The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 428 I am the ancestor of the pig demon

Chapter 428 I am the ancestor of the pig demon (third shift)


Seeing the figure in the red mist, Zhu Bajie swallowed heavily.

This small figure is too hot, and this figure alone can attract people to commit crimes.

"Ahem, old pig, calm down, calm down, your saliva is drooling again."

Zhu Bajie has a good appetite, no matter whether he is a man, a demon or a fairy, anyway, he is a woman, with a figure and a face, this guy's brother pig will definitely show.

"Xiaobai, you need to understand and appreciate."

"It's said in the book you sell that people should have a pair of eyes that know how to appreciate beauty, and don't have racial prejudice, understand?"

Zhu Bajie will educate Ji Yang now.

Just now Zhu Bajie said that gods and demons are rivals, so don't have racial prejudice now.

This guy obviously has no resistance in front of beauty.

Looking at Zhu Bajie with contempt, Ji Yang thought to himself.

"Let you appreciate it. What will appear next is a pig's head. I don't think you appreciate it."

But it's not right to think about it, Zhu Bajie himself is also a pig demon who has cultivated a righteous fruit, even if he is a pig head, he can accept it.

The dense red mist gradually dissipated, and the face of the tall and enchanting owner was also exposed in the red mist.

A head of smooth pink hair draped over her shoulders, long eyelashes, seductive eyes, and sexy plump lips slightly parted, giving people a hot and coquettish feeling.

This monster is not only not a pig head, but also a sexy and hot beauty.

With this face and this figure, even Ji Yang, who is used to beautiful women, felt a little stunned.

"Before I killed my little demon, I haven't settled with you yet, but today I killed my little demon again, do you really think I'm a bully of the pig demon family?"

The woman in front of me turned out to be a pig demon?

This figure, this appearance, if it is a fox demon and snake demon, Ji Yang can still accept it.

After all, snake demons and fox demons mostly have beautiful faces, great figures, and charming appearance.

The pig demon is also so beautiful, isn't this a joke?
Ji Yang looked at Zhu Bajie, Zhu Bajie shook his head, he didn't have piercing eyes, and he didn't have a monster showing the original characteristics of a monster, so he couldn't recognize it at a glance.

Sniffing, Zhu Bajie didn't smell the smell of pigs, what he smelled was a burst of fragrance, which was different from the pig demon in his impression.

"Could it be that the current monster race has merged with human society, and monsters who have completely cultivated human form live in the human world?"

The beautiful pig demon in front of her is very stylishly dressed, and she also wears valuable jewelry. With light makeup on her face, she looks completely human.

Walking on the road with her appearance, people will only regard her as a charming big beauty, and they will definitely not be able to see that she is a monster?
If this is the case, then it will be interesting, maybe the wife and husband next to someone are some kind of monsters.

Husband or wife is a monster, isn't that human and (beast)?

I wiped it, thinking of this, Ji Yang's goose bumps all over his body.

It is better to have few heavy-tasting thoughts, otherwise Ji Yang is afraid that he will be seriously injured by his own thoughts and die.

"The monster has different paths. Zhu Tiehei went down the mountain to kill and rob people. It was his own fault. Was it wrong for me to kill him?"

"This little demon, when he came outside my villa, he couldn't have given me a gift. He came to kill me. Is it wrong for me to kill him?"

No matter how beautiful the beauty in front of him is, she is still a demon.

Demons have different paths. Since ancient times, there have been many good demons among demons, such as Bai Suzhen, the white lady.

When he saw Fa Hai accepting the white lady in the movie, Ji Yang pointed at the TV and scolded Fa Hai for being a bastard old monk.

Calling Fa Hai a jerk old monk was because he didn't understand the situation well, and would arrest the demon whenever he saw it, so Ji Yang himself would definitely not do such a bastard thing.

That night, if Zhu Tiehei hadn't seen Zhu Tiehei kill someone and snatch Pan Xiaoying away, he would have looked at the monster most curiously, and wouldn't have wanted to kill Zhu Tiehei wholeheartedly.

"Hmph, the Yaozu has its own rules. Even if Zhu Tiehei commits crimes, our Yaozu will handle it ourselves. It's not up to you guys to take care of it. Today, I, Zhu Jiumei, will make you pay for meddling in other people's affairs."

Zhu Jiumei frowned. The heavenly court has its own rules, the underworld has its own rules, humans have their own laws, and the monster race has its own rules.

They each have their own people who punish violators, and their punishment methods are different, but one thing is certain.

That is, they don't need others to mind their own business.

Zhu Tiehei has committed crimes in the mortal world, and he has violated the rules of the modern monster race.

The Yaozu had their own way of punishing Zhu Tiehei, but Ji Yang killed him, that was a provocation to the Yaozu.

Zhu Jiumei, one of the leaders of the pig demon clan, naturally wants to seek revenge from Ji Yang, otherwise the pig demons under her will definitely make trouble.

If the pig demon under him is disappointed because Zhu Jiumei doesn't make decisions for her subordinates, and ran to serve other pig demons as subordinates in sadness, then it would make Zhu Jiumei even more troublesome.

At that time, not only will her subordinates run away, but she will also become the laughing stock of the Yaozu.

Zhu Jiumei swung her arms, and two scimitars suddenly appeared in her hands.

Pushing the soles of her feet on the ground, Zhu Jiumei rushed towards Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie in an instant.

Waving the scimitar in the air, the pink light like a spider's web covered Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie.


Seeing the sky covered with swords, Zhu Bajie yelled angrily, and the nine-toothed rake was already in his hand.

"Whirlwind Break!"

After all, Zhu Jiumei has more than 600 years of cultivation, and Zhu Bajie will not despise her.

The nine-toothed rake appeared in his hand, Zhu Bajie turned around, and swung the nine-toothed rake in his hand several times.

With his swing, the strong wind flew towards Zhu Jiumei's blade light like a spiral, and the blade light dissipated instantly.

Seeing that her spider web-like light was broken, Zhu Jiumei's eyes narrowed, her forward body paused, the two scimitars in her hand were inserted into the ground, and she immediately picked them up.

"Earth Fissure!"

Zhu Jiumei yelled, and as her voice fell, there was a muffled boom on the ground, and then several soil thorns emerged from the ground.


These soil thorns protruded from Zhu Bajie and Ji Yang's feet. Ji Yang's black sword was already in his hand, and he slashed directly at the soil thorns.

Although Ji Yang's sword broke the soil thorn, he also felt a little numbness in his palm.

Although these are earth thorns, they are as hard as rocks.

"Earth Demon Breaks!"

Zhu Bajie saw the soil thorns popping out, and hit the ground hard with the nine-toothed rake in his hand. A deep pit was smashed into the ground, and the surrounding soil thorns burst instantly.

These hard soil thorns, in front of Zhu Bajie, looked softer than squashed mud.

"who are you?"

Zhu Bajie easily broke her two consecutive attacks. Zhu Jiumei was astonished and asked with a shocked expression.

The corners of Zhu Bajie's mouth were slightly raised, showing a frivolous smile, and the nine-toothed nail rake in his hand stood on the ground, and said playfully.

"Don't you know this thing? I am the ancestor of the pig demon."

Zhu Bajie said that he was the ancestor of the pig demon, which made Zhu Jiumei very angry. Her eyes were fixed on Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake, and her brows were wrinkled.

The nine-toothed rake is Zhu Bajie's weapon, and everyone in the Three Realms knows this.

But there are not many who have actually seen it.

 I'm really sorry, today is a holiday after all, Xieben also has a lot of things to do, so the update is a bit late, please forgive me, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival
(End of this chapter)

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