The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 425 I Don't Want To Go Shopping With Immortals

Chapter 425 I Don't Want To Go Shopping With Immortals ([-]th Update)

The current mortal world is completely different from the mortal world in Zhu Bajie's memory.

The surrounding buildings are no longer pavilions and pavilions with blue bricks and glazed tiles, but high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete.

The vehicles on the road are no longer ox carts and horse-drawn carts, but steel cars.

People's costumes are also completely different from those in ancient times. Zhu Bajie's eyes are staring straight when men and women with arms crossed walk past Zhu Bajie.

The men and women who were bound by the ancient code of ethics were not able to give and take each other, which is completely gone in modern times. How many young boys and girls who are full of love in ancient times must be envied.

Everything has changed, food, clothing, housing and transportation have all changed, and the way people communicate has also changed.

All this seemed so strange, but it made Zhu Bajie feel very fresh.

"Ahem, cough, old pig, you are drooling."

When a beautiful woman in a small suspenders and a short skirt was walking past Zhu Bajie.

Ji Yang could clearly see that disgusting saliva was flowing out from the corner of Zhu Bajie's mouth.

"Hehehe, the mortal world is so nice now, women in the past always wrapped themselves up three layers inside and outside."

"Look at today's mortal women, the fabrics they wear are really small, and even the important parts are faintly visible."

While talking, Zhu Bajie wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his hand.

But there are too many beauties of all kinds walking around, Zhu Bajie's saliva has already flooded, and he can't stop it at all.

"Pay attention to the image, be careful to show the original shape."

Zhu Bajie looks like a pig brother, Ji Yang can understand it, and it's not a big deal.

Ji Yang was mainly afraid that Zhu Bajie would patronize the beautiful women, so he couldn't control the celestial power in his body under the excitement and failed.

It's not terrible for a handsome man to turn into a pig's head in an instant, but it's not good to scare the people around him.

"You can rest assured about this, old pig, my concentration is very strong, I...hehe, that girl's legs are so long."

Let me wipe, is this also called concentration, okay?

I haven't even finished my pretentious (forced) words, but my true nature is revealed. If you have strong concentration, will your saliva flow like the flood of the Yellow River?

"Xiaobai, what are you pulling me for? Didn't you mean to go to the opposite side? What is that red light? I think it was a green light before, so it can't be a monster?"

"This is called a traffic light, commonly known as a traffic light. It is used to maintain order on the road and prevent chaos. You cannot go on a red light, and you must go on a green light."

"Xiaobai, it's not good, my master was taken away by monsters, I'm going to save him."

"This is called TV, and it's for singing operas. It's not easy to use a different face and eyes. Look at it clearly. This Tang Monk looks completely different from your master. See if this Zhu Bajie is you?"


A sound of propeller turning came from the sky. Ji Yang looked up and saw that it was a helicopter flying overhead.

"Xiaobai, let everyone hide and watch me beat this monster!"

When Zhu Bajie saw the helicopter, he thought it was a monster coming. His eyes turned cold, and he said to Ji Yang in a deep voice.

While speaking, Zhu Bajie's breath changed, and the handsome man's face became unreal, and he was about to turn into a pig's head.

"Don't mess around, this is not a monster, you can't masturbate in the street."

When Ji Yang saw Zhu Bajie's posture, his expression changed, he quickly hugged Zhu Bajie, and shouted loudly.

This is the city center, a main road, and there are many people passing by.

When Ji Yang shouted, many people looked at Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie.

"Wow, handsome guy!"

"Handsome guys are useless, look at the appearance of the two of them, they must be friends."

"Show love, die fast, didn't you hear that person shouting, masturbating in the street, probably broke up, and my brain was stimulated."

"It makes sense. If your brain is stimulated, you can't masturbate in the street. It's too perverted..."

The words of the people around made Ji Yang's face turn green.

The truth is, my sister, I'm afraid that when you see Zhu Bajie's true form, your little heart won't be able to bear it.

Didn't he just accidentally hit Zhu Bajie's ass somewhere when he hugged Zhu Bajie?

But Ji Yang can swear to the sky, he really didn't react at all.

"I know rooster and hen, roast chicken and roast chicken. What kind of chicken is this flying chicken? We can be said to be friends of Taoism and friends of immortality. How can we say that we are friends of chickens? Neither you nor I are chickens."

"This flying chicken has no feathers and no wings, but it can fly. It looks like it has a lot of skills, and its spells are very powerful."

While Zhu Bajie said, he still nodded his head in a serious manner, Ji Yang was drunk from seeing that serious look.

The heavens, the underworld and the mortal world have not been in contact for thousands of years. They don't know everything in the mortal world. For strange things, they can only understand with their own knowledge.

"The plane is also a means of transportation. Are you hungry? Let's find a place to eat, and then I will tell you about the plane."

Ji Yang has already let go of Zhu Bajie, he doesn't want the people around him to continue to misunderstand.

In order to avoid such an embarrassing incident from happening again, Ji Yang decided to take Zhu Bajie to eat first.

Although Zhu Bajie is not as stupid or dull as in the legend, but in the legend he is very beautiful and delicious, but this is true.

Zhu Bajie's eyes lit up when he heard about eating.

Last time, he was captured by Ji Yang's skewers. When he came to the mortal world, the beauties saw it. Of course, he couldn't let go of the delicious food.

"Xiaobai, I didn't expect chicken to be fried. Give me ten fried chicken legs and twenty fried chicken wings."

"And this Orleans roast chicken, give me five more, it's delicious, delicious..."

When Ji Yang took Zhu Bajie to eat, he naturally wanted to eat something that the other party had never eaten.

When passing by a gnaw afford, Zhu Bajie smelled the aroma wafting from the gnaw afford, so he wanted to come in to eat.

Because it is not meal time, and today is not a rest day, there are not many people who can afford to eat, so Ji Yang agreed.

It was just the next scene that made Ji Yang start to regret it.

It's fine that Zhu Bajie is a foodie, but can you stop eating so shockingly?

Family bucket, all kinds of burgers, and fried chicken ordered a bunch, and after eating it, I still said it was not enough to fit between my teeth.

Originally, not many people could afford it, but now many people came.

These people can afford to eat, not to eat, but to visit.

What they visited was Zhu Bajie, who was called a super foodie by the people around him.

Hearing that Zhu Bajie wanted more, Ji Yang's face darkened.

"Ten fried chicken legs, twenty fried chicken wings, five Orleans roast chickens, packed."

Ji Yang decided that if any gods come to the mortal world in the future, he must not take them shopping.

Going shopping with these gods is like making headlines every minute.

Ji Yang has already seen someone carrying a camera towards him, so someone must have told the media about Zhu Bajie, a super foodie.

Ji Yang didn't want to be in the headlines with Zhu Bajie, and asked the employees who could afford to pack up the order, so he ran out while muttering that Zhu Bajie was not full yet.


With his stomach, he ate everything he could afford, and he couldn't get enough.

 Let’s start on the [-]th, thank you for your support, Xie Ben works hard

(End of this chapter)

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