Chapter 49
Seeing Hei Wuchang's divine reply, Ji Yang also felt his eyes light up.

The three worlds are not connected, and communication is difficult. I am just complaining, who is really looking for your sister.

"Ahem, I don't have time to look for your sister, the three-eyed ghost has not been found."

"Why are you looking for me so late? You don't need to sleep, but I do."

It seems that it is better to be normal when talking to people from Heaven and Earth. He always sees such divine replies, and he is afraid that he will not be able to bear vomiting blood.

"It's a good thing to find you."

Seeing Hei Wuchang's words, Ji Yang curled his lips, "it will be good for you boy to find me, and the first time you meet me, you will count me as a trick."

"What a good thing, give me merit?"

In the underworld, seeing Ji Yang's words, Hei Wuchang's bluish face turned darker.

What a lack of merit this is. Opening and closing your mouth requires merit.

"It's not about giving merit, it's just the news of the three-eyed ghost, do you want to hear it?"

The news of the three-eyed ghost, upon hearing this, Ji Yang also became refreshed in an instant.

"What's the point if you have news, just say it."

"Tonight, when Ye Youshen was patrolling the night, he felt the aura of the Three-Eyed Ghost at the place where Three-Eyed Ghost died that night, but it disappeared soon. He has a mission and cannot continue to pursue it. You might as well go and have a look there."

"Where is the place where the third eye died?"

"Watching the sea's dream falls into the bar."

Ji Yang doesn't know where the Mengluo Bar is, but he doesn't know, it doesn't mean others don't know, such as Mu Hong.

"As long as you show your tail, I have the confidence to find you."

With the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, Ji Yang also said in a cold voice.

Although Hei Wuchang didn't give him any merit directly, as long as he caught the three-eyed ghost, he would get two thousand merits.

"Ji Yang, I'm so bored, let's find a place to play, shall we?"

Just when Ji Yang was about to ask Mu Hong to take him to Mengluo Bar, Li Zixuan happened to come to him. Hearing Li Zixuan's words, Ji Yang also smiled knowingly.

"Okay, just now my friend sent me a WeChat message saying that Wanghai's Mengluo Bar is good, and I'm going to ask you and Mu Hong to have a look."

"Going to the bar? Okay, I'll call Sister Mu Hong right now."

Li Zixuan was also very excited when she heard that she was going to the bar, she turned around and ran to find Mu Hong.

Although Mu Hong seldom goes to places like bars, but if she doesn't go, it doesn't mean she can't find Mengluo Bar. After making a phone call, she also knows the location of Mengluo Bar.

Wanghai Bar Street.

It was already nightfall at this time, but the lights in the bar street were brightly lit, it looked like daytime.

On both sides of the street, bars of various colors are lined up, and colorful neon signboards can be seen everywhere. Many men and women of different ages and dresses shuttle among them.

At this time, the three of Ji Yang were also walking in the bar street. Through Mu Hong's previous phone call, they also quickly found the location of "Meng Luo Bar".

The business of the bar seemed to be good, but there was still a long queue outside the door. The security guards at the door would only allow people outside to enter when someone came out of the bar.

However, it seemed that the number of people queuing up was increasing, but the number of people who came out was pitifully small.

Looking at the long queue in front of him, Ji Yang frowned slightly.

"There are dozens of people queuing up here. Is this Mengluo bar really so good?"

"I don't know if the three-eyed ghost is in the bar right now. If the queue continues like this, it will be my turn at dawn, and the three-eyed ghost may have already left."

Ji Yang didn't come to Mengluo Bar to have fun, but to catch the three-eyed ghost. He definitely didn't want to wait in line like this.

"Sister Mu Hong, there is such a long line, when we are all in the morning, why don't we change?"

Li Zixuan obviously didn't want to queue up either, and when she saw the long queue at the door, she also pouted unhappily.

"It's okay, come with me."

Mu Hong smiled confidently and walked straight forward.

"The inside is full, everyone please go to line up."

Although I don't know why Mu Hong is so confident, seeing her walking towards the bar, Ji Yang and Li Zixuan followed her.

It's just that when he arrived at the entrance of the bar, he was stopped by the security guard, who was quite kind.

"Beauty, you can't enter the bar by swiping your face, you'd better come in line, if you want, you can go in with brother later."

Seeing Mu Hong and the others being stopped, a young man with yellow hair at the front also spoke.

Hearing the words of the young man with yellow hair, everyone burst into laughter.


Mu Hong turned her head and gave a cold drink. At this time, she is the cold beauty in the eyes of others, giving people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

When the young man with yellow hair heard Mu Hong's words, his complexion also changed. He was a fool at any rate. If a woman said that, if he didn't do something, he would still be fooling around in the future.

But just when he was about to speak, what Mu Hong said next made his body tremble, and he obediently shut his mouth.

"I'm Tang Tai's friend. He said that if I come here and report his name, I can go in directly."

Tang Tai was the name of the person Mu Hong called before, and the other party also grew up together in the compound of the military region.

"So it's Young Master Tang's friend, please come in."

Hearing Tang Tai's name, the security guard was also stunned. He still had the ability to distinguish whether what Mu Hong said was true or false, so he hurriedly made way for Mu Hong and the three to enter the bar.

Only then did Ji Yang realize that it was Mu Hong who was there, no wonder she still looked indifferent when she saw the long queue outside the bar.

"In today's society, the emphasis is on connections, and there are people who are easy to handle."

Ji Yang thought in his mind, and at the same time he also thought of heaven and hell. Now he has not only contacts, but also divine veins and ghost veins. Speaking of which, he is still the best.

"Sister Mu Hong, who is this Tang Tai? Why haven't I seen it before when I came to Wanghai?"

Li Zixuan asked curiously.

"A playboy who doesn't do business properly, it's a good thing you don't know him."

Mu Hong said softly.

Hearing Mu Hong's words, Li Zixuan stuck out her tongue and didn't continue to ask.

Inside the Mengluo bar, the lights are dim, and the fast-paced music resounds through the bar, and people's heads are surging in it. Many red men and women are also twisting their bodies along with the music, venting their excess energy.

As soon as he entered the bar, Ji Yang's eyes froze, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, because he found that the soul stone on his body had reacted. It seemed that the three-eyed ghost was really in the Mengluo bar. As for where exactly? The location still needs to be found.

There are indeed quite a few people in the bar, but it's not that there are no seats. I don't know why the security guards block people outside when there are seats. Could it be that these seats are reserved for people with relationships like Xiang Mu Hong?

The three of them found a place to sit down, and ordered some food and wine casually.

"Ji Yang, shall we go dancing?"

To be honest, it was the first time for Ji Yang to come to a bar. It's not that Ji Yang didn't want to come before, but that the money in his hand didn't allow him to come to this kind of place.

"I can not dance."

Ji Yang said with some embarrassment.

"Come on, let me teach you, sister Mu Hong, let's go together."

The number of Li Zixuan's visits to the bar is also limited, she also seemed very happy to come to Mengluo Bar today, and when she was talking, she also dragged Mu Hong to the dance floor.

 Recommendation ticket, recommendation ticket, request recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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