The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 44 Mu An's Choice

Chapter 44 Mu An's Choice
"Don't waste your time, I... What did you say, you said you can heal."

Mu An didn't realize it at first, he thought Ji Yang was saying that he couldn't be cured, but when he heard that Ji Yang could be cured, he was momentarily stunned.

In fact, not only Mu An, but Mu Qing and others were also taken aback at this time, with mixed expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Ji Yang, is what you said true, can you really help my brother heal?"

Mu Hong was the closest to Ji Yang, when she heard what Ji Yang said, she grabbed Ji Yang's hand and said excitedly.

"Well, yes, but the process will be very painful and dangerous. I wonder if Brother Mu is willing to try?"

Ji Yang nodded. Mu An's injury was indeed serious. To be precise, it was very complicated. It was more serious and responsible than he expected.

"As long as you can treat Ji Yang, no matter how dangerous it is, I am willing to try it. I have had enough of this feeling that life is worse than death."

"If I'm cured, I can return to normal. If it's not cured, I'll die. It's a kind of relief for me to die."

Mu An said loudly without even thinking about it.

Mu An had had enough of this state of lying on the bed motionless, and he even had the thought of dying. Now that Ji Yang said it could be cured, he was willing to give it a try. The worst result would be death.

"No, An'er, don't be impulsive, can Ji Yang tell us about An'er's condition, and how do you plan to treat her?"

When Lin Yan heard what Mu An said, she became anxious. Her son was the flesh that fell from her body. She couldn't let Mu An be so impulsive, and she had to understand the specific treatment plan before talking about it.

"Yes, Ji Yang, can you tell us how you plan to treat An'er?"

At this time, Mu Qing no longer had the sense of majesty he had before, and now he is just an ordinary old man who cares about his grandson's condition.

"Old Mu, you must have read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", No. 70 of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" No. [-], do you still remember that Zhonghua Tuo scraped the bones of Guan Erye to cure the poison?"

Of course Mu Qing had read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Hearing what Ji Yang said, Mu Qing's eyes froze, but he didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Brother Mu, let me ask you a question, did you suffer from a back injury before your lower limbs became paralyzed?"

Ji Yang turned his head to look at Mu An and asked softly.

"Yes, the person who sneaked up on me shot me in the waist with a gun. Because I was wearing armor at the time, the bullet didn't hit deep and didn't hurt the bone."

"The bullet was taken out quickly at that time, and I didn't feel anything special after the bullet was taken out, but the next day I found myself..."

Mu An couldn't go on talking about it, and until now he was unwilling to accept the fact of being paralyzed.

But he knew that Ji Yang didn't mention it. According to his previous inspection, it can now be concluded that this bullet caused Mu An to become what he is now.

"We originally thought that the bullet had injured Ann's nervous system or spine, but after some examination, we found that Ann's nervous system and spine were normal, but her lower limbs were numb. Find out the specific reasons why An'er became like this."

Mu Qing said bitterly, let me ask, if you can't even find the cause of the paralysis, why do you treat it?

"It's normal that you didn't find out the cause of the paralysis, because your investigation was in the wrong direction. In fact, Brother Mu was poisoned. There was poison on that bullet. I don't know what kind of poison it is, but it is definitely not extremely poisonous, otherwise Brother Mu would have been poisoned." It’s not as simple as being paralyzed.”

"Although it is not highly poisonous, the toxin has reached the bone marrow of the spine after a long time. It is precisely because of this that Brother Mu paralyzed his upper limbs after his lower limbs were paralyzed. The rain in those few days was just a coincidence, and it didn't matter at all. .

"If you want to treat him, you can only cut open his wound and scrape off the toxin on the spine with a knife."

"I don't think I need to say more about how important the spine is to a person. If it's not good, it will be completely paralyzed and even life-threatening. I'm not 100% sure of success. You should think about it carefully. "

Ji Yang is not trying to scare everyone. According to Hua Tuo's experience, it was easier for Hua Tuo to scrape Guan Yu's bones to cure poison than it is now to scrape Mu An's bones to cure poison. The spine is more important to the human body than the arms Much more vulnerable, but much more important.

Silence, as Ji Yang's voice fell, the whole room also fell silent.

"Grandpa, Mom, I've really had enough of this kind of life where I can only lie in bed but can't do anything. I feel worse than dying like this. I know you are worried about me and care about me, but can you take the right to decide?" give it to me?"

After ten minutes of silence, the entire room could hear a needle drop on the ground. When everyone was silent, Mu An spoke.

"An'er, this is too dangerous, I..."

"Lin Yan, An'er's words are not wrong. No matter what you choose, An'er, grandpa will support you."

Lin Yan was the least willing to let Mu An take risks. Now that he was paralyzed because of poisoning, he could find a way to treat him, why take risks.

It's just that before she finished speaking, Mu Qing interrupted him.

"Dad, it's too dangerous. Now we know that An'er was poisoned and paralyzed. We can ask virus experts to detoxify An'er. Why use the old method of bone scraping to cure the poison? It's too dangerous. I disagree."

Lin Yan couldn't take any risks with her son's life at stake.

"The toxin has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. According to the spreading speed of the toxin, Brother Mu still has three days at most. If Aunt Lin thinks you can find a virus expert to detoxify Brother Mu within three days, I have nothing to say, but I want to remind you You, the more time passes, the more troublesome you will be, if you can't scrape the bones and heal the poison for Brother Mu today, then I can't do anything."

Ji Yang said coldly, he had to let the other party choose quickly, time waits for no one.


Lin Yan was also dumbfounded, Mu An only had three days, how could this be possible?

Even if you find a virus expert yourself, test the toxicity, and prepare the antidote, is three days really enough for this process?

"Mom, stop talking, I've already decided."

"Ji Yang, my life is in your hands, I hope you don't let me down."

Mu An smiled calmly, Guan Yu was loyal and loyal, and he was also a hero he admired since he was a child. He never thought that one day he would be able to scrape bones and heal poison like him.

"Well, it's all up to you Ji Yang, you must succeed."

Lin Yan was not sure which virus expert he could find to treat Mu An within three days, but after today even Ji Yang had no confidence, what would happen by that time, Lin Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore, in the end he could only feel powerless Agreed with Mu An's choice.

There is a military hospital not far from the military compound. When Ji Yang and others brought Mu An to the hospital, there were already doctors waiting outside.

"Sir, the operating room is ready."

A middle-aged doctor gave a military salute to Mu Qing and said in a loud voice.

"Alright, Ji Yang, I'll leave An'er to you."

Mu Qing's face was also very solemn. Although he agreed with Mu An's choice, it didn't mean he wasn't worried.

Ji Yang didn't speak, he just nodded heavily, no matter how much he said, it's not as good as doing, everything can be said after he comes out after scraping the bone to heal the poison.

(End of this chapter)

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