Chapter 43 I can cure

As soon as Mu Hong's car stopped, Ji Yang jumped out of the car.


The tragic Ji Yang started to vomit as soon as he got out of the car.

"Ji Yang, are you okay?"

Li Zixuan also woke up at this time, seeing Ji Yang squatting on the ground and vomiting continuously, her face turned pale, she also felt a little heartbroken.

"I didn'"

I wanted to say that I was fine, but after I said two words, I vomited again.

Today is really an embarrassment, this is the first time to come to the military compound, not to mention how cool it is to appear on the stage, but there is no need to be so embarrassing.

"I'm sorry Ji Yang, I drove faster because I was worried about my brother."

Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang and said apologetically.

"My lord, you are so fast, the Humvee is almost turning you into a Humvee plane."

"You are worried about your brother and I have no objection, but don't make fun of my life."

Ji Yang was depressed, and he couldn't speak normally at this time, and he also felt very aggrieved.

After throwing up for a few minutes, Ji Yang felt that his bile was about to come out before he felt better. If he had the opportunity, he had to ask others how he could change his habit of getting dizzy after taking an express train, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Seeing that Ji Yang was getting better, Mu Hong took Ji Yang and Li Zixuan to her home.

"Mu Hong, you are back, your brother, he, woo..."

The three of Ji Yang just arrived at the door of Mu Hong's house, and before they entered the room, they saw a middle-aged woman running out of the room. She can be regarded as a beautiful woman, but at this time she looks rather haggard.

"Mom, don't cry, I'm back, how is my brother now?"

This beautiful woman was Mu Hong's mother, Lin Yan. Seeing that her mother was much more haggard than before she left, Mu Hong felt uncomfortable.

"Mu Hong, you're back. Lin Yan, why are you crying? An'er's condition is just getting worse. When a guest comes, why are you crying?"

An old man in a Chinese tunic suit also appeared at the door at this time. The old man is about 70 years old, his hair is all white, but his figure is not rickety, but he is tall and straight, his eyes are not cloudy at all, and his speech is also very impressive. A feeling of unbridled arrogance.


This old man was Mu Hong's grandfather, Mu Qing. After seeing Mu Qing, Mu Hong obviously became a little cautious. It seemed that Mu Qing was very prestigious at home.

"Grandpa Mu, Aunt Lin, I'm here to see you."

Li Zixuan also greeted Li Zixuan with a smile at this time, both Lin Yan and Mu Qing knew Li Zixuan, and they smiled back when they heard her greeting.

"Mu Hong, is this the doctor you mentioned treating An'er?"

Mu Hong had communicated with his family before, saying that he met a doctor with excellent medical skills in Linhai, and this time he would bring him back to treat Mu An.

"Old Mu, hello, auntie, my name is Ji Yang, and I am here to treat Brother Mu."

Before Mu Hong could speak, Ji Yang had already opened his mouth.

Ji Yang's age is too young, he looks younger than Mu Hong, can he really do it?

Both Mu Qing and Lin Yan had doubts in their hearts, but they were not reckless, and they didn't question Ji Yang directly.

"Well, thank you for coming to treat my An'er, everyone, come in and talk."

Mu Qing nodded slightly, then turned around and entered the house. Ji Yang noticed that when the other party knew that he was the doctor who treated Mu An, the suspicion in his eyes disappeared quickly, but Ji Yang caught it.

"No matter what, I doubt brother. Is it because I am young? Is it because I have to make up as an old man in his sixties or seventies next time I treat people?"

Ji Yang thought helplessly.

Although Mu Hong and Lin Yan had doubts about Ji Yang's medical skills, they still told Ji Yang about Mu An's current situation.

In order to treat Mu An, the Mu family had already sought many experts and famous doctors, but they were helpless. They told Ji Yang about Mu An's situation, and they did not rule out the idea that a dead horse could be a living doctor.

"I already have a basic understanding of Brother Mu's situation. You said that it rained heavily for several days before his condition worsened?"

Ji Yang asked with a slight frown.

Although Mu An lost consciousness in his lower limbs before, he could rely on a wheelchair instead of his legs. There was no problem with other parts of his body, but now he even lost consciousness in his upper limbs.

"Well, An'er's current condition appeared after the heavy rain. When it rained, he said that his body often felt numb. Could it be that An'er's sudden worsening of the condition is really related to the continuous heavy rain for several days?"

Mu Qing nodded and said in a serious voice.

"I'm not sure about this yet, I need to check for him myself."

Chinese medicine emphasizes seeing, hearing, and asking. Although you can get some information just through other people's mouths, if you want to know the other person's condition and how to treat it, you still need to see Mu An to know.

Even if he is a genius doctor, he dare not say that he knows how to treat people just by listening to what other people say. If anyone dares to say that, then he is 100% a liar.

"Okay, then you come with me."

Mu Qing nodded. At present, he is still very satisfied with Ji Yang's reaction. At least he made a lot of judgments without hearing what he said, as if he was a god.

"Get out, I'll let you get out!"

"Master, you'd better take medicine, the old man will scold me if you don't take medicine."

"I'll tell you to go away, can't you hear me, if grandpa wants to scold me, let him scold me."

Just as Ji Yang came to the door of Mu An's room, he heard waves of roars coming from the room.

"I'm already like this, what kind of medicine do I need to take? Living is better than dying!"

The desperate roar made the faces of the people outside the door change.

Mu Hong's reaction was the quickest. When she heard Mu An's roar, she opened the door first and looked at the servant standing aside. Seeing this scene and hearing the roar just now, she also knew what happened.

"Brother, why don't you take your medicine?"

Mu Hong walked to Mu An's side and said softly, her expression was very heartbroken.

"Mu Hong, you're back. I'm already like this. I take medicine on time every day, but now I can't even move my hands. What kind of medicine should I take? Living like this is worse than dying. Help me, I'll die with a single shot." kill me."

Seeing Mu Hong, Mu An's face obviously improved a lot. Besides, when Mu Hong collapsed himself, his eyes were very firm, obviously he was not joking.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense. I brought a friend from Linhai to treat you. His medical skills are very powerful. He can definitely cure you."

"Ji Yang, come and check on my brother's situation, I believe you can do it."

Hearing Mu An's words and seeing Mu An's current state, Mu Hong felt even more uncomfortable than Mu An.

Ji Yang also did not speak, and went directly to Mu An's bed, and at the same time put his hand on Mu An's wrist and began to feel the pulse.

After a while, Ji Yang withdrew his hand and pressed on Mu An's body again, looking very serious.

"There is no need to check, and it is useless to check. No one can cure me at all."

Mu An's tone was a bit harsh, he was really desperate, he didn't know how many people had checked him, Ji Yang in front of him was so young, how could he heal himself well.

"Although the treatment is very troublesome, I can cure it. If you give up by yourself, it will save my energy."

After some inspections, Ji Yang looked at Mu An coldly and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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