The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 410 Tanaka's good days are coming to an end

Chapter 410 Tanaka's good days are coming to an end (third shift)
Unfortunately, Tanaka found a ninja to deal with Ji Yang, and Ji Yang was still very surprised.

It's just that the ninja Kojiro was really weak, and he was killed by Ji Yang so easily, which seemed a bit boring.

"Rumours are rumors after all. Even what I saw with my own eyes these days may not be true, and what I heard is even less credible."

Before driving away, Ji Yang took one last look at the place where he and Kojiro fought.

Except for the trees that had been punched by Ji Yang and some blood on the ground, it looked as if nothing had happened.

Kojiro was too helpless, Ji Yang didn't even use [-]% of his strength, and the other party died.

When Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were walking back and forth in the living room because they were worried about Ji Yang.

They saw Ji Yang came back unscathed, and the two daughters jumped into his arms in surprise.

With a beauty in his arms, if it wasn't for Xu Tiantian and Xiaolongnv, the two melon-eaters watching, Ji Yang would have executed the two daughters on the spot.

"It was solved so quickly, isn't that guy too good?"

Calculating the time, it took less than 10 minutes for Xu Tiantian and others to come back, when Ji Yang came back.

"It's just a ninja from country R, ​​and his strength is really good."

"Don't talk about this vegetable, you post this video on the Internet."

Ji Yang handed over the video recorded by the camera of the sea farm to Xu Tiantian.

Xu Tiantian took the things Ji Yang handed to her, and first asked curiously what was inside.

Ji Yang told everyone what happened at the sea farm, and they were very angry when they heard that Tanaka went to the sea farm to snatch merchants in front of Ji Yang.

When they heard that Ji Yang exposed on the spot that Sangfu Seafood Company used drugs to improve the quality of sea cucumbers, and everything was recorded by the camera, everyone was very relieved.

It was too easy for Xu Tiantian to post the video on the Internet.

It's easier than gathering information.

Xu Tiantian tapped the keyboard quickly, and as a string of codes appeared, the content of the video has been posted to major video websites and forums.

"Minister Tanaka, it's not good, the fact that we use drugs to improve the quality of sea cucumbers has been published on the Internet."

In a special box of R Country Cuisine, when Tanaka was unfortunately holding a geisha up and down, the sliding door of the box was pulled open forcefully.

One of Tanaka's unfortunate bodyguards said anxiously while holding a mobile phone with an ugly face.

As soon as he heard that the story was spread on the Internet, unfortunately, Tanaka froze and shook the hand that had already reached into the geisha's clothes.


The geisha's plump body hurt, and she couldn't help screaming.


"Baga, Lu, what's your name, get out!"

When the geisha called out, Tanaka unfortunately slapped her across the face.

Geisha were originally only responsible for singing and dancing for fun, but for people with a special status like Tanaka, even if they don't want to, they still have to do some other services.

Unfortunately, she was slapped by Tanaka, and the geisha felt wronged, but she dared not speak.

She could only lower her head, kneel and exit the box.

As the geisha exited the box, Tanaka unfortunately took the mobile phone from the bodyguard's hand.

A video is playing on the mobile phone, and the content of the video is exactly what happened in the sea farm before. The sea cucumbers of Sangfu Seafood Company were exposed by Ji Yang for using drugs.

On the video bullet screen, many netizens are talking.

"This kind of rubbish company should get out of China."

"Things from country R should be boycotted. Otherwise, if there is a fight one day, the bullets from country R will be part of your contribution."

"I will never buy anything from the Sangfu Seafood Company in the future. We really think that there are many rich people in Huaxia who are stupid. Even if I burn my money, I won't buy their stuff..."

Similar barrage content appeared like snowflakes, and these words drowned out the video. Looking at these barrages, Tanaka's face turned pale.

"Where is Kojiro? Why hasn't Kojiro come back yet? Didn't I ask him to arrest that surnamed Ji and his woman?"

Unfortunately, Tanaka is still thinking about Kojiro at this time.

Kojiro is his reliance, now that the video is released, Kojiro has not come back yet.

Unfortunately, Tanaka already had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still held a glimmer of hope and asked his bodyguard.

Hearing Tanaka's unfortunate question, the bodyguard lowered his head with an unnatural expression but did not speak.

"Baga, I'm asking you something, where is Kojiro?"

The bodyguard didn't speak, and unfortunately Tanaka became even more anxious. He kicked the bodyguard and shouted loudly.


The bodyguard was unfortunately kicked by Tanaka, lowered his head even lower, and said in a very soft voice.

Although the bodyguard's voice was soft, the box was very quiet at this moment, unfortunately Tanaka still heard the bodyguard's words clearly.

"How is it possible, Kojiro is the chunin of the Yamanaka family in Koga 53, how could he die?"

The ninjas of country R have long passed their glory days, and there are not many existing ninjas, and the number of Chunin is even more rare.

Kojiro Yamanaka is a real chunin, and Sangfu Seafood Company paid a lot of money to hire him.

Because of Tanaka's unfortunate mistake, the drug sea cucumber was exposed, and now even Kojiro is dead.

For Tanaka, this is adding to the crime. When he returns to the headquarters of Sangfu Seafood Company in country R, ​​what kind of punishment he will face, Tanaka himself does not dare to think.

"Minister Tanaka, Kojiro is really dead, we have found his body."

Kojiro didn't come back for a long time, so the bodyguard took people to look for him.

They found the place where Ji Yang and Kojiro fought. After searching carefully, they found Kojiro who was pierced through the ground and died with regret.

The speed of Internet transmission is very fast, and the drug sea cucumber has completely taken effect.

Now with the death of Kojiro, unfortunately Tanaka has been unable to control the development of the situation.

Although he is afraid in his heart, he has only one way to go now, and that is to contact the headquarters of Sangfu Seafood Company and ask the headquarters to find a way to solve this matter.

"President Kimura, I am unfortunately Tanaka, something happened to Huaxia, and Kojiro died."

"What, Baga, you trash, how did Kojiro die, what's going on, tell me!"

"It's like this..."

Unfortunately, Tanaka was apprehensive about what would happen in Huaxia, so he told Kimura Taku-san, the chairman of Sangfu Seafood Company, everything.

"Trash, you trash, I'll take someone to Huaxia right now."

Taku-san Kimura wanted to come to Huaxia in person, unfortunately, Tanaka's face changed, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"President Kimura, you don't have to come here in person, just send..."

"Hmph, the matter has reached this point. I have to meet some people in person to solve it. It's all caused by you trash. When I arrive in Huaxia, I will take care of you."

After Kimura Taku-san finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Unfortunately, Tanaka could feel Kimura Taku-san's anger, his face was pale at this moment, and he felt that his good days were coming to an end soon.

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(End of this chapter)

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