Chapter 479

Nails are hard enough.

Ji Yang's black awn sword is made of the backbone of a thousand-year-old black python monster and the ore unique to the underworld. Even if he doesn't use magic, the black awn sword itself is very sharp.

But when he touched the blue-eyed zombie, he failed to cut off the opponent's nails. Ji Yang was not satisfied with the result.

Ji Yang is not satisfied with his sword, and the blue-eyed zombie is not satisfied with his claw.

The blue-eyed zombie's fingers are not ordinary fingers, his fingers are harder than mortal steel.

Coupled with the assistance of its own corpse, it is very sharp and tough.

In the past, when I met anyone who wanted to grab me, as long as I stabbed it down with my claws, no matter whether it was a mahogany sword or a metal sword, the result would be broken.

But today's touch was not even close, and the blue-eyed zombie actually felt pain in his hand.

"Damn it, it seems that you really have some skills."

The blue-eyed zombie stared at Ji Yang, and said in a hoarse voice.

The stench that came out of his mouth when he spoke made Ji Yang feel sick, this smell was too damn stinky.

Zombies can talk, so can't they brush their teeth? This smell can kill people even if they smoke them.

"Fight, fight, can you stop talking, your mouth is too stinky."

He also convinced Ji Yang, and at this time he was in a good mood to make fun of the blue-eyed zombie.

When the blue-eyed zombie heard Ji Yang's words, his stiff face changed slightly. He stopped talking and let out a breath directly at Ji Yang.

Damn, talking is enough to stink, if you exhale on purpose, it doesn't stink even more.

It seems that although this blue-eyed zombie is a low-level member of the General Corpse Clan, he still has a certain amount of wisdom.

It is said that zombies have no thoughts. If anyone talks about it in the future, Ji Yang will directly poke him in the buttocks with the black sword.

"Ma Dan's, I like to smell it so much, let you smell it enough."

"Breeze Palm!"

The spells that Ji Yang learned before used weapons. When Zhu Bajie was around last time, he specially asked Zhu Bajie to teach him a few spells that can be used with bare hands.

This Breeze Palm is one of them.

A mouthful of blue stench came from the mouth of the blue-eyed zombie, and Ji Yang slapped it out.

With this palm strike, a gust of wind was brought up, blowing back the air exhaled by the blue-eyed zombie.

"Well, comfortable!"

There is no reason to dislike yourself, this blue stench is spit out from the mouth of the blue-eyed zombie.

The stench blew back, and the blue-eyed zombie smelled the stench, not only did not feel disgusted like Ji Yang, but enjoyed it instead.

Seeing the blue-eyed zombie like this, Ji Yang was convinced.

The taste of blue-eyed zombies is quite strong.

After the funny comparison, it's time for the real thing.

"Mysterious Fire Curse!"

Ji Yang flicked his wrist, and a flame shot out from his hand. At this time, the wind force was still there, and the wind helped the fire. The power of this move of the Black Fire Curse was much stronger than normal.

Fire and thunder are the biggest nemesis of zombies.

The flames hit the face, and the blue-eyed zombie was not calm this time, his eyes showed a bit of fear, and his body jumped back quickly.

The blue-eyed zombie retreated, Ji Yang's eyes turned cold, and he rushed forward, swiping the black sword several times in the air.

Every time the sword is swung, a flame will appear out of thin air, and then shoot at the blue-eyed zombie.

"Damn, damn, damn..."

Although the blue-eyed zombie retreated far, Ji Yang shot out flames faster than him.

The blue-eyed zombie hid one flame and two flames, but failed to completely avoid all the flames. After all, a flame hit him.

The flame hit his body, and the blue-eyed zombie screamed in pain, his whole body trembled violently, and the place hit by the flame was scorched black.

"Ah, boom!"

The blue-eyed zombies are very powerful, so they choose to attack when they see that evasion is ineffective.

He only heard a roar from the mouth of the blue-eyed zombie, and a pair of arms hit a rock beside him, and the rock was cracked by him.

The cracked stones splashed everywhere, and the blue-eyed zombie swung its arms repeatedly, hitting the rubble towards Ji Yang.

These gravels can not only attack Ji Yang, but also block part of the flames, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The gravel flew towards him, Ji Yang waved his arm, and a wall of air appeared in front of him.

The air wall blocked Ji Yang behind him, and the gravel hit the air wall with dull sounds before falling to the ground one after another.

Seeing that the gravel attack was ineffective, the blue-eyed zombie's eyes froze.

It's not the first time he met someone who wanted to catch him, just now he also met one.

But someone as difficult as Ji Yang is definitely the first.


Roaring again, the blue-eyed zombie's body was full of blue corpse energy, and the momentum was a bit stronger than before.

The protruding fangs seemed to be a little longer than before, and a pair of dark blue eyes exuded a strange blue light.


The blue-eyed zombie put his feet on the ground, crossed his hands on his chest, and quickly jumped towards Ji Yang.

This jump was much stronger than before, the ground was cracked by the force of his kicking, and the body rushed directly for a distance of more than ten meters.

After jumping twice in a row, the blue-eyed zombie arrived in front of Ji Yang, with his arms crossed across his chest separated, like two sharp knives, he stabbed fiercely at Ji Yang.

The attack power of the blue-eyed zombie was not small this time, and Ji Yang's condensed energy wall was actually broken by him.

The air wall burst, and the blue-eyed zombie's hands with sharp nails poked towards Ji Yang's head and chest.

He wanted to know Ji Yang's fate directly.

It's a pity that the strength of the blue-eyed zombie is really not enough in Ji Yang's eyes.

Ji Yang held his black sword in front of his chest, his eyes were fixed, and he whispered the words "Earth Fire Jue".

Before the sound fell, a wall of fire rushed straight from the ground, and the burning flames directly wrapped the hands of the blue-eyed zombie.


The flames wrapped the hands of the blue-eyed zombie, and the hands of the blue-eyed zombie were scorched and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A trace of corpse energy wafted out of his body, it seemed that this guy was not usually afraid of fire.

The blue-eyed zombie screamed in pain, and waved its arms violently. Bursts of corpse aura hit the flames, as if it wanted to extinguish the flames.

It's just that he underestimated Ji Yang's flame, how could he, a little blue-eyed zombie, be able to extinguish this flame.

"Earth Fire Art, sleepy!"

With flames burning in his hands, the blue-eyed zombie had no intention of attacking Ji Yang.

If the flames continue to burn like this, a pair of his arms will definitely be burnt to pieces.

Ji Yang didn't care whether the blue-eyed zombie attacked him or not, anyway, he wanted to kill the opponent. He pointed at the blue-eyed zombie, and a flame cage appeared instantly, trapping the blue-eyed zombie inside.

Feeling the heat from the flame cage, the blue eyes of the blue-eyed zombie showed fear.

Through the flame cage, the blue-eyed zombie looked towards the cave and yelled.

"Master save me, master save me."

Hearing the yell of the blue shadow zombie, Ji Yang's eyes widened, and he felt a terrifying aura overflowing from the cave.

"Trash, this trivial matter can't be solved, what use do I need you for?"

When the sound sounded, Ji Yang saw a yellow mist floating out of the cave, and a figure flew out of the cave.

 The second one is here, Xieben wishes you all a happy holiday during the National Day, ask for a monthly pass, recommend, and give a reward

(End of this chapter)

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