Chapter 42
After a full 10 minutes, when Ji Yang was getting impatient, Hei Wuchang finally spoke.

"I'll give you a soul stone. This soul stone will react when you meet a three-eyed ghost. As long as you see the soul stone light up, it means you have met a three-eyed ghost."

At the same time when he saw this, the phone lighted up strangely, and then Ji Yang saw a thumb-sized, pitch-black stone in front of him, with a streak of red streaks in it, and a stone tied on top of the stone. A black rope.

Looking at the black stone in front of him, Ji Yang knew that it was the soul stone that Hei Wuchang said, and he felt a refreshing feeling when he picked up the soul stone.

"This is the soul stone. Heiwuchang means that this thing is similar to a sensor, which is interesting."

With the soul stone, I am not afraid that I will not know when I meet a three-eyed ghost.

But this is still not enough. Although the soul stone responds when it touches the third eye, but I can't touch the third eye at all. Is there any use for this soul stone?

"The area of ​​Wanghai is too large, and the population is several million. It is too difficult for you to ask me to find a ghost in Wanghai within seven days. Can you be more specific about the scope?"

"Ahem, let me remind you, it's not seven days anymore, today is the third day of Hades' order, which means you still have four days."

As soon as Hei Wuchang said this, Ji Yang almost vomited blood. He didn't have the confidence to find the other party for seven days, and he was still looking for someone in four days.

When I go to Wanghai this time, I have to treat Mu Hong's brother. The treatment will take time, and I am not familiar with Wanghai. Where will he find him in four days?

"Brother, you are playing with me, I will find a fart for four days, you should hire another expert."

Reluctantly saying these words, Ji Yang also decided to give up the reward order this time.

But seeing Hei Wuchang's next words, Ji Yang's expression changed, why did he feel like he was being calculated.

"You have accepted the reward, you can give it up, but you have to pay four thousand merits."

Nima, when did I accept the reward offer, I just checked to see if it was all right.

Besides, your reward order only rewards [-] merits, but if you give it up, it will cost [-]. This means double compensation for breach of contract.

"You can't make a mistake, when did I accept the reward order?"

"If you accept the soul stone, it means you have accepted the reward order, don't you know?"

I know your sister, have you ever asked me, can you just give me the soul stone, Ji Yang cursed inwardly, this is obviously cheating himself.

"Okay, you guys are ruthless. I treat you like brothers, and you treat me like a monkey. Feng Shui will take turns and you will beg me one day. Don't blame me then."

I secretly thought in my heart that I had saved more than 7000 merits with great difficulty, and he couldn't do it if he asked him to take out [-], so he had no choice but to accept it in the end.

"You are ruthless, I admit it."

Ji Yang's words clearly carried a bit of anger.

"Hey, don't say that, we are all buddies."

Hei Wuchang also saw Ji Yang's displeasure, but when he saw Hei Wuchang said that, Ji Yang became even angrier, buddy, what the hell, you think I'm a buddy and you will plan on me like this?

"Don't talk about those useless things, what if I find out about him?"

Ji Yang was angry, and he didn't want to continue chatting with Hei Wuchang.

"If you are looking for him, let me know, and I will rush over with Lao Bai."

"Brother, don't be so resentful. This time I admit that I am plotting against you, but it is also helpless. You should help brother to tide over this difficulty. Brother will definitely pay back the favor he owes you."

This Hei Wuchang still has a conscience, this is the most comfortable sentence in Ji Yang's heart after chatting with Hei Wuchang for so long.

At first, I thought it was just going to Wanghai to treat Mu Hong's brother, but now there are more such things.

This night, Ji Yang was obviously unhappy, and he woke up early the next morning.

After washing himself well, he went downstairs. At this time, there was still half an hour before the appointed time, but just as he went downstairs, he saw Mu Hong's sturdy Hummer driving over.

"Don't women like to be late? Why are you early?"

Ji Yang laughed and teased that he thought he would have to wait a little longer, but he didn't expect Mu Hong to arrive so early, which surprised Ji Yang.

"Get in the car and talk."

Mu Hong's complexion is obviously not good, and the two panda eyes are obvious. It seems that she didn't sleep well last night.

Ji Yang got into the car without talking nonsense, and Li Zixuan was also sitting in the back seat at this time, but Li Zixuan was groggy and seemed to have not woken up.

Seeing Ji Yang got into the car, she took the initiative to put her arms around Ji Yang's arm, and fell asleep with her head directly on his shoulder.

Seeing the two's movements through the rearview mirror, Mu Hong didn't say anything. Li Zixuan had already told her about the two of them last night. At that time, Mu Hong was a little surprised by Li Zixuan's boldness.

When facing love, even a timid person will become bold, not to mention Li Zixuan is not as timid as she seems.

"I see that your face is not good. You didn't sleep well last night. What happened?"

Ji Yang asked in a low voice.

"My mother called me last night and said that my brother's injury had worsened. If it wasn't for the fear of affecting your rest, I might have gone back last night."

When she said that her brother's condition had deteriorated, Mu Hong's expression was very solemn and sad.

"Suddenly increased?"

Ji Yang also frowned, no wonder Mu Hong looked like this.

Since Mu Hong's family was able to find many experts and doctors to heal his brother's injuries, they took care of his brother very carefully.

Under careful care, the injury will worsen, which is a bit abnormal.

"Then did your mother tell you about your brother's current situation?"

Ji Yang asked again, he wanted to know more about the situation through Mu Hong's mouth first, so that he could prepare himself psychologically.

"No, she just told me to go home quickly, and I also told her that I will take you back to treat my brother."

"Ji Yang, my brother has always loved me very much, I really don't want to see him in trouble."

After speaking, Mu Hong's voice was also a little choked up. Seeing her like this, Ji Yang didn't know what to say to comfort her, and finally he could only say: "Don't worry, I will definitely will heal your brother."

Ji Yang also secretly told himself in his heart that he must do his best to help the other party heal.

"Well, thank you for willing to look back at the sea with me to treat my brother."

Mu Hong's words are sincere, she is really grateful to Ji Yang for willing to look back at the sea with her.

Even if he was a friend, Ji Yang could find thousands of reasons to reject him, but he agreed, and Mu Hong would not be so stupid as to think that the person he frightened that night agreed to her.

The distance between Wanghai City and Linhai City is about [-] kilometers, and it takes about three hours to drive under normal circumstances.

Because Mu Hong was worried about her brother's situation, she drove very fast. Even though the speed decreased when entering the urban area, she still ran a lot of red lights.

In the end, Mu Hong also drove the domineering Hummer into a military compound before stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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