Chapter 417
Ji Yang didn't know how to deal with Tang Jin's matter, so he left it to someone who could handle it.

"For the sake of being a good policeman, I won't do anything to you."

"But no matter what the reason is, you shouldn't help Kimura Taku-san. You're doing something for a tiger, and it's no different from being a traitor."

"You can explain your affairs to the organization yourself. I don't care how the organization deals with you."

Who can control Tang Jin, of course it is the organization.

Ji Yang threw Tang Jin, the hot potato, directly to the organization.

"I will confess my problems to the organization. I apologize to you for this incident."

Tang Jin also regrets it now.

If Ji Yang didn't have the Xuanzu privilege certificate and he was just an ordinary businessman, he would have made a big mistake this time.

With the first time, there will be a second time, and a third time.

Tang Jin will be led by the nose by Kimura Taku-san in the future.

The more mistakes Tang Jin made, the more excuses he had. At that time, it was the time for Tang Jin to regret it.

Ji Yang undoes the body-fixing curse on Li Yi, and Li Yi's five senses are blocked by Ji Yang, and she doesn't know what Ji Yang and Tang Jin said.

As soon as the fixing spell was released, Li Yi instinctively rushed towards Ji Yang, and Tang Jin hurriedly got up to stop her.

He was stopped by Tang Jin, and Li Yi saw that Tang Jin was fine except for his expression, so he asked what happened just now, why he seemed to have lost his memory for a short time.

Tang Jin did not hide anything, and told Li Yi what happened just now.

When Tang Jin and Li Yi were talking about the previous incident, Ji Yang had already left with Lu Fan.

"Ji Shao, are you going to find the people from Sangfu Seafood Company next, or do you want me to bring some people to arrest them first?"

The mastermind behind this incident is Sang Fu Seafood Company, and with Ji Yang's temper, he must go to settle accounts with the other party.

It's just that Ji Yang shook his head and rejected Lu Fan's kindness.

If the police intervene in some matters, it will be more troublesome.

"I will handle this matter myself, you just ask the police station to release my people."

"Okay, if Ji Shao needs police assistance anywhere, you can call me at any time, and I will take someone there right away."

Ji Yang refused, Lu Fan nodded and said.

Don't think that Lu Fan did this for personal gain.

The privilege card of the Xuan Group in Ji Yang's hand has the same rights as the members of the Xuan Group, and he can ask the local police to assist him.

Lu Fan's home is in the Public Security District, he is not Dayu, he never enters the house after passing through the house three times.

In addition, after hearing about Tang Jin just now, Lu Fan also understood.

Even if you want to be a good policeman and serve the people, you can't ignore the care and care for your family.

Now he is also a father, and he doesn't want his children to become like Tang Wei in the future.

When Ji Yang left the public security area, the sky had already begun to light up.

When he returned to Linhai Misty Rain, Quan Chang called him. The call was to report that he was safe, and all the people arrested in the sea farm had been released.

The people in the sea farm were arrested because of Ji Yang.

Ji Yang asked Quan Chang to remember to comfort everyone before hanging up the phone.

If he wants to settle accounts with Kimura Taku-san and others, he must first know where the other party is staying, which is not difficult for Ji Yang.

He called Huang Xiaoliang and asked the other party to help find the whereabouts of Kimura Takusang and others.

It didn't take long for Huang Xiaoliang to call Ji Yang back and tell him the location of Kimura Takusang and others. .

Sangfu Seafood Company has a residential area in Linhai. All employees and family members of Sangfu Seafood Company live in this residential area. Kimura Takusang and others live here.

Looking at the address sent by Huang Xiaoliang on WeChat, Ji Yang had a chill in his eyes.


In the residential area of ​​the Sangfu Seafood Company, Takusou Kimura got dressed under the service of two geishas who were red, and then left the bedroom.

When Kimura Takusan came to the living room, he saw Goro Yamanaka and Tanaka unfortunately sitting in the living room.

Yamanaka Goro looked at Misfortune Tanaka with an ambiguous expression, said something in his mouth, and touched Misfortune Tanaka with his hands from time to time.

Tanaka's unfortunate expression was a bit unnatural, and every time Yamanaka Goro touched him, his butt trembled unconsciously.

This picture looked so beautiful that Kimura Taku-san didn't dare to look at it.

"Mr. Yamanaka, looking at you, Tanaka is satisfied with serving you, right?"

"Hey, Minister Tanaka's service is really good. Seeing Chairman Kimura's red face, the problem should be solved?"

Goro Yamanaka smiled and said with a lewd smile.

"All the drugs have been found, and the sea farm can't deny it if they want to. This is thanks to the ninja under Mr. Yamanaka's ability to handle things, haha..."

Kimura Taku-san smiled triumphantly.

If he now knew that all the people in the sea farm had been let go, would he still be laughing?

When Kimura Takusan was talking with Yamanaka Goro, Ji Yang had already driven to the residential area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company.

Several six-seven-story residential buildings, plus a dozen small villas, this is the residential area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company.

"Stop, foreign vehicles cannot enter casually."

Since Ji Yang chose to come here in broad daylight, he didn't intend to go in secretly.

Regardless of the fact that the residential area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company is small and closed, his car was stopped at the gate.

The guard who stopped Ji Yang spoke in an awkward Huaxia language, which sounded like an R-style Chinese language.

The awkward Huaxia language sounded a bit harsh, Ji Yang stared, and stretched his fingers out of the window to point to the void.

As Ji Yang pointed out, the doorman felt a pain in his throat and opened his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound.

Suddenly unable to speak, the guard looked terrified.

"Your Huaxia language is too bad."

With just one finger, a ray of immortal energy in Ji Yang's hand directly broke the guard's vocal cords.

Ji Yang was indifferent to the fright of the doorman, he said coldly, and drove the car directly into the villa area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company.

Ji Yang's car broke into the residential area and drove directly towards a villa in the residential area.

Ji Yang didn't know how Huang Xiaoliang found Kimura Taku-san.

Anyway, Huang Xiaoliang gave him very detailed information, including which villa Kimura Takusan lived in.

As soon as Ji Yang's car drove to the villa where Kimura Takusan lived, he saw several figures rushing from the villa.


The leader of these figures was Yamanaka Goro.

As soon as Goro Yamanaka appeared, he let out a loud shout, and quickly rushed towards Ji Yang's car.

When he was still a few meters away from Ji Yang's car, he jumped up, holding a ninja knife in his hand.

"Boom, poof!"

Goro Yamanaka jumped directly onto the roof of Ji Yang's car.

The ninja knife in his hand was inserted downwards, directly piercing the roof of the Dongfeng warrior.

"I wipe it, this knife is sharp enough, the tragic car roof is pierced again."

Ji Yang's car roof was rotten once, but it was repaired with a thick steel plate, but this time it was pierced again.

 The fourth update is here, please recommend, monthly pass, reward

(End of this chapter)

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