The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 424 Eight Jie Was A Beautiful Man

Chapter 424 Bajie was once a handsome man ([-]th update)
According to Zhu Bajie, this spirit lock cage can lock the creatures of the three worlds in it.

Whether it is birds, beasts, insects, fish, or humans, ghosts, demons and gods, they can all be locked in it.

As long as the user's cultivation base is higher than that of the opponent, if the opponent is locked in the spirit lock cage, the opponent will probably not be able to escape.

"This spirit lock cage looks so powerful, it should belong to a very powerful magic weapon, right?"

This spirit lock cage can even lock humans, ghosts, demons and gods, isn't that awesome?

It's just that Zhu Bajie listened to Ji Yang's words, but gave him a disdainful look.

"Many people have this spirit lock cage in Heavenly Court and Difu. It's not a rare magic weapon. If you want it, you can go to Yuanshi Tianzun's WeChat store to buy it."

"The spirit lock cage was refined by Yuanshi Tianzun, and it only has 500 million merits."

Zhu Bajie said it very easily, but Ji Yang sighed in his heart when he heard it.

It's only 500 million repayment, the gods in this heaven are indeed at the level of Shenhao
Even if Ji Yang is making money faster now, he only has more than 100 million merits in his hands now.

Although this spirit lock cage is a good thing, if Ji Yang spends 500 million merits to buy it now, he can't afford it at all.

Even if one day he has 500 million, Ji Yang is afraid that he will not let it go.

In the end, Ji Yang could only look at the spirit lock cage in Zhu Bajie's hand with longing eyes.

There are indeed a lot of good things in the heaven and the underworld, and this lock cage is almost to the extent that everyone has one.

It's just that the price is too high, let's talk about it after Ji Yang becomes a god.

"Come in obediently for me, take it!"

Zhu Bajie stretched out the spirit lock cage towards Ibaraki Doji, chanting a mantra in his mouth, and a suction force sucked towards Ibaraki Doji.

Under this suction, Ibaraki Doji was sucked into the spirit lock cage without even a chance to struggle.

In the spirit lock cage, Ibaraki Doji still tried to run away.

But just as he touched the edge of the spirit lock cage, he was knocked to the ground by an invisible energy. He tried several times in a row, but the result was the same.

In the end, Ibaraki Doji could only accept his fate in the middle of the spirit lock cage, and through the spirit lock cage, he spoke words that Zhu Bajie couldn't understand at all.

Although I couldn't understand his words, Ibaraki Doji's appearance was obviously begging for mercy. He wanted Zhu Bajie to let him go.

It's just that Zhu Bajie doesn't understand at all, even if he understands, Zhu Bajie won't let go.

Zhu Bajie also hopes to bring Ibaraki Boy back to the Heavenly Court and give it to the Jade Emperor, so that the Jade Emperor can get some secrets about deciphering the laws of the Three Realms from him.

Locking Ibaraki Doji in the spirit cage, Zhu Bajie didn't bother to listen to him.

Putting the spirit lock cage into the storage magic weapon, the surroundings were instantly quiet.

"I didn't expect to catch this Ibaraki boy so smoothly. It's only been more than half an hour, and I still have more than eleven hours to stay in the mortal world."

All the immortals in the heavens are vying to come to the mortal world, not because of catching Ibaraki Doji.

But after catching Ibaraki Doji, the rest of the time can appreciate the present mortal world.

Thinking that he still had more than eleven hours, Zhu Bajie couldn't even close his mouth.

Eleven hours is not a long time to say, Zhu Bajie has limited time, so time cannot be wasted.

"Xiaobai, quickly take me to appreciate the present mortal world. I haven't been here for a thousand years."

Zhu Bajie pulled Ji Yang and was about to leave the villa.

Taking Zhu Bajie to appreciate the mortal world was originally a trivial matter, but when Ji Yang saw Zhu Bajie's appearance, he was stumped.

If I take a Zhu Bajie with a pig's head to visit Linhai, the rate of returning will be 100%, and it is likely to cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

"Old pig, of course it's okay for me to take you to appreciate the mortal world, but it's just not appropriate for you to look like this?"

Ji Yang was still very concerned about Zhu Bajie's mood, so he didn't directly say that Zhu Bajie was too scary to take out.

"Oh, I forgot about it."

"If I go out like this, I will definitely scare others, so I just change my appearance."

With his appearance, he has scared people a lot before.

Although Ji Yang didn't explain what he said, Zhu Bajie still understood what he said.

Zhu Bajie was not angry because he was used to it.

Although Zhu Bajie doesn't know Sun Dasheng's 72 transformations, he can change 36. He can casually transform into an ordinary person's face, which is nothing to him.

"I change."

Zhu Bajie said softly, Zhu Bajie's face began to become unreal, and the illusion became real, and the ferocious wild boar head disappeared.

What was replaced was a face with a contour like a knife, with a pair of black shiny eyes under the heroic sword eyebrows, a high nose bridge, and the corners of the mouth slightly raised.

While Zhu Bajie's face changed, his body also changed.

The originally obese body has become tall and strong, with flowing short hair and a handsome face, this is a handsome man at all, and he will definitely kill countless popular little fresh meat in seconds.

The appearance of Zhu Bajie now, compared with the appearance of being obese and staring at the wild boar's head before, the gap is too great.

"This is what I used to look like, old pig, isn't it handsome?"

Originally thought that Zhu Bajie just changed his long face randomly, but unexpectedly it turned out to be his former appearance.

Ji Yang noticed that Zhu Bajie had a wry smile on his face when he said that this was what he used to look like.

It seems that although Zhu Bajie said he was used to it, he was still unbalanced in his heart.

Thinking about it, if Zhu Bajie went west to learn Buddhist scriptures with this appearance, he should be able to get a lot of girls along the way.

When she was in Gao Laozhuang, Gao Cuilan would not be frightened by her aggressiveness.

But this is Zhu Bajie's fate, even if he is a god, there is nothing he can do.

Now that Zhu Bajie has changed his appearance, Ji Yang doesn't have to worry about scaring others by taking Zhu Bajie out.

When he and Zhu Bajie left the villa, Ji Yang performed the Earth Fire Jue on the villa.

The Earth Fire Art was cast, and the flames ignited instantly, and soon the villa was wrapped in flames.

"It's on fire, put out the fire quickly, how can this fire not be extinguished?"

"Chairman Kimura and Minister Tanaka are still in the villa, save them quickly."

"No, the fire is too big, call 119 and notify the fire brigade..."

How could the flames released by the Earth Fire Art be so easy to extinguish.

The flame of this ground fire formula will not burn wantonly, otherwise the entire residential area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company will become a sea of ​​flames.

These flames will disappear by themselves after burning down the villa and burning the corpses of Kimura Takusan and others into ashes.

When everyone in the residential area was busy fighting the fire, Ji Yang had already driven away with Zhu Bajie.

"Xiaobai, your mount is very cool, what kind of mount is this?"

Sitting in Ji Yang's car, Zhu Bajie watched and touched curiously.

"This is called a car, and it is a very common means of transportation in the world."

"This is a car. It's mentioned in the book you sold. No one in Heaven or Hell has seen it."

All you see in heaven and earth are ox carts, horse carts, donkey carts, where have you seen cars.

"Do you like cars? I'll give you one when the time comes."

"Okay, then I will drive the car to find Chang'e..."

It seems that although Zhu Bajie was demoted for molesting Chang'e back then, his love for Chang'e has never changed.

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(End of this chapter)

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