Chapter 445
It really is looking for death.

Who is Huang Tianxiong and how powerful he is in Linhai? These security guards have all heard of it.

Offending Huang Tianxiong's daughter, this is not courting death.

The wretched security guard who said that he wanted to hurt the third daughter just now turned pale with fright.

"You boy, be more careful in what you say in the future."

"Ji Shao cares about his woman very much. If he hears your words, think about the consequences."

"Okay, the murderers have been cleaned up. As security guards, it's time for us to help Ji Shao clean up the trash."

The security captain finished speaking to the security guards and walked out of the monitoring room first.

The rest of the security guards followed closely behind him and walked towards the exhibition area of ​​Xinyang Trading Company.

At this time, in the exhibition area of ​​Xinyang Trading Company, the surrounding atmosphere was a bit weird.

Except for the four foreign devil bodyguards lying on the ground moaning in pain, no one else spoke.

These people didn't speak, but they looked at Ji Yang with astonishment.

In the end, shouldn't it be the four foreign devil bodyguards who tortured Ji Yang? Now why are the four foreign devils wiped out by the group?
The result was wonderful beyond everyone's expectations.

"Hee hee, all three of you guessed wrong, the group will be wiped out in three seconds, come and find me by yourself at night."

The four foreign devil bodyguards were brought down, and Ji Yang was too lazy to watch.

He looked at the three daughters of Mu Hong with a smirk on his face, and said with a smile.

The third daughter blushed slightly when she heard his words, Li Zixuan snorted softly and muttered in a low voice.

"It seems that we guessed right, we won't be bullied by you tonight."

"Even if we don't look for you, you will come to us."

Li Zixuan's words made sense, but Ji Yang hadn't slept with the three girls for a long time.

Now that Mu Hong is here, how could Ji Yang not enjoy the feeling of reunion after a long absence.

If he doesn't enjoy it, then he is still Ji Yang.

After the four bodyguards solved it, Ji Yang looked at Wu Zhuang coldly.

After Wu Dalang was reincarnated as Wu Zhuang, not only his appearance changed, but his personality also changed.

When he was still Wu Dalang, his character was relatively cowardly and fearful, but now he has become quite arrogant.

There was something wrong with the way this guy looked at the three daughters of Mu Hong, and it was obvious that he was planning something.

Just now, these bodyguards beat Ji Yang, smashed Ji Yang's mouth, knocked out Ji Yang's teeth, this guy is ruthless enough.

He did this not only because Ji Yang called him Wu Dalang, he was planning to lose Ji Yang's face in front of the three women.

"I pity Wu Dalang, but I don't pity Wu Zhuang."

"Dare to hit my woman's attention, I won't educate you, am I still a man?"

Thinking of this in Ji Yang's mind, he also walked towards Wu Zhuang.

The four foreign devil bodyguards are Wu Zhuang's reliance, and now the four foreign devil bodyguards are all knocked to the ground by Ji Yang, and the other party is walking towards him again, Wu Zhuang's body shudders unconsciously.

"You, you, what do you want to do, let me tell you, in a society ruled by law, it is illegal to beat someone."

Damn, when he ordered the foreign devil bodyguards to beat Ji Yang just now, why didn't he think of beating someone as a violation of the law.

Seeing that Ji Yang was going to deal with him now, he remembered this.

This Wu Zhuang wants to come to a state where only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps.

"Tell me about the law now, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

The corners of Ji Yang's mouth turned up slightly, and he looked at Wu Zhuang with playful eyes. He was now less than three meters away from Wu Zhuang.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Wu Zhuang's heart was hardened, and he let out a loud cry.

"Don't think that I'm strong and easy to bully, you die for me."

Wu Zhuang yelled, and threw his body directly towards Ji Yang.

He formed claws with one hand, fisted with the other, grasped with one hand, and attacked with the other.

Judging by Wu Zhuang's posture, he must have practiced it before.

