The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 470 The Bull Head and Horse Noodles Are Here

Chapter 470 Here Comes the Bull Head and Horse Noodles (Part [-])
"Bang bang!"

The projectile was thrown on the ground and cracked, and thick smoke floated out immediately.

With the appearance of smoke, Zaemon didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation, turned around and wanted to run.

It's just that when he turned around, he found that Ji Yang was already standing in front of him.

There was a smile on Ji Yang's face, but in Zaemon's eyes, this smile was more terrifying than the devil's smile.


Zaemon swallowed hard, and slowly backed his feet, but just as he backed away, he heard strange voices coming from behind.

Turning his head to look at the place where the sound came from, Zaemon saw a strange-looking big white snake staring at him with a snake letter.

With Ji Yang in front and White Snake behind, Zaemon didn't dare to move, and stood there stiffly.

Puppeteers are different from ordinary ninjas, and close combat is their weakness.

The puppet master relies entirely on his puppets to fight. Now that his strongest puppets have been destroyed, Zaemon doesn't think he has the ability to fight Ji Yang.

He didn't even have the courage to fight Ji Yang.

"Why do you want to harm Qi Shanhai?"

Ji Yang stared at Zaemon with a frightened face, and asked in a cold voice.

"Because he was the founding hero of China, countless people from country R died at his hands, and I came to avenge them."

Zaemon's words sounded very reasonable, but when his eyes were speaking, his eyes were clearly wandering.

Such erratic behavior made the smile on Ji Yang's face much colder.

This guy is clearly lying.

"Revenge is because I seek revenge from you. Country R invades China. If you dare to invade other countries, you must be prepared to die."

"Play tricks with me, if you don't tell the truth, then I'll make you pay the price."

While Ji Yang was speaking, the little dragon girl's mouth opened, and two ice cones shot out from it.



Two ice picks were shot out, Zaemon didn't even have a chance to react, the knees of both legs were shattered by the ice picks.

A layer of ice covered his legs, and Zaemon knelt directly on the ground.

Shouting in pain, Zaemon looked at Ji Yang with more fear.

"Say, what are you trying to do by turning Qi Shanhai into a living puppet and using Qi Shanhai to control Qi Longfeng and Qi Longshan?"

Zuemon whispered to himself in the ward, he thought no one heard, but Xiao Longnu heard him.

Xiao Longnu heard it, so she would naturally tell Ji Yang.

When Ji Yang said this, Zaemon's expression was a little unnatural, but he still said it bravely.

"I just want to avenge those dead R country people, ah..."

There is a price to pay for being stubborn, seeing Zaemon not telling the truth, Xiaolongnv spat out two more ice picks.

This time, the two ice picks directly abolished Zaemon's two arms.

"If you don't tell the truth, the next ice pick will be your head."

Looking coldly at Zaemon who had lost his limbs, Ji Yang shouted coldly.

Originally, Ji Yang wanted to say that if you don't say the next ice pick, you will hit your fifth limb.

But Ji Yang found out that it doesn't make any sense whether this guy's fifth limb can be used or not, because Zaemon's fifth limb is simply a decoration, and it has long been useless.

Cold sweat broke out from Zaemon's painful forehead, and the ice pick hit his head, which meant to kill him.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Zaemon didn't show the slightest fear on his face, but showed a smile instead.

"You never know."

When Zaemon spoke, he wanted to grit his teeth fiercely. There was poison in his mouth, and the poison was inside his teeth.

As long as he bites down hard, the poison hidden in the teeth will flow out.

As a ninja, it is necessary to have poison in your mouth.

The purpose is to prevent being caught by the enemy and torture and interrogate himself.

It's just that Zaemon was about to bite the poison hidden in his teeth, but Ji Yang's hand was already pinching his jawbone, Zaemon could only open his mouth, and couldn't continue to bite at all.

"I won't let you die, even if you want to die."

"Crack, uh..."

With a slap, half of Zaemon's face was swollen, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, and a few teeth fell out.

The poisonous teeth are in these teeth.

It's too domineering to refuse to die.

"Ji Yang, are you okay?"

When Ji Yang slapped Zuoemon's teeth out, Qi Longshan, Qi Longfeng and Pang Hong finally arrived here with the guard platoon from the Military General Hospital.

When they saw Zaemon, whose limbs were crippled by Ji Yang and his face was swollen from beating, and looked a bit miserable, they asked softly.

"I'm fine, this guy has a tough mouth, you guys are here, I'll hand it over to you for interrogation."

"He wants to make Old General Qi into a puppet, and he also wants to control the two of you. The purpose is definitely not simple. You should ask carefully."

"If you really can't ask me, I have a way to make him tell the truth."

Ji Yang lifted Zuoemon from the ground and threw it directly at the feet of Qi Longfeng and Qi Longshan.

Hearing that Zuoemon had such a purpose, Qi Longfeng and Qi Longshan's expressions darkened, and Qi Longshan kicked Zuoemon's head with his military boot.

Blood flowed from Zaemon's head from the kick.

"Male Gobi, you want to control my father and our brothers, you little devil is tired of your job."

"Bring him to the Kyoto military region for me to have him interrogated properly. As long as he doesn't kill him, he can be interrogated in any way."

Qi Longshan shouted to the guard row behind him.

Several soldiers in the guard platoon heard Qi Longshan's order and dragged Zuoemon to the outside of the Kyoto Botanical Garden like a dead dog.

When Zuoemon was taken away, Qi Longshan looked at Ji Yang with a face of shame.

"Doctor Ji, I was the one who offended you before. I hope you will not affect my father's treatment because of my problem."

"When you cure my father, I, Qi Longshan, will be at your mercy. Kill or scrape as you please."

On the way here, Pang Hong told Qi Longfeng and Qi Longshan about Ji Yang's battle against the head-subduing master.

Knowing that Ji Yang has abilities different from ordinary people, the two were shocked.

The strength displayed by Ji Yang is exactly the same as that of the members of the Xuan Group. Even Qi Longfeng and Qi Longshan should treat such people politely.

Thinking of what he said about Ji Yang before, Qi Longshan felt very ashamed.

"As a son of man, Major General Qi is understandably worried about his father's illness."

"Let's not waste time, hurry back and treat Old General Qi."

Returning to the ward again, Ji Yang looked at Qi Shanhai lying on the hospital bed, frowning tightly.

Qi Shanhai's illness is very serious this time, it is no exaggeration to say that he is skinny now, if he is not still breathing, he is completely dead.

Although Qi Shanhai was inspected before, the inspection was not careful.

At this time, Ji Yang checked Qi Shanhai carefully, and he found that Qi Shanhai's anger was rapidly dissipating, and he looked like he was about to die.

"Little Bai, why are you here?"

When Ji Yang felt that Qi Shanhai's situation was critical, two figures suddenly appeared here.

These two people turned out to be Bull Head and Horse Face, Ji Yang's heart sank when he saw Bull Head and Horse Face coming here.

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(End of this chapter)

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