The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 50 The Soul Stone Lights Up

Chapter 50 The Soul Stone Lights Up
Ji Yang really can't dance, after being dragged into the dance floor by Li Zixuan, he also stood there like a log.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? You come here to relax, and it's not a stage performance. As long as you like, you can dance as you want."

Seeing Ji Yang standing there motionless, Li Zixuan said a little funny, and at the same time jumped up to the bar's violent music.

Under the neon lights, with the violent music, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong twisted, spun, and swayed to their heart's content. The two of them kept shouting, as if they were venting something. Ji Yang's heart felt hot when he saw it. , The whole person is also infected.

Haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig running? As far as my current body coordination is concerned, what am I afraid of?

As soon as his eyes were closed, the dancing movements he had seen on TV began to appear in his mind, and Ji Yang's body also began to dance.

"Ji Yang, you liar, didn't you say you can't dance!"

Li Zixuan and Mu Hong were dancing happily and forgot about Ji Yang for a while, but when the two looked at Ji Yang again, Li Zixuan also stared at him.

I saw Ji Yang's eyes were closed, but his feet were slipping back, his movements were gorgeous and smooth, and he slipped far away in an instant without leaving the ground, almost hitting a girl behind him, and then walked forward intermittently like a stiff body, and Every movement is perfectly matched to the music. Although the movements are not novel, Li Zixuan and Mu Hong are both very shocking. Can a person who can't dance do this?

Next, Ji Yang's movements made Li Zixuan and Mu Hong's mouths open even more. Ji Yang actually used his back to perform a rotation, his legs retracted as close as possible to his body, and when he rotated, Ji Yang's feet were also in the air. Circular slide.

"Zixuan, doesn't Ji Yang know how to dance? Although this backspin movement is not difficult in street dance, but seeing how smooth he plays, it is impossible for someone who cannot dance to do it."

Mu Hong also looked at Ji Yang curiously.

"Hmph, he's a liar, he's mad at me, I want to go back and drink."

Ji Yang was just dancing based on some hip-hop moves he had seen in his mind, but he didn't know that his jump had caused Li Zixuan's misunderstanding.

When the music stopped, the surrounding men and women exited the dance floor and returned to their seats. Ji Yang opened his eyes and saw Li Zixuan and the two of them, so he scratched his head and walked towards his seats.

When Ji Yang returned to the booth, he saw a few big men wearing floral vests with tattoos on their exposed arms surrounding them.

"I tell you to go, can't you hear me?"

At this time, Mu Hong was yelling at one of the men in his thirties, with long hair tied into a ponytail hanging behind his head, and a stud on his ear.

It's just that the young man with the ponytail smiled coldly when he heard Mu Hong's words, and there was an evil light in his eyes.

"Let me go, do you know where this is, and don't ask me who I am?"

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are, anyway, get out immediately, or I promise you will regret it."

The look in the ponytail man's eyes annoyed Mu Hong, she was not so impulsive as to slap him twice, it was already good.

"Make me regret it, hahahaha, I want to see how you make me regret it."

The man with the ponytail didn't take Mu Hong's words seriously at all. Not only did he not intend to walk away, but he sat down on his butt.

Seeing that the man with the ponytail sat down, Mu Hong and Li Zixuan both frowned and stood up.

"Boy, what are you doing, go away."

Ji Yang knew what these people wanted to do at a glance, and Ji Yang couldn't bear to pick up his girl in front of him, so he raised his foot and walked over.

It's just that as soon as he walked to the booth, he was stopped by a tall and fierce middle-aged man.

"I'm looking for my own girl, and I don't care about your business."

"Zixuan, Mu Hong, are you alright?"

Shouting coldly at the big man, Ji Yang turned his head to look at Li Zixuan and Mu Hong and asked softly.

"We're fine."

Mu Hong nodded and said, while also pulling Li Zixuan to walk towards Ji Yang.

Seeing Ji Yang being so arrogant, the ponytail man was also quite upset, and after hearing Mu Hong's answer, he also knew that the three of them knew each other.

"I didn't let you go, no one wants to go, stop these two girls for me."

The man with the ponytail frowned and shouted coldly, the two big men also stopped Li Zixuan and the two of them.

"Boy, I've taken a fancy to these two girls. If you still want to see the sun tomorrow, get lost."

Looking at Ji Yang arrogantly and domineeringly, the ponytail man shouted with disdain.

"Then let's see who can't see the sun tomorrow."

Talking to these people in front of him is far less direct than using hands. Ji Yang was also lazy to talk nonsense with them, and kicked them out directly, and the middle-aged man standing in front of him was directly kicked out by him.

"Damn it, you dare to hit my brother in my territory, you are really tired of work."

"Brothers kill him for me."

The ponytail man didn't expect Ji Yang to dare to attack. Could it be that he couldn't see the situation in front of him clearly? There were seven or eight people on his side, and all of them were tall and fierce. Did he think that he had beaten so many by himself? people.

"Bang bang bang!"

However, the reality is so cruel, the ponytail man felt like he was watching a movie, several big men beside him rushed towards Ji Yang, but Ji Yang took care of it in a few strokes, and they lay on the ground groaning in pain.

"Oh hair, who dares to pull my braid!"

When the man with the ponytail saw that his people were lying on the ground, he rolled up his sleeves, and was about to say a few harsh words, but before he finished speaking, he felt that someone grabbed the ponytail on the back of his head.

"Clap clap clap!"

"I have endured you for a long time."

The person who grabbed the ponytail man's ponytail was Mu Hong. Mu Hong was not a troublemaker, and he didn't want to fight the ponytail man at first.

But seeing Ji Yang put the big men to the ground, she couldn't help it anymore, grabbed the ponytail man by the ponytail, and then slapped him a few times.

The ponytail man's face was instantly flushed by Mu Hong's slap, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Boom! Crack."


Mu Hong, who grew up in the compound of the military region, was also quite skilled, and his shots were ruthless enough. After a few slaps, the ponytailed man broke at least two ribs, and he fell to the ground screaming in pain.

The movement here has finally attracted the attention of many people. It is normal to fight in a place like a bar. Many people with good deeds also want to come to join in the fun, but before these people have time to get close, they hear a roar .

"Damn it, whoever doesn't have a good eye dares to come to my Tiger Head Gang's land to make trouble, doesn't he want to live?"

With a roar, more than a dozen people came over, the first one was thin, but tall, he looked like a thin bamboo pole, with a rebellious expression on his face, and the people behind him also had an unfriendly expression.

Seeing these people appear, Ji Yang's eyes lit up, and an unconcealable excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The soul stone lights up, and the three-eyed ghosts are around."

(End of this chapter)

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