The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 4 Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple

Chapter 4 Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple

Ji Yang himself is a medical student. The loss of appetite refers to a decrease in appetite. If he does not want to eat at all, it is anorexia. There are many reasons for the loss of appetite, such as gastritis, hepatitis and so on.

"Ma Mian, you didn't ask the doctor in the underworld to examine King Chujiang to see if he lost his appetite because of illness."

As soon as Ji Yang sent the words, Ma Mian replied.

"Zhang Zhongjing came to check him several times. King Chujiang is in good health. It stands to reason that he could eat a cow, but Zhang Zhongjing even prescribed a few doses of appetite-stimulating medicines to no avail."

It turned out to be Zhang Zhongjing. Zhang Zhongjing was a famous medical scientist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and was honored as a medical saint.

Since even Zhang Zhongjing said that King Chu Jiang's body was fine, it was probably a psychological problem, and he needed heart medicine for his heart disease.

King Chujiang, one of the Ten Kings of Hades, must be tired of eating the food in the underworld. He wants to eat something fresh, so he will give him something that can increase his appetite, which is something he has never eaten before.

According to what Taibai Jinxing said earlier.

Because of the laws of the Three Realms, no matter whether it is the heaven or the underworld, except for some special positions, they cannot come to the mortal world at will.

It is estimated that King Chujiang has not eaten mortal food for hundreds or thousands of years, so I might as well get him some mortal food.

"Ma Mian, make pineapple sweet and sour pork for King Chujiang. The pineapple appetizer is also sweet and sour. If you make this for King Chujiang, he will definitely whet his appetite."

Sweet and sour pork with pineapple is one of Ji Yang's favorite dishes. Although he only ate it at a classmate's house a few years ago, the taste is still unforgettable to him.

"Xiaobai, I know the pineapple. I also know the pork, beef, and lamb. What is this Gulu, what does it look like, and where can I get its meat?"

This horse face actually thought that Gulu was an animal like pigs, cows and sheep, really strong.

It seems that there is indeed no pineapple sweet and sour meat in Jifu, and this idea is right.

"This sweet and sour pork is actually a way of making pork. Wait a minute, and I'll send you the way to make it."

Although the other functions of this phone can't be used, but the camera in WeChat can still be used. Ji Yang also took a photo and sent it to the other party when he found the pineapple sweet and sour meat on the computer.

Ma Mian's eyes lit up when he saw the recipe of sweet and sour pork with pineapple sent by Ji Yang, his mouth was drooling from the picture.

"Thank you, Xiaobai. I'll find Yi Ya to do it now. As long as King Chujiang can whet his appetite, I will thank you very much."

After finishing speaking, Ma Mian also stopped talking, it seemed that he was busy.

Easy tooth?

Who is this?
It must not be easy to cook for King Chujiang at this time.

Out of curiosity, Ji Yang also searched for Yi Ya, and after this search, Yi Ya is really a genius.

Yi Ya was a famous chef in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was good at decocting, boiling, burnt, and broiling. He was also an expert in seasoning, and he was favored by Qi Henggong.

"If there is a chance, I have to learn from this Yi Ya. The so-called skills are not overwhelming, and you may be able to use them in the future."

Unknowingly, the sky was already bright, and Ji Yang didn't feel tired at all after he didn't sleep all night last night, instead he was very energetic.

Just when Ji Yang was about to get up, he saw a WeChat message from Ma Mian.

"Xiaobai, thank you very much, your pineapple sweet and sour pork is absolutely amazing, the taste is not bad, the king of Chujiang has a great appetite, and the other kings of the nine halls are also full of praise, and they even said they would give me a promotion. This is all thanks to you."

When he saw Ma Mian's words, Ji Yang was going to reply to the other party, but when he was about to send it, he just froze.

"Insufficient balance, what is this stuff?"

Ji Yang is using WiFi and not data, so why is there insufficient balance, and does he still need money for chatting on WeChat?

Just when Ji Yang was a little dazed and depressed, WeChat sent another reminder.

"Ma Mian will add five hundred merits to your red envelope."

Ji Yang looked through the wallet and found that there were five hundred merits in the wallet, but he didn't know what the merits were for.

"Xiaobai, this is just a small idea. You can keep it. You can help me a lot in the future."

"Small meaning, we are all buddies, we should help each other."

Instinctively pressed send, and this time it was sent, without reminding myself that the balance was insufficient.

He clearly said that he could not chat because of insufficient balance, but now he can do it again. Just now, Ma Mian recharged himself five hundred merits, could it be for this reason.

Looking at the wallet again, sure enough, the previous 490 merits have become [-] nines, one word for one merit.

Ji Yang suddenly realized that the fairy tales he read before all mentioned merit.

What kind of good people in the ten generations have immeasurable merits soaring to the fairy world, the underworld also pays attention to accumulating merits, and only after accumulating enough merits can they be reborn as human beings. This merit is very important for gods and people who want to become immortals.

"Yes, they are all buddies."

Seeing Ma Mian's words, Ji Yang smiled slyly, and Ma Mian was done.

Previously, Taibai Jinxing had become an acquaintance with Tianting, but now he has become a buddy with Ma Mian, and he can be regarded as a person who went to heaven and went to dawn.

Feeling refreshed, it's getting late at this time, there is still class today, Ji Yang also got up quickly to go to school.

"Yo, Ji Yang, you kid actually came to school. I thought you would break up with you because of Lili, and you would never come to school again because of your sadness."

Just as Ji Yang arrived at the school gate, a harsh voice rang in his ears.

Frowning, Ji Yang saw a pair of young men and women walking towards him.

The woman was Zhang Lili, and the man was Ji Yang's classmate named Yang Wei. I heard that Yang Wei's father opened a large-scale construction company in Linhai City.

Zhang Lili hugged Yang Wei's arm very intimately, and held an LV bag in the other hand as if showing off in front of Ji Yang's eyes.

"Honey, you don't know how thick his skin is. When he was chasing me back then, he stuck to me like glue. With his skin, how could he not come to school?"

Anyway, I have been with Zhang Lili for two years.

The two just broke up yesterday, and today she was with someone else, and she insulted herself like this, Ji Yang was very angry, fists clenched, and a pair of eyes narrowed slightly looking at the two in front of him.

"Why, you are still not convinced, do you know the LV bag?"

"A toad still wants to dream with me."

Zhang Lili's words became more and more excessive, and some people who passed by couldn't help but look at the three of them, and Yang Wei also looked at Ji Yang with a provocative expression.

"Zhang Lili, don't go too far, sometimes you cry."

Ji Yang said in a cold tone, then turned around and left.

He really wanted to go up and give Zhang Lili and Yang Wei a big mouth, but reason still defeated the impulse, and he held back. Linhai University of Medical Sciences explicitly forbids fighting on campus.

He was about to graduate soon, and he didn't want to ruin himself because of these two guys in front of him.

"Excessive? What a joke, the most excessive thing in my life is to be with you for two years when I get crazy."

Ji Yang endured his anger and turned around. From Zhang Lili's point of view, it was because she mentioned the pain of the other party. Ji Yang was afraid and trying to escape...

(End of this chapter)

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