Chapter 402
Ji Yang's villa is big enough, there are not many Xu Tiantians alone.

After being in contact with Xu Tiantian for a few days, Ji Yang discovered that this Xu Tiantian is definitely that kind of eccentric existence.

Who is the closest to Xu Tiantian in the villa now?
It was definitely not Ji Yang, nor Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan, but Xiao Longnv.

Xu Tiantian is a famous ancient warrior, and among the ancient warriors, there is no shortage of people who raise strange animals.

So Ji Yang didn't deliberately conceal the existence of Little Dragon Girl. Anyway, there are quite a few people who know about Little Dragon Girl's existence, including Liu Shuyan, Lu Zhanxing and others.

Xu Tiantian was not surprised when she first saw Xiaolongnu, but when Xiaolongnu spoke, Xu Tiantian froze for a moment.

"Wow, is this a snake demon? It looks so beautiful."

This Xu Tiantian really knows a lot, not only about strange beasts, but also about the existence of monsters.

Just being called a snake demon by Xu Tiantian, Xiao Longnu was very upset.

"I am a dragon, not a snake."

"Okay, okay, you are a dragon."

Although she obviously didn't believe it in her heart, Xu Tiantian still admitted that the little dragon girl was a dragon.

Little Dragon Girl likes to watch anime, and Xu Tiantian is also an anime fan.

Xu Tiantian knows more anime than Xiaolongnv, she also introduces the anime she has seen and feels good to Xiaolongnv, and takes her to watch together.

Xiaolongnv and Xu Tiantian's relationship instantly heated up because of the animation.

"Ji Shao, you haven't been to the farm for a long time. Our sea cucumbers have been on the market for a long time. Don't you care?"

Early this morning, Ji Yang received a call from Wang Ji.

Yes, all the sea cucumbers are on the market, but Ji Yang has never asked about the situation of the sea cucumbers on the market.

As a hands-off shopkeeper, he was so hands-off that he forgot about it.

"Recently, there are too many things at hand, and I have forgotten about the sea farm."

"How is the sales of sea cucumbers, and how is it better than expected?"

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Wang Ji said with a smile.

"The supply is completely in short supply, and new sea cucumber seedlings have already been released."

"I'm calling you this time just to ask you whether our sea farms can consider starting to raise other seafood besides sea cucumbers."

"Now we have a certain number of merchants. They are very satisfied with our sea cucumbers and have suggested several times that we grow other seafood."

"I have discussed it with Quanchang and think this is feasible. After all, our sea farm is so large that it cannot be wasted."

The sea area owned by Ji Yang is so large that it is impossible to just use it for breeding sea cucumbers.

The cultivation of sea cucumbers is just a pre-experimental process. Now that sea cucumbers have been successful, it is time to consider farming other seafood.

"Then have you discussed what seafood to raise?"

Now that Quan Chang and Wang Ji had discussed it, Ji Yang asked Wang Ji about it.

Wang Ji smiled awkwardly this time.

According to what he said, recently Wang Ji and Quan Chang did have many discussions about the new seafood.

They also listened to the suggestions of some merchants who purchased sea cucumbers, but they still failed to choose suitable seafood.

There are many seafood products that can be cultured artificially, but to say that they are the most popular in the market, this needs to be analyzed in detail.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang are also looking for someone to do this analysis, but the progress is relatively slow.

"Hahaha, isn't this cat really stupid?"

"Yeah, it's too stupid to be played around by mice, hahaha..."

When Ji Yang and Wang Ji were talking on the phone, they heard the laughter of Little Dragon Girl and Xu Tiantian who were watching anime in the living room.

Seeing Xu Tiantian, Ji Yang's eyes lit up.

It was too slow for Wang Ji and Quan Chang to find someone to do market analysis.

There is someone beside him who can quickly give analysis results, Ji Yang can't waste it.

Keeping Xu Tiantian by my side is not for letting her watch anime with Xiaolongnv.

"You don't need to hire someone to do market analysis, I'll get someone to do it."

"Tomorrow at the latest, I will give you an answer."

The people Wang Ji and Quan Chang found have been analyzing the market for more than a week, but up to now they have not found a suitable result.

Ji Yang actually told him the maximum time of one day, which surprised Wang Ji.

But thinking of the surprises Ji Yang gave him every time, Wang Ji still believed in Ji Yang's words.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Ji Shao's good news."

After Wang Ji finished speaking, he reported to Ji Yang about the situation of sea farming before ending the call.

"Tiantian, stop watching anime, I have something for you to do."

"Brother, what's the matter, tell me, do you want another short movie? Didn't I just give you 2T yesterday, and you finished watching it so soon?"

"I said brother, you have to take it easy. Although I can provide unlimited supplies, you have to pay attention to your body. It will hurt you if you watch too much."

After these few days of contact, Ji Yang and Xu Tiantian became much closer.

Xu Tiantian's call "brother" is very smooth.

Just hearing Xu Tiantian's words, Ji Yang's face darkened.

How could I have watched all 2T, I just watched 1T, okay?

"The kid is young, and his thoughts are so dirty. I want you to do a market research for me."

"That's it, which aspect you want to do, which country has the most beauties, or which province has the most beauties, this does not affect watching anime."

Ji Yang was convinced by Xu Tiantian.

Is she such an image in her heart? Why is she so obscene in Xu Tiantian's eyes when she is clearly a tall and tall image?

"I'm talking about business with you, don't talk nonsense."

"Help me do a survey of the Huaxia seafood market to see which seafood products are in greater demand, which seafood products are the most popular, and which seafood products are expected to have more market in the future."

When Ji Yang was talking to Xu Tiantian, Xu Tiantian had already picked up the computer and tapped her fingers on the computer quickly.

"That's the thing, it's too trivial, you are simply killing chickens with a bull's knife."

Ji Yang discovered that Xu Tiantian's method of controlling her mind can not only control others, but she can also use her mind for two purposes, or even multi-purpose.

At this time, Xu Tiantian was staring at the TV and watching anime, her hands kept typing on the keyboard, and her mouth was still talking to Ji Yang.

"It's done, I've sent it to your computer, go and see for yourself."

Ji Yang had previously told Wang Ji that it would be tomorrow at most, but Xu Tiantian didn't even use it for 2 minutes, and a detailed analysis was already completed.

When Ji Yang turned on the computer and saw the market survey form Xu Tiantian sent, he had to agree with Xu Tiantian's previous words.

This time I was really overqualified, killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

The questionnaire given by Xu Tiantian contains detailed survey data.

From the most popular seafood products in the past to the most popular seafood products in the current market, as well as the analysis of seafood products in the future market, they are listed one by one.

And the results of each survey are also detailed and explained.

With such a detailed questionnaire, Ji Yang believed that even if the people Wang Ji and Quan Chang asked to investigate for a week, they would not be able to give it.

 One more, thank you grandma Yanwei, Huang, the boy next door and others for the rewards, thank you for your support, I wish you all a happy Saturday, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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