Chapter 409 Ninja (Part [-])

The dragon's inverse scales, you will die if you touch it.

Ji Yang can allow Tanaka and Kojiro to attack him, but he absolutely does not allow them to pay attention to his woman.

As soon as Kojiro made a move, he locked his target on his own woman.

Such a choice of his has sealed his fate, that is, Ji Yang will kill him.

Anger ignited in his heart, Ji Yang shot mercilessly, he sprang out of the car like a beast, and punched Kojiro on the head, this is the rhythm of wanting to kill him with one blow.

Kojiro didn't expect Ji Yang's skill to be so good and his speed so fast, he was shocked in his heart.

Although shocked in his heart, Kojiro has rich experience in actual combat, and being shocked does not prevent him from reacting.

Facing Ji Yang's punch, Kojiro said words that Ji Yang couldn't understand, and quickly made seals with his hands.

"Nine-character mantra seal?"

Ji Yang didn't understand the words, but he knew the seal made by Kojiro.

There are many seal techniques used by Zhang Daoling to pass on Ji Yang, and the Nine-Character Mantra Seal is one of them.

The nine-character mantra is also called the nine characters of profound meaning, which are: Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Array, Column, Qian, and Xing.

The Nine-Character Mantra has its corresponding Nine-Character Mantra handprints. The handprints seem simple, but they are actually extremely complicated. When the handprints cooperate, they can exert incredible power.


Ji Yang's punch hit Kojiro's body, but it was like hitting the air.

Kojiro's body disappeared in an instant, and Ji Yang's punch hit a big tree behind Kojiro, which punched the tree out of a big hole.

A punch that can punch a tree out of a hole, if it hits Kojiro's head, Kojiro's head will definitely be beaten into a rotten watermelon.


Ji Yang stood still, looked around, and said in a deep voice.

The phantom was shattered, Kojiro disappeared, Ji Yang's eyes were fixed, his perception was released instantly, and any disturbance within tens of meters around him was within his perception.

"found it."

Looking at a big tree more than ten meters away from him, Ji Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth, moved his body, and kicked it directly.

Ji Yang kicked towards the big tree, the air in front of the big tree trembled, and a figure appeared instantly.

Kojiro was still wearing a dark blue tights, but he wore a hood on his head, his face was also covered, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and he was holding a short knife in his hand.


Kojiro's dress is the same as the ninja in the rumors. It turns out that Kojiro is a ninja from R country.

Ninja is a special occupation unique to country R. They have undergone special "ninjutsu training" to become special warfare killers and special warfare spies with strong combat effectiveness.

The determination of the name of the ninja was in the "Edo period".

Nine-character mantra mudra can be said to be the basis of ninjutsu, no wonder Kojiro used the nine-character mantra just now.

The Nine-Character Mantra was created by Huaxia, but it was applied and improved by them after arriving in country R, ​​and finally formed ninjutsu.

Whether it is ninjutsu or ninja, it has an inseparable relationship with Huaxia.

As soon as Kojiro appeared, he stabbed directly towards Ji Yang with the ninja knife in his hand.

He had always heard about ninjas before, and Ji Yang always felt that ninjas were very mysterious, but he never expected to meet them today.

I heard that ninjas all have ranks, such as lower ninja, middle ninja, upper ninja, and tennin. I wonder what level this Kojiro is?
Kojiro's Ninja Sword is very short, even shorter than Huaxia's dagger, and it doesn't look very good quality, and the blade is very blunt.

Ji Yang was really skeptical. The rumors said that the ninja was miraculous, but with such a broken piece of iron, can the ninja really hurt people?
In fact, the ninja's ninja sword is said to be a weapon, rather than a multifunctional prop carried by the ninja. The ninja sword has other uses from the scabbard to the guard ring and handle of the knife.

Not only ninja swords, but also other things carried by ninjas have some special uses.

Ninjas are good at assassination, if they face the enemy head-on, their strength will be greatly reduced.

Kojiro's speed was very fast, he was already in front of Ji Yang within a breath, and stabbed directly towards Ji Yang's waist with the ninja knife in his hand.

The ninja sword's blade is very blunt, so it is not suitable for chopping, and stabbing is the main attack method.

Unfortunately, Tanaka gave Kojiro the task order to capture Ji Yang alive, not to kill him.

So when he made a move, he didn't have the intention to stab Ji Yang.

Facing Kojiro's ninja sword, Ji Yang didn't take the broken piece of iron seriously at all, he didn't even take back his foot.

The kick towards Kojiro remained unchanged, Ji Yang shook his right hand, put his middle and index fingers together, and pointed at Kojiro's Ninja Sword.


Ji Yang pointed his finger on Kojiro's ninja sword before he stabbed himself.

In this pointing, the ninja knife was directly cut off in response to the point.

Seeing the severed Ninja Sword, Ji Yang smiled disdainfully, the broken iron piece was indeed broken iron piece, and even his fingers couldn't block it.


When the ninja knife was broken, Kojiro's eyes were startled, and then he felt a burning sensation coming from the handle of the knife, Kojiro screamed in pain, his hand holding the ninja knife was loosened, and the broken ninja knife fell to the ground.



For a ninja, the ninja sword is a part of their life, and Kojiro felt ashamed when he let go of the ninja sword.

At the same time that the ninja knife fell, Ji Yang's kick had already kicked Kojiro's chest.

Kojiro's chest collapsed from being kicked, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, and he flew upside down.

Kicking Kojiro away with one kick, Ji Yang pouted and shook his head.

He felt that the ninja was exaggerated too much. Even if the ninja could cast the mysterious Nine-Character Mantra Seal, in his opinion, it was still too weak.

According to the rumored ninja strength, even if Kojiro is only a ninja, he would not be so vulnerable.

Kojiro flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

Kojiro glanced at Ji Yang incredulously, and quickly made seals with his hands, and he disappeared in an instant.

"You played stealth with me."

Seeing Kojiro disappear, Ji Yang smiled playfully, his eyes swept around, and the black sword had appeared in his hand.

As soon as the black glow sword appeared, Ji Yang directly threw the sword out.

"Want to run, hmph, you must die today!"

Heimang sword was thrown out and directly stuck on the ground more than ten meters away, and a scream was heard immediately.


Kojiro knew that he was no match for Ji Yang, so he wanted to escape with the soil, but unfortunately he still underestimated Ji Yang, so his escape failed.

After a scream, there was no sound.

Ji Yang's black sword pierced through the ground and directly pierced Kojiro's body.

Ji Yang walked to the side of the Heimang sword, pulled out the Heimang sword, turned around and left.

After being pierced through the body by the black sword, Kojiro was already dead.

Kojiro would never have imagined that he wanted to escape with the soil, but he dug his own grave, and he will sleep in this land forever.

His way of doing this saved Ji Yang even the effort to dispose of the corpse.

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(End of this chapter)

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