The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 418 It's Time for You to Repay

Chapter 418 It's Time for You to Repay (Fifth Watch)

Yamanaka Goro withdrew the ninja knife in his hand, and poked a hole in the roof of the car again.

Seeing his car being poked into two holes by the other party, Ji Yang felt a pain in his heart.

If he doesn't get out of the car, does this guy want to poke the roof of his car into a hornet's nest?

Depressed and angry, Ji Yang pushed open the car door and jumped out.

"Master, if I don't show off my power, I will treat me as a sick cat."

Ji Yang jumped out of the car and cursed at Goro Yamanaka on the roof of the car.

"The Chinese people are the sick men of East Asia."

No wonder it is said that one day Huaxia will replace Mi and become the most common language in the world.

Even Goro Yamanaka can speak Chinese, and his speaking is quite standard, at least much better than the previous guards.

It's just that although his Huaxia language is quite standard, it sounds harsher.

Sick man of East Asia, this is an insult to the Chinese people, Ji Yang frowned when he heard this, and became even more angry in his heart.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The few people who came with Goro Yamanaka saw Ji Yang get off the car, flicked their wrists, and shot several shurikens towards Ji Yang.

Seeing several shurikens flying towards him, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, the immortal energy in his body circulated, and his figure quickly dodged to avoid these shurikens.

Shuriken is a hidden dart weapon that ninjas are good at using. Since these people threw shuriken at Ji Yang, it seems that they are all ninjas.

While avoiding these shurikens, the black light sword has appeared in Ji Yang's hands.

"The nether wind and thunder swordsmanship."

Angry in Ji Yang's heart, he actually used the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique directly.

When the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art was cast, Ji Yang's feet were blown by the wind, and his body moved quickly.

The thunder carried by the black sword in his hand was like a roar in his heart, and he slashed towards a ninja who threw the shuriken.

Ji Yang was very fast, he slashed down with his sword, and the ninja didn't even have a chance to react, and Ji Yang chopped off his arm.

Blood spattered, and lightning entered his body.

The ninja shook his body, his hair stood on end, and after a scream, he lay motionless on the ground.

Ji Yang did the same, quickly rushed towards the other ninjas, and swung the black sword in his hand several times in succession.

The ninjas who followed Goro Yamanaka were just ninjas.

Ji Yang's dealing with them was as simple as chopping melons and vegetables, even if someone reacted quickly and wanted to resist, it was useless.

In the blink of an eye, several ninjas following Goro Yamanaka were killed by Ji Yang.


Seeing with his own eyes that the ninja he brought was killed by Ji Yang so easily, Yamanaka Goro jumped off Ji Yang's car with a yell, and stabbed Ji Yang with the ninja knife in his hand.

As soon as Yamanaka Goro made a move, Ji Yang clearly felt that he was different from the ninja he killed just now.

Even Kojiro, who died in his hands before, was much worse than Goro Yamanaka.

Goro Yamanaka was very fast, he rushed towards Ji Yang, holding the finger in his hand, and he was still muttering something.

"Fire escape three-stage slash."

Goro Yamanaka seems to stab one knife, but in fact it is three swords.

The three knives stabbed at Ji Yang's head, heart, and little brother respectively.

These three stabs were all at vital points, especially the one stabbing at Ji Yang's lower body, it was absolutely sinister enough.

The ninja knife in Goro Yamanaka's hand was now wrapped in a layer of flames, and the three knives were stabbed out, and the burning sensation hit his face.


Yamanaka Goro used the fire escape technique in ninjutsu, just playing with fire in front of Ji Yang, which is not powerful enough.

When the Earth Fire Jue's Yuzi Jue was cast, Ji Yang's whole body flickered red.

The red glow lit up, and Goro Yamanaka's face changed.

Goro Yamanaka was shocked to find that the flame that wrapped his Ninja Sword disappeared strangely when it touched the red glow on Ji Yang's body.

Without the package of flames, the three swords he stabbed were ordinary three swords.

Ji Yang waved the black sword in his hand, and easily blocked the three swords.

Goro Yamanaka is a Jōnin, he is best at the fire escape ninjutsu, and this fire escape three-stage cut is his ultimate move.

Ever since he practiced Huo Dun three-stage slash, the situation in front of him has never happened.

"What's going on here, why doesn't my fire escape have any effect on you?"

"Because you are the sick man of East Asia, die!"

After exiting the Miezi Jue, Ji Yang waved the black sword in his hand, and a flame instantly ignited on Goro Yamanaka.


If you play too much with hawks, you will be pecked by hawks.

If you play with fire too much, you will also set yourself on fire.

Goro Yamanaka is good at evading fire, but today he caught fire.

The flames wrapped Goro Yamanaka's whole body, and he had already become a burning man. A miserable scream sounded from his mouth, but the sound didn't last long, and he lost his vitality.

Although Kamichu Goro died, the flames continued to burn.

If you want the flame to go out, just wait for Yamanaka Goro to be reduced to ashes.

Ji Yang ignored the burning flames, and walked straight into the villa in front of him.

Everything that happened outside the villa, Kimura Takusan and Tanaka in the villa unfortunately saw all through the window.

When Ji Yang drove into the residential area, someone notified Tanaka of Misfortune.

When Tanaka unfortunately told the matter, Goro Yamanaka led people out directly.

Goro Yamanaka rushed out with people. He wanted to kill the people who broke into the residential area, but he didn't want to lose his life.

Goro Yamanaka would never have thought that his trip to China this time would be the last time in his life.

Looking at Goro Yamanaka who was still burning with flames, Tanaka swallowed with difficulty.

He had zero-distance contact with Goro Yamanaka, and he already knew Goro Yamanaka's identity.

Koga 53 Yamanaka family Jonin.

Such an awesome identity, but he was killed.

At this time, Ji Yang had already walked into the villa with a black sword in his hand. Seeing Ji Yang coming to the villa, Tanaka asked Kimura Takusan beside him with a face of fear.

"President, what should we do?"

When Tanaka unfortunately looked at Kimura Taku-san, he found that although Kimura Taku-san's eyes were dignified, his expression was very calm.

Kimura Taku-san is so calm, is there anything else he can rely on?
"Tanaka, I usually treat you well, right?"

"Yes, the president. Without the cultivation of the president, Tanaka would not be where he is today."

"It's good that you know this. People should know how to repay you. I gave you today. Shouldn't you repay me well?"

Kimura Taku-san looked at Tanaka with a calm face and asked softly.

Unfortunately, Tanaka frowned. He didn't understand what Yamanaka Taku-san was saying at this time, but he still nodded.

"Yes, President."

"Very well, now it's time for you to repay me."

Kimura Taku-san's calm expression changed, and he was muttering something quickly, and then saw him take out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, and stuffed it directly into Tanaka's unfortunately slightly opened mouth.

"President, you... ah..."

The talisman was stuffed into Tanaka's unfortunate mouth, and the talisman instantly ignited.

As the talisman paper ignited, Tanaka unfortunately didn't know whether it was because of the pain from the flames or something else, his entire face became distorted.

A breath of horror that made Ji Yang's expression change appeared on his body...

 Send it at the fifth watch, everyone's recommendation, monthly pass, if you can give a reward, just drop it

(End of this chapter)

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