Chapter 40

In terms of appearance, Mu Hong is indeed very beautiful, and her temperament is also very good, but she is a bit cold towards people.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that Ji Yang fell in love with Mu Hong.

"It's normal for you to like Sister Mu Hong. Sister Mu Hong is prettier than me, and her family background is better than mine. Although she looks a little cold, she is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. It is normal for you to like her."

Li Zixuan ignored Ji Yang's attitude, and still muttered to herself.

"Stop, let me tell you if you have a fever, or how can you talk nonsense."

"Didn't I just agree to treat Mu Hong's elder brother? That's how I like her. Then if I treat an 80-year-old aunt in the future, will I also like her?"

"I even operated on Huang Xiaoxin, why don't you say that I like Huang Xiaoxin?"

Ji Yang said with a wry smile.

"What, so you don't like Miss Mu Hong, but you like Xiaoxin."

"That's right, Xiaoxin looks cute and has a cute personality..."

Li Zixuan stared at her original appearance.

"Stop, I didn't like Mu Hong, nor did I like Huang Xiaoxin. Whether I helped Huang Xiaoxin or Mu Hong, it was because I was a doctor. If you insist that there are other relationships, they are just ordinary friends."

"I said, Li Zixuan, you don't really have a fever, do you? Otherwise, why do you always talk about these things?"

At this time, Ji Yang can be regarded as convinced by Li Zixuan, this imagination is really beyond anyone else.

"You don't like this one, and you don't like that one, then who do you like, you don't like Huang Xiaoliang, do you?"

As soon as Li Zixuan said this, Ji Yang really had the urge to jump out of the car, he and Huang Xiaoliang are both men, how could he like a man.

"Li Zixuan, didn't you ask who I like, then let me tell you, I like you."

Ji Yang said loudly, but he regretted it as soon as he said it.

Why did I just say that I like Li Zixuan? Although I was interested in her, the other party wouldn't give me two slaps if I said it now.

"Then I promise."

The imaginary two slaps did not come, but when Li Zixuan came, I agreed.

"You promised? What did you promise?"

Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan in bewilderment, why didn't he ask you, what did you promise?

"Didn't you say you liked me just now? Didn't you confess to me, so I promised to be your girlfriend."

"How to recruit, I promised you are not willing?"

Li Zixuan kicked Ji Yang and said harshly.

Seeing Li Zixuan's eyes like this, Ji Yang's whole body trembled. After a few contacts, Ji Yang understood Li Zixuan. She is definitely an impulsive woman scarier than a devil.

While talking, Li Zixuan stomped on the gas pedal hard, the engine roared, Ji Yang's face changed, and I said, "This is an urban area, you will kill someone if you do this."

"Zixuan, don't get excited. You are the goddess of Linhai University of Medical Sciences. No matter how many people want to chase you, you will not be able to catch up with me. I'm too happy for you to promise to be my girlfriend. How could I refuse?"

Aren't goddesses always arrogant, aren't they all looked up to by people? Could it be that the goddess has become a nympho because she is too handsome.

Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan who was blushing beside him, he didn't know how to describe his current mood.

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

Li Zixuan's face turned red, she herself never thought that she would be so courageous today that she would say such a thing.

When Ji Yang was sent home by Li Zixuan, he was still a little dazed.

"Is there something wrong with me? You are not happy about the beauty taking the initiative. I don't think Li Zixuan has a fever, but something is wrong with her brain."

"But it's true, whoever makes himself so cool and handsome, how will he let others live in the future."

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ji Yang sighed narcissistically.

It was still early, Ji Yang habitually took out his mobile phone and checked Moments.

The first news is an acquaintance, and Ji Yang's eyes light up when he sees it.

Ma Mian: "I've been annoyed lately, annoyed, annoyed, I always feel that life is getting more and more embarrassing, disturbing my sleep and eating."

I haven't chatted with Ma Mian for a while, and I haven't realized before that this Ma Mian has a musical talent, and I express my emotion that it is the same as the lyrics sung by a certain Huaxia singer.

"Brother, what are you bothered about? Hades made things difficult for you again?"

When Ji Yang got acquainted with Ma Mian, he also liked to tease a few words.

"Don't mention it, I'm very upset, what have you been up to lately?"

Ma Mian quickly replied to Ji Yang.

"I'm going to look at the sea tomorrow."

"What, are you going to look at the sea? Wanghai in Hai Province?"

To Ji Yang's surprise, Ma Mian replied back less than a second after he announced that he was going to look at the sea. The speed was really fast enough to catch up with the face-to-face chat.

Besides, if I don't go to Wanghai in Hai Province, does Huaxia have a second Wanghai?Anyway, I have never heard of Wanghai City.

"That's right, it's Wanghai, the capital of Hai Province. Why are you so excited?"

Feeling strange, Ji Yang also asked curiously.

"Xiaobai, do you want a chance to earn merit?"

Seeing Ma Mian's words, Ji Yang was taken aback for a moment, what he lacked the most right now was merit, and of course he couldn't miss the opportunity to earn merit.

But judging from Ma Mian's reaction just now, Ji Yang vaguely felt that this kind of merit was not easy to earn.

"The Tianlei assessment is coming soon, and I still owe Hua Tuo a foreign debt of [-] merits. You don't know it. Don't whet your appetite, just tell me what you have to say."

Who makes Ji Yang poor now? He knows that merits are not easy to earn, but he still has to work hard.

"I'll send you something, you can see for yourself."

After Ma Mian finished speaking, Ji Yang also felt his phone vibrate, and a picture with red letters on a black background appeared on his phone.

"What is this, it looks so permeable."

Looking at the scarlet letters that looked like drops of blood, Ji Yang couldn't help but cursed.

Zooming in on the picture, Ji Yang's eyes froze.

"The underworld reward order?"

Ji Yang is no stranger to bounty orders. Before playing online games, he often took reward tasks. He received reward orders to do tasks such as killing monsters, collecting or finding people to get paid, but he never thought that one day he would receive rewards in reality. Reward order.

"Let me see what this underworld reward order is. My favorite thing in the game before is to accept the reward task."

Catch the Runaway Imp
Name: three eyes

Location: Wanghai City, Hai Province
Reward: Two thousand merits
Reward Poster: Hei Wuchang.

Two thousand merits?I haven't saved Huang Xiaoxin's life by myself.

The reward order was issued by Hei Wuchang, isn't Hei Wuchang responsible for taking ghosts to the underworld?
Hei Wuchang could have done it himself for catching the kid, so why did he issue a reward order? This is really strange.

"Could it be that this brat is too powerful for Hei Wuchang to catch? Although I am physically stronger than ordinary people after eating the elixir of the Supreme Lord, I am definitely not as good as Hei Wuchang. Can I deal with him?"

Ji Yang began to doubt his own strength, but he was unwilling to let go of two thousand merits like this...

(End of this chapter)

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