The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 403 You have a good take out than 1

Chapter 403 You have good ones and compare them with one another (Part [-])

"Ji Shao, you are too awesome. Quanchang and I hired people with rich experience in market research, but after more than a week, we still haven't given a proper analysis."

"It's been less than a day since you gave such a detailed analysis, it's amazing."

Ji Yang hadn't been to the sea farm for a long time. After he got the market survey form Xu Tiantian gave him, he drove directly to the sea farm.

When Ji Yang came to the sea farm, some merchants in the sea farm were buying sea cucumbers.

Seeing the busy yet smiling faces of the workers, Ji Yang felt very happy.

"It's not me who is awesome, but the person who investigated it. It was found out in 2 minutes. Are you satisfied with it?"

Ji Yang's words were like a slap in the face, and Wang Ji and Quan Chang were instantly petrified.

To make such a detailed market survey in 2 minutes is no longer a word that can be represented.

"Although the previous investigators did not give reasonable analysis results, there are still some preliminary suggestions."

"Oysters, crabs, jellyfish, and gobies are all within the recommended range, and they are all reflected in this questionnaire."

"However, although squid, cuttlefish, sardines, and pomfret have a high market share, they cannot be farmed artificially. If we can breed them, we will make a lot of money."

Quan Chang looked at the questionnaire and said seriously.

Hearing Quan Chang's words, Ji Yang's mouth curled up, and he said softly.

"Since this is the case, the oysters, crabs, jellyfish and gobies are settled. We will build suitable breeding ponds immediately. Don't be afraid to spend money. We must follow the best standards. We will do high-quality products if we want to do it."

"Squid, cuttlefish, sardines and pomfret, others can't farm, but that doesn't mean we can't."

"It's up to me to do this, and I'll notify you when the results are obtained, as long as you are mentally prepared for this."

Just because others can't do it doesn't mean Ji Yang can't do it.

Isn't it just raising a squid, raising a squid, it's not a big deal.

Ji Yang has sea pearls in his hands, not to mention farming, even if he wants to get a batch of squid, cuttlefish, sardines and pomfret right now, it will only be a matter of minutes.

If sea farms can really raise squid, squid and other seafood that cannot be cultured artificially.

That can definitely detonate the market in an instant and make the sea farm famous.

Moreover, only one's own sea farming can breed, which is an absolute market monopoly, and it will definitely count the money until the hands cramp.

Thinking of this, Quan Chang and Wang Ji smiled, and the corners of their mouths almost cracked to the roots of their ears.

"Ji Shao, then you have to hurry up, we are not afraid of counting money until we are soft, but we are afraid of having no money to count."

Wang Ji said jokingly.

His words made Ji Yang and Quan Chang burst into laughter.

"I'll do it later, first take me to see how the sea cucumbers are purchased."

Doing this is just a matter of sailing to the sea.

If I didn't bring Xiaolongnv with me this time, I can let her do this matter.

Even if Xiaolongnv didn't follow, Ji Yang could solve it by himself.

"Boss Quan, Boss Wang, your sea cucumbers are pretty good, but the price could be lower."

"Yeah, business is not doing well now, and there are fewer people buying sea cucumbers than before."

"The price is better, we are long-term cooperation after all."

Ji Yang and Quan Chang had already walked to the merchants who bought sea cucumbers.

These merchants didn't know Ji Yang, and thought he was also buying sea cucumbers, so they didn't take him seriously.

But when they saw Wang Ji and Quan Chang, these people got excited.

Hearing that these people wanted to lower the price, Wang Ji and Quan Chang smiled.

"The quality of our sea cucumbers is stored here. If the quality is good, the price must be higher."

"Everyone is in business. You see, we also raise so many people. This price is already the lowest. After all, it costs money to operate a farm, and so many workers have to eat."

It is the same whether a businessman seeks profit, whether he is doing a big business or a small business.

These merchants want Wang Ji and Quanchang to lower the price of sea cucumbers and obtain higher profits for themselves. This is not the first time.

Wang Ji and Quan Chang had long experience in dealing with these people.

"The quality of this sea cucumber, I think it can only be regarded as mediocre. When it comes to good, it's not even good."

Although the sea cucumbers in sea farms are shortened by moonstones, they grow rapidly.

But in terms of quality, there is absolutely no problem. On the contrary, because of moonstone, some of these sea cucumbers have higher nutritional value.

Now someone suddenly said that the quality of his sea cucumbers was average, Ji Yang frowned.

"Who is this man?"

Ji Yang didn't know these merchants, so he glanced at the speaker, then turned his head and asked Quan Chang.

The speaker was a young man in his thirties, not tall, about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a black suit, with a bit of arrogance and disdain on his face.

Behind him were two bodyguards who looked like big clients.

After all, it is a client, and Ji Yang is not familiar with it, so it is difficult to speak directly.

"I haven't seen it. Among our customers, there is no such person."

Ji Yang didn't know him, and even Quan Chang didn't know him either.

Hearing what Quan Chang said, Ji Yang smiled. Since he is not his client, he has something to say.

"I am the owner of a sea cucumber farm. If you say my sea cucumber farm is not good, that means you have some good ones. Why don't you compare them?"

Before, everyone regarded Ji Yang as a merchant who bought sea cucumbers, but they didn't expect him to be the owner of a farm.

Knowing Ji Yang's identity, looking at the postures of Wang Ji and Quan Chang, they are indeed somewhat respectful.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are the boss. I didn't expect the boss of the sea farm to be so young. No wonder the sea cucumbers here are buzzing..."

When the young man heard that Ji Yang was the boss, he smiled disdainfully, and his words implied sarcasm.

Hearing his ridicule, Ji Yang's eyes turned cold

The other party first took the lead and said that the sea cucumbers in his sea farm were not good, and now he satirized himself, he was looking for smoke.

When Wang Ji and Quan Chang heard each other's words, their eyes turned cold.

They have a lot of experience, and judging by their attitude, they are definitely not here to buy sea cucumbers, but to find trouble.

"Don't look at our young age. Compared with some dogs who look down on people, we are much better."

The other party ridiculed Ji Yang and even treated him politely.

Wang Ji glared at the other party and said coldly.

Dog eyes naturally grow on dogs. Wang Ji is saying that the other party is a dog.

When Wang Ji said this, the two bodyguards behind the young man turned cold.

The body swayed, looking like he was going to do something, but was stopped by the young man.

"Huaxia people are like this. They can only move their mouths, but they have no real skills."

"You are still not convinced that your sea cucumbers are not good, then you can take a look at the sea cucumbers of our Sangfu Seafood Company, and let you know what is called a good sea cucumber."

When they heard about Sang Fu Seafood Company, everyone around them were taken aback.

Sang Fu Seafood Company is a world-renowned seafood company, but they did not expect that they were actually members of Sang Fu Seafood Company.

 The second update, let’s go directly, thank you for your support, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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