The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 45 Scraping the bone to cure poison

Chapter 45 Scraping the bone to cure poison
The middle-aged man who greeted Mu Qing was the surgical director of this military hospital named Zhao Mingjie. When Mu An was injured and returned to Linhai, he was also sent to the military hospital, but the treatment by the director and many experts was useless. .

Today Mu Qing called the hospital, saying that he was going to come here to perform an operation on Mu An. At that time, Zhao Mingjie thought that the Mu family had found some miraculous doctor or expert, but he was a young man in his twenties before arriving first.

"Hi, my name is Zhao Mingjie, and I am the chief of surgery at Wang Naval Hospital."

Since the Mu family came here personally, Zhao Mingjie couldn't say anything casually. After sending Mu An into the operating room, he also took the initiative to say hello when he saw Ji Yang coming over after changing his clothes.

"Hi, my name is Ji Yang."

"Director Zhao, can you all go out, please, I don't need your help here."

Ji Yang also nodded politely, and said to Zhao Mingjie and several nurses at the same time.

"We all go out, do you want to operate on him alone?"

Zhao Mingjie was taken aback for a moment, a surgery could not be done by one person, and several nurses also looked at Ji Yang with strange expressions.

"I have someone to help. I really don't need you here, and I hope you will cooperate."

When Ji Yang was talking, the door of the operating room was also pushed open, and Li Zixuan came in from outside after changing her clothes. The last time she operated on Huang Xiaoxin, Li Zixuan was at the side as an assistant. This time Ji Yang also chose Li Zixuan.

"Ji Yang, I brought the silver needle."

Li Zixuan also held some sterilized silver needles in her hands.

"Isn't this the silver needle for acupuncture? Ji Yang, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Mingjie is very strange, isn't it surgery, and it's not acupuncture, why do you bring silver needles here?

"Anesthesia, okay, Director Zhao, I want to perform the operation on Brother Mu with peace of mind. Even if you don't go out, I hope you can stand aside and don't affect me."

"Brother Mu, I'm going to start the operation. After I give you acupuncture, you will feel a deep sleep. When you wake up again, the operation will be successful."

After Ji Yang finally said something to Zhao Mingjie, he ignored him and turned to look at Mu An and said softly.

"Okay, Ji Yang, don't feel pressured, I can accept any result."

Although Mu An said it easily, his expression was obviously a little nervous.

Zhao Mingjie wanted to leave, but he was curious about how Ji Yang planned to operate on Mu An. In the end, he just let a few nurses out of the operating room, but he stood aside and watched Ji Yang's operation quietly.

"Aren't anesthetics better? Why use silver needles?"

Seeing that Ji Yang really began to give acupuncture to Mu An, and Mu An also started to fall asleep after the injection, Zhao Mingjie couldn't help but open his mouth out of curiosity.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he regretted a little, because he saw Ji Yang staring at him coldly.

"Sorry, I'm just curious."

Zhao Mingjie smiled apologetically and apologized softly.

"I'm going to scrape his bones to treat the poison. The anesthetics will affect his nerves, so I can only use acupuncture."

Seeing Zhao Mingjie's politeness, Ji Yang's face softened a little, and he also answered the other party.

When he heard Ji Yang talk about bone scraping to cure poison, Zhao Mingjie also felt a thump in his heart, what age is this, and such an old way is still used.

But this time he learned his lesson, and he didn't speak again.

When he saw that Ji Yang really cut open Mu An's wound with a scalpel, and finally cut open the skin on the back to expose the spine, Zhao Mingjie also felt a little terrified.

This kid scraped the bone to cure the poison, but he even wanted to scrape the poison of the spine. This guy is too courageous. If he makes a mistake, the consequences will be irreversible.

"crunch, crunch, crunch..."

Ji Yang scraped the dark spots on Mu An's spine, and every time he scraped, there would be a piercing sound that made goosebumps stand all over his body.

But the sound didn't seem to have any effect on Ji Yang, he still scraped every knife carefully.

At this time, Ji Yang's forehead was already sweating. Compared with Huang Xiaoxin's surgery last time, this bone scraping to treat poison was much more difficult, so he had to be more careful.

Li Zixuan on the side looked at Ji Yang who was earnestly scraping off the toxins on his bones, she was also nervous, and when she saw sweat appearing on his forehead, she hurriedly wiped it off for him.

And Zhang Mingjie on the side didn't even dare to breathe. Watching Ji Yang scraping the bone and hearing the sound of the knife scraping through the bone, his face turned pale with fright.

Although the silver needles have already made Mu An fall asleep, every time Ji Yang uses a knife to scrape the opponent's bones, Ji Yang can still clearly feel Mu An's reaction. Scrape off the poison on the body, and the pain can kill the opponent.

"Second Master Guan is indeed a good man. Hua Tuo scraped the bones of Second Master Guan back then, and he was able to play chess with Ma Liang under such circumstances. It's really admirable."

Ji Yang couldn't help but think of Guan Yu. He admired Guan Yu in his heart, but now he admires him even more.

"Mu Hong, how long has An'er been in?"

Outside the operating room, everyone waiting was also anxious. Mu Hong no longer knew that this was the first time her mother had asked such a question.

"Three hours."

Yes, Mu An has been sent to the operating room for three hours, that is to say, Ji Yang has operated on Mu An for three hours.


The door of the operating room was pushed open at this moment, and Zhao Mingjie walked out of the operating room with a pale face.

"Director Zhao, are you okay?"

As soon as Zhao Mingjie walked out of the operating room, his body swayed and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Mu Hong reacted quickly and supported him before he fell down.

"I am fine."

The scene in the operation is really a test of one's psychological endurance. I don't know how many large and small operations I have done. He has never seen such a terrifying operation scene, but when he thinks of Ji Yang scraping Mu An's bones In the poisonous scene, he was shivering all over.

"Is Ji Yang okay? How is An'er?"

Through the nurse who walked out before, Mu Qing and others also knew that the person who treated Mu An was Ji Yang, and his assistant was Li Zixuan. As for Zhao Shengjie, he was just watching inside out of curiosity.

But why does he look more tired than after a major operation?Could it be that something went wrong during the operation?

Mu Qing asked softly, Zhao Shengjie also smiled bitterly.

"Chief, you should ask Ji Yang personally about the details of the operation. I have convinced him. I am a little tired now. Let me go back and rest first."

Mental exhaustion was far better than physical exhaustion, and it was the first time Zhao Shengjie knew that surgery was such a psychological test for a person.


At this moment, the lights in the operating room were also off, and as the door of the operating room opened, Ji Yang with a tired face and Li Zixuan with a strange expression also came out of it.

"Ji Yang, how is my brother?"

Seeing Ji Yang coming out, Mu Hong hurriedly grabbed his hand and asked.

"Brother Mu is fine. Zixuan will follow the prescription I just mentioned to get the medicine later. As I said, one is for external application and the other is for oral administration."

Ji Yang smiled and said softly, after three hours in a row, every knife must not have any deviation, this is also a big test for Ji Yang.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Yang passed out before the others had time to react.

(End of this chapter)

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