Chapter 46

Ji Yang, who was in a coma, didn't know what happened behind him. When he woke up, he saw the white ceiling, and his nose was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Looking at the surrounding furnishings, Ji Yang also knew. I am lying in a hospital ward.

"Um, my hands are numb."

Ji Yang wanted to move his arm, but found that his hand was numb from someone's pressure. Turning his head, it turned out that Li Zixuan had fallen asleep with his hand on his pillow.

When Ji Yang moved like this, Li Zixuan also woke up, and when she saw Ji Yang woke up, her eyes also turned red.

"You scared me to death. You have been asleep for more than ten hours."

Tears were rolling in his eyes, his voice was a bit crying, looking at Li Zixuan's pitiful appearance, Ji Yang was also moved in his heart.

"I'm fine now, how is Brother Mu?"

Ji Yang asked softly with a faint smile.

"Brother Mu is already awake. I applied medicine to him according to your prescription, and I also asked Sister Mu Hong to make medicine for Brother Mu. You say you, other patients are awake, but you, the one who underwent surgery, is still sleeping. "

Li Zixuan pouted and said.

Ji Yang also did not expect that he would faint, but the human spine is composed of 33 vertebrae connected by ligaments, joints and intervertebral discs. The upper end of the spine supports the skull, connects the hip bone, attaches the ribs, and functions as the thorax, abdomen and pelvis. The spine has the functions of supporting the trunk, protecting internal organs, protecting the spinal cord and performing sports.

The poison in Mu An's body has invaded most of the spine. The spine is so important to the human body. If you want to scrape off the toxins on it without hurting the spine, you have to be highly concentrated and not sloppy. After three hours, no matter whether it is mental or physical Ji Yang is a big test.

"Fortunately, I took the elixir of the Supreme Lord, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold on for three to ten minutes, let alone three hours."

"To find a chance, I have to ask Laojun for two more elixir to relieve fatigue and maintain mental and physical strength, otherwise I will faint when encountering high-intensity things, which is not a good thing."

Ji Yang thought so in his heart.

After Ji Yang woke up, although Li Zixuan still wanted to accompany Ji Yang, but she felt a little shy when she thought that there were only her and Ji Yang in the ward, so she decided to help Mu Hong make medicine.

After sleeping for more than ten hours by himself, Ji Yang couldn't sleep at this time. He was alone in the boring ward. He also took out his mobile phone and went to WeChat to see if there was anyone he could hook up with.

"Hey, how did my merit increase?"

Ji Yang opened WeChat and found that the merits in his account had reached [-]. Ji Yang didn't know exactly how much merit he had left before, but it was definitely less than [-]. It should be around [-]. Now it has become [-]. Qian, it seems that he was rewarded for scraping Mu An's bone and curing the poison.

"I didn't feel dizzy this time. I helped Mu An scrape the bone and heal the poison and gave him a merit reward. It's not bad."

"But isn't this reward a little less? This time the bone scraping to cure poison is much more difficult than the operation on Huang Xiaoxin last time. Why did I give a thousand merits? Is it because no one gave me 500 million?"

It seems that doing the same kind of things repeatedly will reduce the reward of this merit.

Calculating the time, there is still more than a month before Tianlei's assessment, and now his merit has reached [-], and there is still a gap between [-] and [-].

However, judging from the recent acquisition of merits, this merit is not as difficult as I thought. It is still very possible to get [-] merits before the thunder comes.

"Dude, have you arrived at Wanghai?"

When Ji Yang was still thinking about meritorious deeds, someone looked for him on his WeChat, and it turned out to be horse noodles.

Ji Yang gets angry when he sees Ma Mian. The last time he saw Ma Mian was in a bad mood recently, so he wanted to help him, but this guy partnered with Hei Wuchang to plot against him.


Ji Yang's reply was very blunt, and he obviously liked to talk to each other without hesitation.

"Why, you're still angry. Don't be so stingy if you want a big belly. I'm helpless."

"Hei Wuchang made a mistake this time, but Lord Yan was so angry that he said that if he couldn't catch the escaped brat for seven days, all the shady ghosts would be punished. You don't want to watch me get punished, do you?"

Seeing Ma Mian's words, Ji Yang rolled his eyes and replied to him.

"What do you mean, you mean you can count on me if you are afraid of being punished?"

"That's not what I mean, why don't I apologize to you?"

"What's the difference between apologizing and farting? Let's get something affordable."

"I lack merit now, give me some merit and I will forgive you."

He was really upset this time, and taking advantage of this opportunity today, he was also planning to collect some interest from Ma Mian.

"If you want merit, you must die. Seeing that the Tianlei assessment is coming, the merit in my hand is also very tight, and merit is absolutely out of the question."

It seems that it is difficult to find anyone to ask for merit at this time. As Ma Mian said, the Tianlei assessment is coming soon, and every point of merit must be counted.

"No, I have to get some benefits from Ma Mian tonight. If there is no merit, then I need something else."

"By the way, don't I want something to relieve fatigue and maintain mental and physical strength? This horse face is one of the top ten handsome men after all. He should have it in his hand."

Thinking of this, Ji Yang also grinned.

"Yes, it's fine if you don't give me merit, then you can give me something that can relieve fatigue and maintain mental and physical strength. Don't tell me you don't have any."

As soon as Ji Yang said this, he also began to look forward to it. He really wanted to see what Ma Mian could give him.

It's just that I waited for a long time but didn't see Ma Mian replying. This guy wouldn't be so picky, or he didn't.

"One of the ten handsome men in the underworld, he can't be so poor."

"I said you are too stingy, you are too stingy, you are not willing to give you some merit, and you will not give you something, do you still want to have fun together in the future?"

Ji Yang was a little anxious, so he also sent another WeChat message.

This time, the horse face came back very quickly.

"Why are you in a hurry, I'm looking for it for you, you wait for a while."

Uh, seeing this, I feel that I have misunderstood the other party, okay, then let me wait, and I will wait for you for a while.

The waiting time was the longest. Ji Yang, who was not sleepy at first, was so sleepy, but he still couldn't see Ma Mian talking to him.

"This horse face won't deceive me, will it?"

He was about to fall asleep, but Ma Mian still didn't speak, and Ji Yang began to doubt in his heart.

The horse face in the underworld was also frowning at this time, looking at the pile of things in front of him, picking left and right, but he didn't know which one to choose.

"This elixir was rewarded by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva last time, so it cannot be given to Xiaobai."

"This thousand-year-old ginseng is not good either, it will make him hemorrhage."

"This 500-year-old Ganoderma lucidum tree is not good either, and it would be a waste to give it to him."

"This won't work, this won't work..."

It's too good to be reluctant, and it's too bad to be afraid of being inappropriate. Ma Mian has to be more entangled now.

Ji Yang thought that Ma Mian was lying to him, but he didn't know that Ma Mian was actually troubled because there were too many things and he didn't know which one was suitable for him.

 Xiaoxie recommended it on the Wenhua List this week, I hope everyone will support it, and please give me a reward for the recommendation. If you are interested, you can join the group 471908086
(End of this chapter)

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