The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 48 I Have No Sister

Chapter 48 I Have No Sister

He is a human and not a tiger, why does Ji Yang seem to be afraid of himself?

Seeing Ji Yang backing away, Mu Hong also felt very strange, besides, would there be so many nosebleeds if he got angry?
"Huh? Ji Yang, what's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding from the nose?"

Li Zixuan also came in at this time, and it was strange to see Ji Yang's nosebleed. Ji Yang was fine when he left, so why would he have a nosebleed.

"I'll wipe it, one is enough, why is there another one here, God, do you know that good luck can also play with dead people?"

Both Mu Hong and Li Zixuan are beauties that are rare to see. Mu Hong, who is dressed in leather, is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, looking a bit wild, while Li Zixuan looks pure, but she is definitely a girl in her heart.

Either of the two is enough to make an impulsive man make a mistake, let alone the two together, Ji Yang now has a love-hate relationship with Hell Bee Jelly.

"It's okay, the weather is hot, and I'm a little tired from scraping the bones of Brother Mu to cure the poison. This nosebleed came out, and I'll be fine after a rest."

With a faint smile, Ji Yang said softly, but in his heart he hoped that Li Zixuan and Mu Hong would leave quickly.

But these two women seemed to be doing it on purpose, they said they were going to rest and they still refused to leave.

"Oh, then you can rest, I will chat with Sister Mu Hong here for a while, you don't need to worry about us."

Li Zixuan nodded, and then started chatting with Mu Hong.

"Do not see evil, do not listen to evil, but if you talk like this, I want to ignore you, but I can't do it?"

Lying on the bed with a bitter face, listening to Li Zixuan and Mu Hong chatting from cosmetics to clothes, and from clothes to food, Ji Yang felt bitter in his heart.

"Ah, Sister Mu Hong, we haven't eaten well today, I feel hungry?"

"As soon as you say that I'm hungry too, let's go down and find something to eat. Although it's getting late now, there is still a place to provide nutrition 24 hours a day."

Hearing this, Ji Yang knew that he was finally going to be freed, otherwise he would be too wronged if he died because of a nosebleed that continued to bleed.

"Ji Yang, are you hungry? Do you want to go eat together?"

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang and asked.

"No, you go and eat."

Ji Yang thought to himself, what a fart, I just want you to go away now, and I still want to see the sun tomorrow.

"Okay, let's go eat then, let's go, Sister Mu Hong."

Watching Li Zixuan and Mu Hong leave, Ji Yang's nosebleed finally stopped, and he didn't have to worry about dying from his nosebleed.

"Today is just like this. There are still three days before the deadline for Lord Yan. In three days, I must find the three-eyed ghost."

Looking at the dark night outside the window, Ji Yang thought the same in his heart.

Early the next morning, Ji Yang also came to Mu An's ward.

"Ji Yang, you are here, thank you very much this time."

Mu An was lying on the hospital bed, his face was a little pale, when he saw Ji Yang coming, Mu An also said gratefully.

After Ji Yang's bone scraping to cure poison, Mu An clearly felt the changes in himself. Now he has a feeling in his hands and feet. Although he can't walk now, his hands can already move, which is enough to prove Ji Yang's bone scraping The poison treatment is effective, and his diagnosis is correct.

"Yeah, Ji Yang, I really want to thank you this time. Before, I suspected that you were really sorry. If it weren't for you, my An'er would probably be..."

Lin Yan was taking care of Mu An in the ward. After seeing Ji Yang, her eyes were apologetic, and she was a little excited when she spoke.

"Aunt Lin, Brother Mu, you are offended by saying that. Mu Hong and I are friends and doctors, so we should treat Dage Mu."

Ji Yang said calmly.

"Anyway, you saved my life. You are my savior. If you have something to say in the future, I, Mu An, won't frown even if it's a sea of ​​fire."

Mu An said very sincerely.

He had been lying on the bed for so long that Mu An almost forgot the feeling of walking on his legs. Now he wished he could jump to the ground and run for a hundred kilometers.

"Brother Mu, I'm not happy when you say that. If you really treat me as a brother, don't say such things."

To be honest, Ji Yang didn't like this kind of scene of being excited and thanked.

After chatting with Mu An in the ward for a while, seeing that the other person's wounds were recovering well and his hands and feet were feeling, Ji Yang left in peace.

It's time for Ji Yang to find the three-eyed ghost.

"I thought Linhai was already big, but Wanghai is even bigger than Linhai. Finding a ghost that escaped in Wanghai is like finding a needle in a haystack!"

After searching for a whole day, Ji Yang found nothing, but he knew one thing, that Wanghai is very big, and it is difficult to find someone, let alone a ghost.

"Why did you go today?"

Back at the military compound, Li Zixuan, who hadn't seen Ji Yang for a day, also asked curiously.

"Ah, nothing. Isn't it the first time I came to Wanghai? I went out for a stroll. I didn't expect Wanghai to be so big. I was dizzy."

When Li Zixuan asked Ji Yang, she also said softly.

"Wanghai is the capital of the Hai Province. Of course it is big. Its area is twice the size of Linhai. If you want to go out to play, you can ask sister Mu Hong and me to accompany you. Why not go out and wander around by yourself."

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang like you asked for it, obviously he could ask Mu Hong, a local, to take him to play, but he went out to play by himself, he deserved it.

Seeing Li Zixuan's appearance, Ji Yang also smiled bitterly.

If he really went out to play, of course Ji Yang would find someone who is familiar with Wang Hai to take him with him, but the problem is that he is going to catch ghosts, how can he catch ghosts by himself if he just goes to various scenic spots with you.

Could it be said that the three eyes are dead, and the ghost still can't go to the tourist attractions to play every day?

"Okay, Zixuan, don't talk about Ji Yang, it's my negligence, how about it, I'll take you out tomorrow to have fun."

Mu Hong also stood up at this time and said with a smile.

"Okay, I haven't come to Wanghai to play for a long time, so let's go play together tomorrow."

Before Ji Yang could speak, Li Zixuan had already agreed for him.

"There are only three days left, and it seems that another day will be wasted."

Helplessly lowering his head, Ji Yang thought the same in his heart.

The result was just as Ji Yang thought, after breakfast the next morning, Ji Yang left the military compound with Mu Hong and Li Zixuan.

During this day, Mu Hong also fulfilled the responsibilities of a friend and a guide, and took Ji Yang to visit several famous scenic spots in Wanghai.

It's just that Ji Yang was obviously absent-minded in playing. He still thought that the three-eyed ghost would appear in the scenic spot by luck, but in the end he was slapped in the face by reality.

"Xiaobai, have you found the three-eyed ghost? Tomorrow is the last day of Lord Yan's order."

At night, Hei Wuchang also found Ji Yang.

"Find your sister!"

Ji Yang got a little angry and replied.

"I asked you if you found the three-eyed ghost. Why are you looking for my sister? Besides, I don't have a sister. The one you are looking for must be fake."

When Hei Wuchang saw Ji Yang's words, he also replied.

 The update speed is slow during the warm-up period, please forgive me, after the warm-up period, everyone will definitely enjoy it
(End of this chapter)

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