The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 427 Why is it too urgent to fry each other from the same root

Chapter 427 Why is it so urgent to fry each other from the same root (second update)

It was already dark, Zhu Bajie rushed out of the villa and quickly disappeared into the night.

Although Zhu Bajie disappeared, his words still linger in everyone's ears, especially the word "monster". Zhu Bajie said it very clearly, and everyone promised that they heard it right.

"Little Dragon Girl, protect Zixuan and Xiaoxin, I'll go take a look."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, without waiting for Xiaolongnv to answer, the immortal energy in his body circulated, and quickly chased after Zhu Bajie's residual breath in the air.

Under the night, only a faint moonlight filled the night, bringing a ray of light to the night.

A figure ran quickly under this ray of light. He sometimes ran with both feet, and sometimes landed on all fours like a wild beast.

"Heh heh heh, what's going on, where did this guy come from? I was discovered just as I approached the villa."

"The aura on this guy's body is so terrifying, I almost peed in fright."

"I want to inform the boss quickly and let him run too. That guy's aura is stronger than that of the boss."

The running figure was wearing a loose sportswear, and the hat of the sportswear completely covered his head, making it difficult to see what he looked like.

When Zhu Bajie was angry, the aura he emitted frightened him quite a bit, and now he has used all his strength to run away.

"Run, let me see where you are going!"

A voice came from the sky, and it was true that the voice came from the sky.

Hearing the sound, the fleeing monster instinctively looked up to the sky. He saw a cloud of mist flying fast in the sky, and there was a faint figure in the mist.

"Ride the clouds and ride the fog!"

The monster screamed in shock, his legs trembled in fright, and a urge to urinate hit him, and his pants were instantly soaked.

This will really scare him to pee.

If it is placed in the monster clan, except for a few flying monsters, if other monsters want to ride the clouds and walk through the air, they need at least 500 years of cultivation.

He remembered that his boss said that among human beings who can walk through the air, they all have the strength of a goblin for more than 500 years.

This monster is not even 200 years old, and a 500-year-old goblin can kill him in minutes, so he can't be afraid.

"Hmph, you keep running, why don't you run?"

It was Zhu Bajie who was chasing after the clouds and fog. Seeing that the monster stopped running, he jumped off the clouds and asked in a cold voice.

It's not that the monster doesn't want to run, but he can't.

His legs were so frightened that he peed his pants. Even if his legs weren't weak, he still couldn't outrun Zhu Bajie who was flying through the clouds.

"For disturbing me to eat, old pig, I am very angry, and I will beat you back to your original shape."

The time I stay in the mortal world is limited, and I have to drink food.
He was in high spirits when he was eating, but because of the appearance of this monster, he ruined his eating mood and made him unable to eat with peace of mind. Can Zhu Bajie not be angry?

"Forgive me, I didn't know you were here, let me go."

After being beaten back to his original form, he died, and the monster begged for mercy in fright.

Immortals and monsters belong to different camps. When the Three Realms communicate, they are rivals.

Zhu Bajie met the monster in front of him, and at a glance, he knew that he had malicious intentions, how could Zhu Bajie let him go.

"You're unlucky to meet me."

The corner of Zhu Bajie's mouth curled up, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Without using the nine-toothed rake, the body rushed directly towards the monster, and the palm wrapped in immortal energy directly hit the monster's head.

The monster's legs have been weak for a long time, and its strength is not as good as Zhu Bajie's. When Zhu Bajie moves, he doesn't even have a chance to react.

Zhu Bajie slapped out with one palm, and the surrounding wind blew, and the hat on the monster's head was blown away, and Zhu Bajie could see the monster's appearance clearly.

"Wild boar demon?"

Zhu Bajie is very familiar with this appearance, isn't it his usual appearance.

It's just that Zhu Bajie doesn't look fierce, and there is fear in his eyes.


When Zhu Bajie saw the wild boar demon clearly, his palm was already imprinted on the wild boar demon's head.

The wild boar demon's body flew seven or eight meters away, and after falling to the ground, thick black mist rose, and its body instantly turned into a big wild boar.

"Old pig, where are the monsters?"

Ji Yang has already chased him, seeing how he is panting, it is not easy to chase him all the way.

Although Ji Yang's speed is much faster because of the wind attribute, but compared to Zhu Bajie who rides the clouds and fog, he is still a thousand miles behind.

Zhu Bajie's expression was a little unnatural at this time, and when he heard Ji Yang's words, he pointed to the big wild boar not far away.

When Ji Yang saw the big wild boar, a word came to mind.

It was born from the same root, so why is it too anxious.

Although Zhu Bajie was cast into a pig fetus by mistake, whether he wants to or not, he still has the blood of a pig.

Speaking of which, Zhu Bajie can also be regarded as a pig demon, just because his soul is the marshal of the canopy, and by chance, he cultivated into a positive result.

The pig demon in front of him was also cultivated by wild boar, so it can be regarded as the same origin.

"Old pig, this..."

No wonder Zhu Bajie's expression was wrong at this time, Ji Yang wanted to say something, but he also knew what he should say.

"He is a demon, and I am a god. Gods and demons are enemies. There are many demons in heaven and hell."

"But when it comes to the battle between gods and demons, who cares about the same origin, different ways, and no collusion."

Zhu Bajie was very open-minded, but his eyes still betrayed him, because there was a sadness in his eyes.


When Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie were talking, a gust of wind blew up around them, and a cloud of red mist flew towards them quickly.

The appearance of this red mist stopped the conversation between Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie.

"It's so powerful."

There was a demonic aura exuding from the red mist, and it was a very strong demonic aura.

When Ji Yang felt this monster energy, the immortal energy in his body became unstable due to the appearance of this monster energy.

This is because the immortal energy in Ji Yang's body sensed danger, and it was a natural reaction.

"It is indeed very strong, at least a monster that is more than 600 years old."

Zhu Bajie narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice.

600 years.

This word startled Ji Yang, I am so good, 600 years.

Although Yang Yang didn't know how old the wild boar demon who was killed by Zhu Bajie just now was.

But he fought against Zhu Tiehei, and Zhu Tiehei was just a 300-year-old little demon.

Although Ji Yang killed Zhu Tiehei, it was not easy.

Moreover, the strength of the Yaozu is that the longer the age, the higher the cultivation base, and this cultivation base grows geometrically.

The monsters of 600 years are not as simple as three pigs and iron blacks, even thirty can't compare.


The red mist fell from the sky, and there was a roar on the ground, like a spider web of cracks, spreading around the red mist.

The red mist was very thick, and Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie couldn't see the appearance of the monsters in the red mist for a while.

But looking at the figure of the monster in the red mist, it doesn't seem to be tall and strong, but tall and enchanting, full of beauty, especially the pile of peaks on the chest is called a tall and straight.

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(End of this chapter)

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