Ji Yang would change his mind because of Zhang Yan's words. Now that he heard Ji Yang's words, Mu Hong's worries were relieved.

Looking at Ji Yang looking at her, Zhang Yan felt aggrieved and angry.

In Zhang Yan's eyes, Ji Yang was at most an intern with good medical skills, but he dared to look at him like this based on this alone, which made her very angry.

It's just that Zhang Yan was angry, and Zhang Yan didn't dare to say it at this time. She just said something that questioned Ji Yang before, and everyone around her regarded her as an enemy. She would not make this mistake a second time.

"Ji Yang, do you really want to watch the sea with Sister Mu Hong?"

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang and bit her lip, then asked.

"Well, I've already promised Mu Hong, so of course I'm going."

Ji Yang nodded without hesitation, Ji Yang has always been very trustworthy, he will not promise anyone easily, but as long as he says it himself, he will do his best to do it.

"Then I'm going to watch the sea with Sister Mu Hong too, and I haven't seen Grandpa Mu and Uncle Mu for a long time."

Li Zixuan nodded firmly as if she had made some kind of decision in her heart and said loudly.

When Mu Hong decided to look back at the sea, she asked Li Zixuan if she wanted to go to Wanghai with her for a while, but Li Zixuan refused because she couldn't get away from her own business.

Now when she hears that Ji Yang is going to look at the sea, she has nothing to worry about, and even uses her grandfather and father as a shield, which also makes Mu Hong shake her head and smile.

"Zixuan, didn't you say that you don't want to look at the sea if you have something to do? Why do you feel fine when Ji Yang says to look at the sea? Doesn't your business just follow Ji Yang?"

Ji Yang promised Mu Hong to look at the sea, and she was also in a good mood. Hearing Li Zixuan's words, she changed from her usual cold side, and couldn't help but make fun of her.

"What, I followed him, what a joke, I did have something to do before, but I'm done with my work, now I can go."

"Forget it, I won't tell you, I have to ask the hospital for leave."

Mu Hong pointed out her little thoughts, Li Zixuan's skin was not as thick as Ji Yang's, her face was as rosy as bloodshot, and she quickly left the ward.

Looking at Li Zixuan's embarrassing look, Huang Xiaoliang couldn't help but give Ji Yang a thumbs up as he sat there, showing that you are awesome.

Just while giving thumbs up, Huang Xiaoliang also noticed something wrong with his sister's expression, and his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry, it won't work. Could it be that Xiaoxin has also taken a fancy to this kid?"

"Do flowers like to be planted on cow dung these days? Anyway, I am also a beautiful tree with a handsome face, and I am the young master of the Huang family. Why haven't I seen so many people like me?"

Envy turned into jealousy, then into helplessness, and finally he could only sigh, and seeing Ji Yang's brother's charm, he really wanted to go up and kick him.

Asking for leave was smoother than Ji Yang thought, Liu Tianjing didn't even ask what Ji Yang was going to do, anyway, I'll give you leave if you want it, it's as simple as that.

After asking for leave, Ji Yang made an agreement with Mu Hong that the other party would pick him up tomorrow, and then he was ready to go home.

"Ji Yang, stop for me!"

Ji Yang had already walked out of the hospital at this time, and when he was about to take the bus, a soft voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Ji Yang was taken aback, and looked back, it didn't matter, Ji Yang almost peed in fright.

I saw a red sports car tens of meters behind him. Ji Yang was no stranger to this car, it belonged to Li Zixuan. When he heard Li Zixuan in the car calling him, he also wanted to say hello to him and ask him what he wanted to do. .

But before he could open his mouth, he saw the red sports car starting and rushing towards him quickly. Damn, if he gets hit like this, I'll be done.

Fortunately, Ji Yang reacted quickly and was agile. Seeing the car hit him, he quickly dodged aside. Although he was a little embarrassed, it was better than being hit and flying.

Ji Yang dodged, but Li Zixuan's car braked suddenly and stopped after more than ten meters, leaving two clear tire marks behind. Fortunately, no one passed by at this time, otherwise the car might hit Ji Yang other people.

"Hey, I said you're crazy, aren't you just eating roasted kidneys? What's the matter with you, last time you left me alone, and this time you drove into me again, what exactly do you want?"

Ji Yang is also annoyed this time, a man has to be magnanimous, he has to be humble to a woman, and he can spoil a woman, but he must not be used to it, otherwise the woman will be turned upside down.

From Ji Yang's point of view, the current Li Zixuan is about to turn the world upside down. If he reacts a little slower, the current Li Zixuan will be sent to the intensive care unit, or even sent directly to the morgue.

"Wow, woo woo woo..."

When Ji Yang roared, Li Zixuan's eyes turned red and she cried. Her delicate face was covered with tears, and she looked very pitiful.

What's going on, obviously you hit me with a car, and you cried when I lost my temper, Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan in a daze.

Looking at it, Ji Yang was also listless, who made himself afraid of women crying, seeing Li Zixuan crying so sad, he was also drunk.

"Sister, can you stop crying, can't I be wrong?"

"You're a bastard, you're a bastard, it's your fault, I cry, I cry."

Li Zixuan cried even more when she heard Ji Yang say that.

What Ji Yang is not good at is how to coax girls, which is what he should do.

"Can you stop crying? I admit that I was wrong, or I let you kill me."

Ji Yang was helpless, and finally walked to the front of the car, spreading his hands like you were bumping into me. Seeing Ji Yang like this, Li Zixuan also snorted coldly.

"Hmph, it's too cheap to kill you, I'm going to slowly ravage you and whip you."

No matter what happens to you in the future, anyway, if you don't cry now, Ji Yang also heaves a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Ji Yang was still standing in front of the car in a daze, Li Zixuan was also amused, she is usually quite smart, how could she become so stupid now.

"Why are you still standing there? I really want me to hit you with a car. Get in the car."

As Li Zixuan said, she actually turned the key, and the sports car made a roaring engine sound, as if it was about to rush out at any moment.

With the sound of the engine, Ji Yang also disappeared in front of the sports car at the fastest speed, and rushed directly into the sports car.

"Hehehe, see if you still dare to bully me in the future, don't think that I'm easy to bully because of my kindness. If you dare to bully me again, I'll drive you to Tianshan Mountain."

Li Zixuan said with a light smile.

"Hey, I'm afraid you won't want to."

Ji Yang said with a cheap smile.

"Shameless, who is reluctant, why don't you stand in front of me now and see if I bump into you."

Li Zixuan started the car while talking.

"Didn't you tell me to stand in front? Why start the car? Are you going to let me jump out of the car?"

Knowing that you are reluctant, Ji Yang asked with a complacent and unbeatable expression.

This time Li Zixuan did not quarrel with Ji Yang like before, but turned her head to look at Ji Yang, and asked with a bit of sadness in her voice: "Ji Yang, do you like Sister Mu Hong?"

"Ahem... what did you say, you said I like Mu Hong?"

Hearing Li Zixuan's words, Ji Yang was a little excited, he actually choked on his own saliva, coughed and said with his face flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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