The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 467 Six Ghosts of the Big Armor

Chapter 467
"Is this the puppet of the puppet master?"

The dense fog dispersed, and the cracking sound similar to bone rubbing was still ringing, and Ji Yang saw the owner who made this sound.

These are two puppets made of unknown materials. The puppets look like they are made of wood, but they also look like they are made of iron.

There are two puppets, one of which is humanoid, but has six arms, and each arm has a sharp weapon like a sword.

The other one looks like a big tortoise, it is very big, its body is two to three meters long, and with its super long tail, this big tortoise looks like five or six meters.

There are armor-like packages all over the body of the big tortoise, which looks very defensive.

"These two puppets look like one is the main attacker and the other is the main defense. The puppet technique is a bit interesting."

After seeing the appearance of the two puppets, Ji Yang already had a basic judgment on the two puppets.

With the appearance of the two puppets, a sneer appeared on Zaemon's face.

"Hmph, is there no later stage? Indeed, it is gone, but it's not me, it's you."

"Dajia, the six ghosts killed him!"

Zaemon shook his hands strangely, and his fingers shook rapidly. The speed was so fast that Ji Yang felt a little dazzled.

Dajia and Liugui at the gate of Zuowei are the names of these two puppets.

Dajia refers to a big turtle puppet, and Liugui refers to a humanoid puppet with six arms.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

As Zaemon's voice fell, Liuki and Dajia rushed towards Ji Yang.

The speed of the six ghosts was very fast, and they arrived in front of Ji Yang in an instant. The weapons on the six arms flew up and down, and attacked Ji Yang.


Ji Yang sipped softly, while avoiding the attack of the six ghosts, he hit the body of the six ghosts with a palm.

With one palm strike, the six ghosts flew out directly.

With the strength of Ji Yang's palm, if he hit someone with his palm just now, at least a few bones of this person would be broken.

But the six ghosts were hit, except for their bodies flying upside down, but their bodies did not suffer any damage.

The materials used to make Liugui are strong enough.

The six ghosts flew upside down, and Dajia also came in front of Ji Yang. Dajia opened his mouth and spit out a pile of purple mist from his mouth.

The mist had a pungent smell, and the mist sprayed some surrounding plants, causing the plants to wither and corrode instantly.

I thought Dajia was just a defensive puppet, but I didn't expect Dajia to have traps and be able to spray poisonous mist.

Gas is the most difficult thing to defend against, and Ji Yang has no way to completely resist the gas. He can only condense a layer of immortal energy on the surface of his body, trying to block the purple mist, and his body retreats quickly at the same time.

Seeing Ji Yang retreating, Dajia's butt spewed out a flame, and his body slammed towards Ji Yang like a missile being launched.

"Fuck me, this puppet is advanced enough, can it still play like this?"

Seeing Dajia approaching, Ji Yang's retreating body paused, the black sword was already in his hand, and he slashed at Dajia's head.


"So hard!"

The black light sword chopped on Dajia's head. Although Dajia's head was cut with a big gap, and the head was covered with cracks, it didn't rot directly.

Ji Yang knew how sharp his black sword was.

Ji Yang was surprised that the sword failed to smash Dajia's head. He was very curious about what material this Dajia was made of.

Although Dajia's head was saved, his forward body was blocked, and it finally stopped.

Bursts of black smoke emanated from the fire-breathing position...

At the same time that Dajia's body was blocked, the six ghosts who flew upside down had rushed over again.

The six ghosts stepped on Dajia's body, jumped up, and the weapons on the six arms stabbed at Ji Yang at the same time.

"Palm Thunder!"

The puppet's attack and defense were much stronger than Ji Yang expected.

Facing another attack from the six ghosts, Ji Yang didn't just hit with a palm at random, but used the palm thunder.


Liugui's speed and attack were obviously higher than Dajia's, but his defense was much worse.

Ji Yang struck Liu Gui's body with a palm of lightning, and directly blasted a big hole in Liu Gui's body. A big hole appeared in the body, and Ji Yang could clearly see the structure of Liu Gui's body.

Ji Yang found that in the body of Liugui, in addition to some things connecting various parts of the body, there are many thin threads entangled in it.

These lines are very thin, if it weren't for Ji Yang's good eyesight, he wouldn't be able to see them at all.

Seeing these lines, a smile appeared on Ji Yang's face, and he unconsciously looked at Zaemon.

Ji Yang noticed that Saemon's fingers were also wrapped with threads similar to those in Liuki's body.

Between Liugui and Zaemon, there is also this kind of thread implicated. It turns out that Zaemon used these threads to control Liugui and Dajia.

A big hole was blown into Liu Gui's body, but his body was still intact. Ji Yang retracted the black sword that had been slashed at Dajia, and slashed at Liu Gui with one sword.

He was going to completely abolish the six ghost puppets with one sword.

It's just that when Ji Yang's black light sword slashed at Liu Gui, Liu Gui's mouth opened, and a blasting flame shot out from it.

At the same time, Dajia's big tail drew towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang hadn't guessed wrong before, the six ghosts and Da Jia were indeed attacking and defending one at a time, and they cooperated with each other.

The six ghosts were seriously injured, so Dajia naturally wanted to protect it.

"Air wall, nether wind and thunder swordsmanship!"

Explosive Flame Kunai is the hidden attack method of Liugui, and it will only be shot when the body is seriously injured.

However, Ji Yang has a thorough understanding of the power of this Explosive Flame Kunai, and he already thinks highly of it with the Qi Wall.

"Boom, bang!"

Bao Yan Ku Wu shot exploded on the air wall, and Ji Yang's sword using Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship also slashed at Liu Gui's body, and the Liu Gui was split in half by Ji Yang's sword.

The power of lightning carried by the sword smashed the six ghosts into pieces.

"Ah, six ghosts!"

"Big armor!"

The six ghosts were shattered by the bombardment, Zaemon was so heartbroken that he was about to die, he accelerated the speed of controlling Dajia, and Dajia's tail was already in front of Ji Yang.

"Hmph, I don't believe you can still block my sword."

Facing Dajia's tail, Ji Yang refused to dodge, and swung the black sword directly in his hand.

Ji Yang didn't use any spells to chop Dajia last time, not even immortal energy.

This time he used the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique. Compared with the power of the previous sword and this sword, it was much weaker.

Even if the material used to make the big armor is special, it is not easy to block the ordinary sword of the Heimong sword. It is impossible to block this sword.

Ji Yang slashed at Dajia's tail with a sword, and Dajia's tail was cut off directly.

Ji Yang's sword remained unabated, and he slashed at Dajia's body.

"Break it for me!"

Immortal energy surged in his body, silver light flickered on the black sword, and a slight roar of thunder and lightning resounded from the sword, and the power of thunder and lightning penetrated Dajia's whole body.


Under the power of thunder and lightning, Dajia stepped into the footsteps of the six ghosts, and it was blown to pieces.

"Dajia, ah..."

His two puppets were destroyed like this.

Zuo Wei looked a little crazy.

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(End of this chapter)

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