The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 446 Everything is under control

Chapter 446 Everything is under control (one more)
Pan Jinlian asked Ji Yang for help yesterday, asking him to help find the reincarnations of Wu Dalang and Ximen Qing.

Ji Yang never thought that he would find it so quickly.

And the reincarnation of these two people still has such a relationship, the more Ji Yang thinks about it, the more ridiculous he feels.

"Little Dragon Girl, follow up and find their residence."

Now that the reincarnations of Ximen Qing and Wu Dalang have been found, the next thing is to meet Pan Jinlian.

It's just that the laws of the Three Realms check and balance, ghosts can't freely travel to the Three Realms, how can they meet?
Ji Yang didn't ask about this, anyway, Pan Jinlian said that there is a way, so let's wait until we find out the specific residences of Wu Zhuang and Ximenjiao and inform Pan Jinlian.

Xiao Longnv received Ji Yang's order, her body turned into a silver glow, and rushed to the outside of the exhibition hall.

"You guys came here pretty fast, didn't you?"

Ji Yang looked at the security captain and said with a chuckle, what he said was obviously ironic.

The matter between me and Wu Zhuang, although the process is not particularly long, it is definitely not short.

If the security guards wanted to come over, they should have come here long ago. Now that they have cleaned up the other party, these security guards came over.

Are they here to pick up ready-made ones, or to sweep up the trash.

"Brothers have wanted to come here a long time ago, just seeing that these guys are not happy with themselves, so let Ji Shao vent first."

"I really should have brought someone here earlier. The rubbish made Ji Shao take action. Didn't this dirty Ji Shao's hands?"

The security captain said with a flattering face.

The security captain said Ji Shao one by one, which made Ji Yang stunned.

"you know me?"

Ji Yang didn't remember seeing this security captain.

"Who hasn't heard of Ji Shao's name?"

"Miss Huang is Ji Shao's girlfriend. This is not a secret in Linhai. I guessed it based on Miss Huang's identity."

Hearing what the security captain said, Ji Yang finally understood.

But looking at the security captain, he is a smart person, and he can still think of these things.

The matter of Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao didn't have much influence on the people around them.

After the security captain left with a group of security guards, everyone soon started discussing Fairy Flower Dew again.

Although there was a small episode at the exhibition, the exhibition of Fairy Flower Dew was still very successful, and the effect was better than expected.

In the misty rain near the sea, in the bedroom of Ji Yang villa, the whole bedroom exudes a charming smell.

On the big bed in the bedroom, Ji Yang and the three daughters were in front of each other.

Ji Yang is very energetic now, but the three daughters are asleep, looking at their expressions, it seems that they have just experienced something, and they are all very tired.

Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan slept on both sides, while Ji Yang was sleeping in the middle with Mu Hong in his arms.

"Miss me?"

Ji Yang kissed Mu Hong's forehead and asked softly.

"Well, I want to, I really want to."

Although Mu Hong was tired, she still looked at Ji Yang with her big eyes open.

With Mu Hong's temperament, Ji Yang is the only one who can make her say such a thing.

"This time I'm coming to the sea, so why don't you leave?"

Don't say that Ji Yang is greedy, who wants to be separated from his woman.

Although Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan are always by his side, he still hopes that Mu Hong will always be by his side.

"No, my job transfer has been arranged."

"I am now the deputy head of the Linhai Garrison Regiment, and I will work in Linhai from now on."

As soon as he mentioned that he could work in Linhai in the future, and thought that he could always be with the one he loved, Mu Hongxian was very happy.

Mu Hong is only in his early twenties this year, but he has become the deputy head of the regiment.

Although Ji Yang does not despise women, let alone a woman, even a man, it is not easy to achieve such achievements at this age.

Mu Hong's present day cannot be separated from the Mu family, but it is also inseparable from her hard work.

If she was incapable, Mu Qing would have removed her from the army long ago.

"Oh, why are you moving again? I'm so tired. Can't you talk quietly? You know you're bullying me."

When Mu Hong was talking to Ji Yang, Mu Hong felt that Ji Yang looked at her in the wrong way.

This look, why is it like someone who has been hungry for a long time and suddenly sees a delicious meal.

The fiery eyes made Mu Hong's face turn red.

Mu Hong is also considered an experienced person. When she blinked at Ji Yang and gave Ji Yang a provocative look, Ji Yang smirked and turned over directly.

"Don't bully me!"

"I don't bully you, then you bully me."

The small love between the lovers came out, the atmosphere in the room changed again, and the intoxicating voice sounded in the room...

At the same time as the new round of war started on Ji Yang's side, in a high-end villa area near the sea, some people's war had already come to an end as soon as it started.


Wu Zhuang's waist was wrapped with bandages and fixed with medical equipment.

At this time, he was half lying on the bed, and he let out a comfortable cry.

Following his cry, Ximen Jiao looked at Wu Zhuang sadly.

"Don't spit."

Wu Zhuang glared and was about to leave the room, and Ximen Jiao, who was going to the bathroom, shouted loudly.

Ximen Jiao rolled her eyes, smiled charmingly at Wu Zhuang, and ate what was in her mouth with a thud.

"Honey, you're a little fast today."

Ximen Jiao walked to Wu Zhuang's side, and said in a sad voice with a bit of displeasure.

Wu Zhuang is usually very powerful, but today it was announced that it was over in less than a minute.

This made Ximenjiao very uncomfortable. She felt that she had just arrived and hadn't tasted it yet.

Because of what happened in the exhibition hall today, Wu Zhuang was already upset, but when he heard Ximen Jiao say that, he frowned and grabbed Ximen Jiao's hair.

Wu Zhuang was angry, so he grabbed very hard, Ximenjiao's hair was pulled, and he cried out in pain.

"Ah, it hurts so much, take it easy."

Obviously it was Wu Zhuang who couldn't do it himself, but now he took his anger out on himself, Ximenjiao felt that he was very innocent.

"So what the pain, I spent so much money on you, you think it was wasted."

"It's not because of you that I became like this. If you didn't crush my waist, I would be like this."

The more Wu Zhuang spoke, the more angry he became, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger.

Although Ximenjiao was in pain, she could only bear it when she heard Wu Zhuang say this.

Don't be a mistress to others, never know that it's not easy to be a mistress, I really think that being a mistress is enough to sleep with a big quilt, that's just the most common.

A mistress like Ximenjiao, who obviously has the intention of supporting her, is completely for the other party to vent.

I vent when I am happy, and vent when I am unhappy.

"Today's business is not over. A friend of mine will return to Linhai tomorrow. When he comes back, I will make this man named Ji Yang kowtow in front of me and admit his mistake."

Wu Zhuang said in a cold voice with resentment in his eyes.

While speaking, Wu Zhuang sneered at the corner of his mouth, let go of the hand that was pulling Ximenjiao's hair, and dropped the button of her clothes...

Neither Ximen Jiao nor Wu Zhuang would have imagined that everything they did and said tonight would be controlled by Ji Yang.

 The first update today, thank you for your support, encouragement and understanding, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards

(End of this chapter)

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