The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 480 Yellow-Eyed Zombie

Chapter 480 Yellow-Eyed Zombie (Part [-])
The figure that flew out of the cave was a very tall zombie.

The appearance of the zombie is basically similar to the blue-eyed zombie, the biggest difference is his eyes, he has a pair of yellow eyes.

It turned out to be a yellow-eyed zombie.

Yellow-eyed zombies are very difficult to deal with among the generals and corpses. They already have the strength to fight with gods. When Taoist priests in the world encounter him, the only way to go is death.

The yellow-eyed zombie, whose whole body is covered in yellow corpse aura, has a very strong aura. The aura alone is several times stronger than that of the blue-eyed zombie.

The movement of the yellow-eyed zombie looks very similar to that of the blue-eyed zombie. It also jumps and jumps, but each jump has a distance of more than ten meters, and the jump is very high.

Such a jump looks like flying.

Zhang Zhixin, who was hiding in the distance, swallowed hard when he saw the yellow-eyed zombie appear, and his legs began to tremble.

This is not to say how cowardly Zhang Zhixin is, but the yellow-eyed zombie is really too strong.

The blue-eyed zombies played Zhang Zhixin to death, but the yellow-eyed zombies didn't beat him directly.

"Can Ji Yangneng do it? This is Nima's yellow-eyed zombie. This old zombie has existed for at least four or five hundred years."

Zhang Zhixin began to worry about Ji Yang.

Although Ji Yang's ability is not weak, but the yellow-eyed zombie is indeed too scary, he has to worry about Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang was actually not calm, the yellow-eyed zombie was indeed not easy to deal with.

With Ji Yang's current cultivation base, he is considered to be at the same level as the yellow-eyed zombie. It's really hard to say who will win if they really fight.

As soon as the yellow-eyed zombie appeared, his yellow eyes glanced at Ji Yang first, but he didn't attack Ji Yang.

He turned his head to look at the flame cage, and then rushed directly towards the flame cage cast by Ji Yang, as if he didn't take the flame cage seriously at all.

Rushing to the front of the flame cage, the yellow-eyed zombie opened its mouth, and a stream of corpse aura that was as solid as an arrow spit out from its mouth.


The corpse gas hit the flame cage, and the flame cage visibly trembled. The flames were a little thinner but did not break directly.

A breath of corpse aura failed to break through the flame cage, the yellow-eyed zombie's eyes were filled with yellow light, and the yellow corpse aura all over his body condensed on his hands.

Pushing forward vigorously with both hands, the rich yellow corpse energy rushed towards the flame cage.

The corpse gas collided with the flame cage again, and the flame cage trembled again. After this tremor, the flame cage disappeared instantly.

The flame cage disappeared, and the yellow-eyed zombie turned his head to look at Ji Yang, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

"Fuck, isn't it just breaking open a flame cage, proud of your sister."

The look of the yellow-eyed zombie made Ji Yang very unhappy, and he cursed a few words.

"My sister, her taste is really good, quack quack..."

"Without my sister, I wouldn't be a yellow-eyed zombie. I really miss the taste of eating her."

The yellow-eyed zombie didn't know whether he understood Ji Yang's words, but he was very excited when he heard the word "sister".

According to the words of the yellow-eyed zombie, he seems to have eaten his own sister to become a yellow-eyed zombie. This guy is ruthless enough.

But if you think about it, Du Nima has become a zombie, so there is no emotion.

The flame cage was broken, and the blue-eyed zombie was out of danger, but his arms had been completely burned.

The blue-eyed zombie without arms looked at the yellow-eyed zombie in front of him, his stiff body began to tremble.

"Master, my hand..."

"Trash, if it weren't for the usefulness of keeping you, I would eat you right now."

"It doesn't matter if you lose a pair of arms, I'll just replace them for you later."

Zombies devour each other and use the cultivation of other zombies to strengthen themselves. This kind of thing is very common among zombies.

Some zombies even hurt and bite people everywhere in order to devour more zombies, turning ordinary people into their own corpse servants.

When the strength of these corpse servants increases to a certain level, he will eat them.

Under the pressure of blood, these corpse servants didn't even have the strength to resist, so they could only obediently become food and supplements to enhance their cultivation.

"Thank you master, thank you master."

The blue-eyed zombie was really afraid that the yellow-eyed zombie would get angry, so he swallowed him directly.

Hearing that the yellow-eyed zombie wouldn't eat him, he was willing to connect his arm. If the blue-eyed zombie hadn't been so stiff that he couldn't kneel down, he would definitely kneel and lick the yellow-eyed zombie now.

After scolding the blue-eyed zombie, the yellow-eyed zombie looked at Ji Yang again, this time with an obvious chill in his eyes.

"You do have some skills. The flame just now can resist my corpse aura. After becoming a yellow-eyed zombie, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

"Disturb my cave, hurt my corpse servant, use your blood to pay back today."

While the yellow-eyed zombie was speaking, the corpse aura wafted from his body, and the flowers, plants and trees within ten meters around would instantly turn yellow and wilted if they were contaminated with the corpse aura.

Looking at the changes in the vegetation, Ji Yang's eyes were startled.

The yellow-eyed zombie is really not comparable to the blue-eyed zombie, and his corpse poison is so terrifying.

"This guy's corpse poison is terrifying, you have to be careful."

"Although you have immortal energy to protect your body, his corpse poison is strong enough to hurt you. If you are contaminated by his corpse poison, even if you don't become a zombie, it won't feel good."

The yellow-eyed zombie already has the strength to fight the gods, even if the little dragon girl doesn't remind, Ji Yang will not be careless.

"This guy is hard to deal with. You are ready to lend me the immortal energy in your body at any time."

"Well, I see."

Ji Yang was not completely sure about dealing with the yellow-eyed zombie in front of him.

To be on the safe side, Ji Yang must be fully prepared.

He didn't want to become a zombie because of the yellow-eyed zombie's corpse poison, let alone enter the opponent's stomach.

After communicating with Xiao Longnv, the immortal energy in Ji Yang's body was activated, the clothes on his body moved automatically without wind, and a pair of eyes revealed a strong killing intent.



The yellow-eyed zombie let out a beast-like roar, and Ji Yang also yelled.

They uttered and moved almost at the same time.

With this movement, Ji Yang and the yellow-eyed zombie bumped into each other in a blink of an eye.

The red light on Ji Yang's black awn sword was victorious, and the flame power of the Earth Fire Jue had already filled the black awn sword. When Ji Yang stabbed out with his sword, the air was twisted and trembled by the heat from Ji Yang's black awn sword.

Such a hot sword, but the yellow-eyed zombie didn't seem to feel it.

The hand of the yellow-eyed zombie with sharp nails directly greeted the black sword.


The skin of the yellow-eyed zombie is as hard as steel. His skin is really invulnerable, even if he is shot, it will not hurt him.

Ji Yang slashed at the hand of the yellow-eyed zombie, not only failed to hurt the yellow-eyed zombie, but felt his palm go numb. If Ji Yang hadn't grasped the hilt of the sword in time, the black sword in his hand would almost have been thrown out of his hand.

"A lot of power."

Backing away, Ji Yang stared at the yellow-eyed zombie and murmured softly.

 The third update is sent, the update is over today, and will continue tomorrow, please recommend, monthly pass, reward
(End of this chapter)

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