The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 468 Human corpse puppet

Chapter 468 Human Corpse Puppet (Part [-])

The puppets in the hands of every puppeteer are made by the puppeteer with a lot of time and effort.

A puppet master will have one puppet, two puppets, three puppets or even more puppets in his lifetime.

But no matter how many puppets a puppeteer has, they have a lot of affection for any one of them.

For many puppet masters, they can even ruthlessly abandon their wives, children and relatives, but they cannot abandon their puppets.

This shows how important a puppet is to a puppet master.

Seeing his two puppets being destroyed with his own eyes, Zaemon was more painful and angry than seeing his relatives being killed with his own eyes.

"I killed you, I must kill you, I want you to be buried with Dajia and the six ghosts."

In Zaemon's heart, Dajia and Liugui are not puppets, they are even more human than humans.

Zaemon yelled frantically, his eyes turned red with anger.

This time Zaemon was really angry. He took out no less than ten scrolls from his arms, chanted a spell in his mouth, and threw them all on the ground at once.

"Boom bang bang..."

The scroll was thrown on the ground, and there were bursts of smoke from the ground, and there were bursts of cracking sounds similar to bones rubbing against each other.

The bone rubbing sound was very ear-piercing, and Ji Yang felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard it.

The smoke dispersed, and more than a dozen puppets with different shapes appeared in front of Zaemon.

Some of the more than a dozen puppets were in the shape of humans, and some were in the shape of beasts. Two of them looked like real people at all.

There is no breath of life on the real person, but exudes a breath of death. These are actually two puppets of human corpses.

Human corpse puppets are puppets made based on human corpses. Such puppets are more powerful than ordinary puppets.

Zaemon is worthy of being a Jonin-level puppet master, he can already operate more than a dozen puppets at the same time.

More than a dozen puppets appeared in front of him, and Ji Yang didn't dare to be careless. The puppets' attack methods were weird and changeable. Who knows what functions these puppets have.

Ji Yang's hand holding the black sword was tightened, and the immortal energy in his body was circulating. With a loud shout, he rushed directly towards the dozen or so puppets.

Instead of waiting for Zaemon to manipulate the puppet to attack him, Ji Yang would rather attack the puppet himself.

It is better to be active than passive.

Ji Yang rushed forward, and there was a slight thunder and lightning sound from the black sword in his hand, indicating that the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique had been used.

The other hand squeezed into a strange finger, Ji Yang's whole body was flushed, the surrounding air suddenly heated up, and the Earth Fire Jue had already been used.


Zaemon's fingers shook quickly, and the puppets in front of him, except for the two corpse puppets, all rushed towards Ji Yang.


Ji Yang pointed forward, and a circle of flames rose several meters high from the ground in an instant.

This circle of flames appeared, directly trapping a puppet that looked like a big beetle.

This big beetle puppet didn't know what danger was. Even though it was trapped by the flames, it still slammed towards the flames under Zaemon's control.


The big beetle hit the flame, and its body was instantly wrapped in flames.

The big beetle was a puppet. It didn't know what pain was. It was wrapped in flames, and it continued to rush forward.

After only rushing a few meters, the body of the big beetle fell to the ground, motionless.

The big beetle puppet didn't know pain, but the flames of its Earth Fire Jue had reached it, and within the time it rushed out of the few meters, the Earth Fire Jue had already burned it.

Zaemon can't control the big beetle now, because the lines connecting the big beetle and Zaemon have been blown.

Another puppet was destroyed, Zuo Weimen gritted his teeth, and he tried his best to keep himself rational in his heart.

Controlling more than a dozen puppets at the same time is also a big test for Zaemon.

He must remain calm and sober, otherwise he will not be able to control these puppets well.

"Bang bang!"

After the big beetle was burned, Ji Yang used the Earth Fire Art to burn the two humanoid puppets.

After the three puppets were burned, Ji Yang and the remaining puppets finally bumped into each other.


The first person to meet Ji Yang was a humanoid puppet somewhat similar to the six ghosts, but instead of six arms, this puppet had eight arms.

The hands of the eight-armed puppet are full of gears. As soon as it approaches Ji Yang, the gears of the eight arms rotate rapidly and attack Ji Yang.

The gear looks very sharp. If it is cut by the gear, the person will definitely be cut into pieces.

The silver light of the black sword in Ji Yang's hand flickered, and the sword collided with the gears very quickly.


The rotating gears were useless in front of the black awn sword, and the black awn sword with the power of lightning directly blasted the eight arms of the eight-armed puppet away.

The eight-armed puppet also fell to the ground like a pile of garbage.

After destroying the eight-armed puppet with one sword, Ji Yang followed suit and rushed towards the other puppets.

These puppets include offensive puppets, defensive puppets, and auxiliary puppets.

But no matter what type of puppet it is, it is not Ji Yang's enemy with a sword.

Anyone who is slashed or stabbed by Ji Yang's sword will be scrapped instantly.

"Five strangulations!"

Of the dozen or so puppets of Zaemon, only the last five are still able to fight.

Ji Yang's strength has completely surpassed Zaemon's imagination, with more than a dozen puppets in front of him, it seems easier than chopping melons and vegetables, destroying them with a single sword.

Seeing the last five puppets left, Zuo Wei shouted loudly at the door, and the five puppets began to surround Ji Yang in a strange movement.

The five puppets seem to move in strange positions, but they are very particular, and they have a feeling of cooperating with each other, attacking and helping each other.


With a kill word exit, five puppets with strange movements stopped and rushed towards Ji Yang together.

At the same time, the two human corpse puppets who had not moved beside Zaemon also charged towards Ji Yang.

Seeing that the five puppets were about to rush in front of him, Ji Yang jumped more than two meters high, his body spun 360 degrees in the air, and swung the black sword in his hand as he spun.

With a wave of the black awn sword, counting until the thunder and lightning shot out from the black awn sword, all five puppets were hit by the lightning.

A puff of black smoke rose from the bodies of the five puppets hit by lightning, and then they exploded one after another, and the broken parts were scattered all over the ground.

Seeing that more than a dozen puppets were destroyed except for the human corpse puppets, Zaemon almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

These were the dozen or so puppets he was most proud of, and they were ruined just like that.

Five strangulation is the secret technique in ninjutsu. When did the ninja's secret technique become so bad.

His last hope can only be placed on the remaining two corpse puppets.

If the human corpse puppet is not against the opponent, one can imagine his fate today.

There are two human corpse puppets, one male and one female. The male is tall and looks like a black ghost, holding a long-handled sledgehammer in his hand.

The woman was thin and short, she looked like a child of thirteen or fourteen, and she held two daggers in her hand.

When Ji Yang broke through the five strangulations and destroyed the five puppets, the two corpse puppets had already arrived beside Ji Yang...

(End of this chapter)

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