It's just that this posture is awkward no matter how you look at it, it can't be compared with Makino and Siyanzi who are protecting Xu Tiantian.

So when Wu Zhuang rushed over, Ji Yang stepped sideways and slashed directly at Wu Zhuang's back with the knife in his palm.


"Boom... poof..."

Ji Yang went down with the knife in one hand, Wu Zhuang fell to the ground like a dog, knocked his two front teeth on the ground, and knocked them off.

Mouth full of blood, looks pretty miserable.

"Ah, dear."

Seeing Wu Zhuang fall to the ground, Ximen Jiao exclaimed.

This woman is obviously not a good cake, Ji Yang hated her the first time he saw her.

Ximen Jiao screamed and ran towards Wu Zhuang. When passing by Ji Yang, Ji Yang stretched his leg and tripped Ximen Jiao.

Ximenjiao was tripped by Ji Yang, her body became unsteady, and she rushed towards Wu Zhuang.

"Oh... my waist!"

Ximen Jiao fell on Wu Zhuang's body all of a sudden, and Wu Zhuang heard a crisp bone cracking sound from his waist.

With the sound of bones, he felt that his lower limbs were almost gone, and he screamed in pain.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ximenjiao was a woman, Ji Yang would not have let her go so easily because of her constant mocking of Mu Hong just now.

Making her look a little ugly now is a little lesson for her.

"Hey, why did Ximen Qing's Fetter Jade respond?"

After tripping Ximenjiao, Ji Yang felt that Ximenqing's fettered jade had a reaction.

Only Ximen Jiao walked by her just now, could it be that Ximen Jiao is the reincarnation of Ximen Qing, but she is a woman?
With a somewhat skeptical attitude, Ji Yang walked over to Ximen Jiao who had climbed up from Wu Zhuang.

As Ji Yang approached Ximenjiao, Ximenqing's bond jade in the Qiankun storage ring reacted more and more strongly. This Ximenjiao is really the reincarnation of Ximenqing.

What a coincidence today, I actually met the reincarnations of Wu Dalang and Ximen Qing here.

It's just that after confirming that Ximen Jiao is the reincarnation of Ximen Qing, Ji Yang's expression became even more unnatural.

It's fine for Ximen Qing to be reincarnated as a woman, or a bus, but how did she become Wu Zhuang's little lover?

Wu Zhuang is the reincarnation of Wu Dalang, and now he has hooked up with Ximen Qing's reincarnation.

"Damn it, God really knows how to play, but the reality report is not good, so I made a posthumous report."

"It's just that World News is playing big enough."

Thinking that Ximen Jiao and Wu Zhuang will be awakened from their past life memories, when they learn that they are the reincarnation of Ximen Qing and Wu Dalang, their expressions must be wonderful.

Ximenqing hooked up with Pan Jinlian in her last life and poisoned Wu Dalang.

In this life, I was given to... by Wu Dalang's reincarnation...

Ji Yang couldn't think about it anymore, if he thought about it any longer, the picture would easily blind his eyes.

"What are you doing for food? You don't even know when you're fighting. Hurry up and get these fighters out of the exhibition hall."

The security captain has brought a group of security guards over.

As the security captain finished speaking, a group of security guards carried Wu Zhuang and the bodyguards of the foreign devils lying on the ground to the outside of the exhibition hall.

"He was the one who beat people, why don't you drive him out, I want to complain to you, I want to see your leaders, I..."

Wu Zhuang was carried out of the exhibition hall by the security guards, and he kept talking unconvinced.

It's just that the security completely took his words as farts and ignored them at all.

PS: Xieben will be on a business trip for a few days tomorrow. In the later setting of the timing chapter, I pressed the wrong button, causing the chapter to skip. Although the change was made quickly, it still caused inconvenience to some friends. Please forgive me

 Three more uploads, today's update ends, tomorrow will continue, please recommend, monthly pass, reward

(End of this chapter)

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