The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 469 Planted in the Field

Chapter 469 Planted in the Field (Third Watch)
Oniretsu, Killmaru, this is Zaemon's name for the two puppets of human corpses, a man and a woman.

These two human corpse puppets are the two strongest puppets in Zaemon's hands, and they are also his trump cards.

The scary thing about human corpse puppets is not that they are stronger than ordinary puppets after being refined into puppets by special methods, but that they have a certain degree of self-awareness.

After receiving orders from the puppet master, the human corpse puppets can also attack the enemy by themselves besides being controlled by the puppet master.

Gui Lie was a gladiator in the underground arena, and Onimaru was a Jonin ninja, and the fighting power of the two was terrifying.

After being refined into human corpse puppets, their combat effectiveness became stronger.

Sha Wan, that is, the female puppet, her speed is much faster than the tall Gui Lie.

When she arrived in front of Ji Yang, Gui Lie was still three meters away from Ji Yang.

When Shawan arrived in front of Ji Yang, she didn't directly attack Ji Yang, she just ran around Ji Yang quickly.

Holding two daggers behind their backs, a pair of eyes fixed on Ji Yang, Shawan's speed was indeed very fast.

When she was running around Ji Yang, because her speed was too fast, several phantoms appeared behind her.

"Ha, the gravel is cracked!"

When Shawan was running around Ji Yang, Gui Lie finally rushed in front of Ji Yang.

As soon as Gui Lie arrived, he smashed the long-handled sledgehammer at Ji Yang, and let out a strange cry.

This human corpse puppet can still speak, and it is not known whether it was controlled by Zaemon or by Ghost Lie's own consciousness.

Gui Lie struck with a hammer, and the air was smashed with a loud explosion. The force of this hammer was very strong.

As Gui Lie's attack started, Shawan who was running around Ji Yang also attacked.

I saw that Shawan disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she was already behind Ji Yang, and two daggers stabbed towards Ji Yang's temple and heart.

Before Shawan ran around Ji Yang, it was a kind of cooperation with Gui Lie.

She used running to attract Ji Yang's attention, and when Gui Lie launched an attack, she followed suit.

If Ji Yang hadn't felt the death aura from the human corpse puppets, Ji Yang really suspected that these two were living people at all.

The degree of cooperation is more tacit than that of normal living people.

Although Semaru attacked after Oniretsu, her attack came before Semaru's.

Feeling the danger coming, Ji Yang's temples began to throb strangely.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and touched the ground with his toes. His whole body seemed to have no weight, and he moved sideways by sticking to the ground like a willow leaf.

Shawan's speed is fast, and Ji Yang's speed under the blessing of wind attribute will not be slower than her.

Ji Yangping moved aside, Shawan's attack fell through, and the violent sledgehammer suddenly fell.

The hammer was originally aimed at Ji Yang, but now it was aimed at Shawan.

This is basically cannibalism, our own people killing our own people, Ji Yang saw a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It's just that Ji Yang's sneer didn't last long, and his face froze.

He saw that when Gui Lie's hammer was about to hit Shawan, Shawan disappeared strangely again.


Without any target, Gui Lie's hammer directly hit the ground, a deep hole was smashed into the ground, and cracks appeared around it.

"There is a movement under my feet."

Seeing that Shawan disappeared again, Ji Yang was a little dazed.

When he was in a daze, he felt something coming out of the ground under his feet, Ji Yang jumped up instantly, stabbing down fiercely with the black sword in his hand.


It was Semaru who sprang out from the ground, and the reason why she disappeared strangely just now was that Tudun who performed ninjutsu got into the ground.

Moreover, he chose to launch a surprise attack on Ji Yang from the ground.

After becoming a corpse puppet, not only did Samaru's ninjutsu not weaken, but it became stronger and weirder than when he was alive.

Ji Yang stabbed down with his sword, and it happened to collide with Shawan's two daggers.

Shawan's body that had just sprung out from the ground was thrown into the ground again by the force from Ji Yang's sword, leaving only a broken dagger on the ground.

Shawan fled underground, and Gui Lie's second attack also arrived.

This Gui Lie's attack method is a barbaric attack that relies entirely on its own strength.

The sledgehammer in his hand was swung like a windmill, carrying gusts of whistling wind, and swung towards Ji Yang.

This kind of savage attack method of opening and closing is much easier to deal with than Samaru's weird ninjutsu.

Sha Wan fled underground, Ji Yang was lazy to take care of her for the time being, so he simply killed Gui Lie first.

"Earth Fire Art, sleepy!"


Using the Trapped Word Art, a two to three meter high flame cage appeared, trapping Gui Lie inside.

Seeing Gui Lie's savage energy, Ji Yang didn't expect that the flame cage could really trap Gui Lie, and followed suit with the Killing Art.

The red light flickered on the black awn sword, and the whole body of the sword turned red, and the black awn sword quickly stabbed towards the position of the flame cage.

As soon as Ji Yang's sword reached the outside of the flame cage, he saw the flame cage tremble, and violently rushed out of the flame cage.

Ji Yang had already expected that Gui Lie would rush out, so he was not surprised, and the black sword stabbing out from his hand did not stop at all.


The sledgehammer in Gui Lie's hand was still swinging, but he didn't even touch the corner of Ji Yang's clothes.

The sword in Ji Yang's hand directly pierced Gui Lie's chest.

Gui Lie was originally a dead person, he didn't feel anything when he was stabbed in the chest by Ji Yang.

But when a flame ignited from his body, the eyes of Gui Lie, who had some ideology, changed.

This change was also the last reaction he could make.

The flames ignited from the inside out wrapped Gui Lie's body, and in just a few seconds, Gui Lie had already been burned into coke, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

The flames will continue to burn until Gui Lie turns into ashes...


"Kill the pill!"

Oniretsu's body was burning, and Zaemon's heart was burning.

There was obvious fear on his face, and he yelled "Sawan" in horror.

Following Zaemon's yell, the ground under Ji Yang's feet moved, and he knew that it was Samaru who was about to come out.

"If you like to hide in the ground, then I will plant you in the ground."

As soon as Shawan's body sprang halfway out of the ground, the black sword in Ji Yang's hand had already slashed across.

This sword cut off Sawan's head directly, and what flowed out from the severed head was not blood, but a black liquid with a strange smell.

These black liquids are what Zuemon used to refine human corpse puppets.

The head was chopped off, and even the corpse puppet couldn't move anymore.

Half of Semaru's body is in the ground and the other half is on the ground, it really looks like it's planted in the ground.

The two human corpse puppets are Zaemon's last cards, and now that the cards have been destroyed by Ji Yang, how dare he continue to stay here.

Zaemon took out two projectiles from his arms and threw them to the ground. He was planning to run away again.

Is it just that Ji Yang will let him run away?
 The third update is sent, the update is over today, and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support, please recommend, monthly pass, reward

(End of this chapter)

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