The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 483 The Weirdness in the Zombie Cave

Chapter 483 The Weirdness in the Zombie Cave (Third)
Flames rose from the ground, and thunder fell from the sky.

An unprecedented sense of crisis appeared in the heart of the yellow-eyed zombie.

Looking at Ji Yang in disbelief, the opponent's aura was obviously weak to an extremely low level, how could it trigger such a powerful attack.

What the hell is going on and why is this happening?

A single flame yellow-eyed zombie can contend, and a single sky mine can already pose a threat to him.

The yellow-eyed zombie didn't even dare to think about how much destructive power would be produced by adding the two forces of flame and thunder now.

But even if he didn't dare to think about it, he knew that the combined destructive power of the two forces was enough to destroy him.

From the humblest black-eyed zombie to today.

The yellow-eyed zombie has put in a lot of hard work for hundreds of years. In order to be promoted to a yellow-eyed zombie, he even devoured his own sister.

Everything today was hard won, and the yellow-eyed zombie didn't want to lose it just like that.

"No, I don't want to destroy."

"Let me go, let me go, I am willing to be your corpse servant, I am willing to obey your orders, I just ask you to let me go."

You can't hide from hiding, you can't run away, and it's even more impossible to resist the superimposed power of sky thunder and earth fire.

The yellow-eyed zombie could only beg for mercy, he could only hope that Ji Yang would stop attacking him.

As long as Ji Yang can let him go, he is willing to pay any price.

Faced with the begging of the yellow-eyed zombie, Ji Yang will not soften his heart.

If I think about it differently from the yellow-eyed zombie, now that I am about to be eaten by the yellow-eyed zombie, and I beg the yellow-eyed zombie for mercy, will he let me go?
For a zombie who could even eat his own sister in order to improve his cultivation, it's strange that he can let him go.

Since it was impossible for the yellow-eyed zombie to let him go, why did he let him go.

"Heavenly thunder hits ground fire, extinguish!"

Immortal energy surged in Ji Yang's body, scorching flames rose from the ground, the sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and thick thunder and lightning quickly fell from the sky accompanied by a huge thunder.

"Boom, poof."

The flames engulfed the yellow-eyed zombie, and thunder and lightning fell on the flames.

Lightning and flames fused perfectly, and the terrifying power caused the yellow-eyed zombie to let out a miserable cry.

This cry sounded very painful, very unwilling, but it was very short.

The flames are still burning, the thunder is still falling, and the fire is still going on, but the yellow-eyed zombie has lost its breath.

After all, the yellow-eyed zombie couldn't withstand the mighty power of the thunder and fire. He had already turned into ashes and became a part of the forest at Ji Yang's feet.

The yellow-eyed zombie has turned into flying ash, Ji Yang doesn't need to deal with it anymore, in fact, he can't deal with it now if he wants to.

The borrowed immortal energy is borrowed after all, and Ji Yang is not easy to use the immortal energy borrowed from the little dragon girl to cast the sky thunder hook earth fire.

After the yellow-eyed zombie was killed, he sat cross-legged on the ground, returned part of the fairy energy to Xiao Longnu, and used the remaining part to restore himself.

Lending her immortal energy to Ji Yang for a long time, Xiao Longnu also needs to take a certain risk, otherwise it will hurt her origin.

"Zhang Zhixin, there should be no danger in the cave. I need to rest for a while. Please help me see how the woman in military uniform is doing."

Ji Yang's purpose here is not to fight zombies, but to save Qi Wei.

When he recovered himself cross-legged, he still didn't forget to ask Zhang Zhixin to help him enter the cave to check Qi Wei's situation.

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he closed his eyes, Zhang Zhixin didn't bother Ji Yang, and ran quickly into the cave.

But just as Zhang Zhixin ran into the cave, Zhang Zhixin yelled loudly.

With a loud cry, Ji Yang's closed eyes instantly opened, his brows furrowed, and his body quickly rushed towards the cave.

"Are there still zombies?"

When rushing towards the cave, Ji Yang secretly thought about it.

My current situation is not good, if there are really zombies, it will be terrible.

But it is impossible for him to leave Zhang Zhixin and Qi Wei alone, so whether there are zombies or not, he has to rush into the cave.

As soon as Ji Yang approached the cave, he was nauseated by the stench wafting from the cave.

Ji Yang noticed that there was a pile of bones at the entrance of the cave. These bones were not animal bones like pig bones or cow bones, but human bones.

Zhang Zhixin was standing at the entrance of the cave, his body standing there motionless.

"Zhang Zhixin, what's wrong with you, why are you shouting?"

Although Ji Yang is a little weak now, he can feel that Zhang Zhixin's life is not in danger.

And although there were bursts of stench and bloody smell coming out of the cave, Ji Yang didn't feel any zombie activity.

Zhang Zhixin, who was blocking the entrance of the cave, heard Ji Yang's voice, turned his head around in a daze, stepped back, pointed his fingers into the cave, and said in a trembling voice.

"You see what this is?"

The entrance of the cave is not big, Zhang Zhixin stood there, almost blocking the entire entrance of the cave.

Ji Yang hadn't seen what was going on inside the cave before, but after Zhang Zhixin got out of the way, Ji Yang saw that there were a few lights on in the damp cave with a bad smell.

These lamps are oil lamps with human skulls as the base, and the oil lamps are arranged in a weird shape in an orderly manner.

Inside the shape of the oil lamps, there are strange red characters written, and these red characters exude a bloody smell.

These words turned out to be written in blood.

In the center of the text, there is a simple tripod-shaped object, which is filled with red goo, which is also blood.

These things alone look creepy enough, no wonder Zhang Zhixin yelled just now.

What is even more frightening is that there is a person hanging above the tripod, and this person is Qi Wei.

At this time, Qi Wei's whole body is naked, and there are also strange characters written on the body of the naked fruit.

There were several hideous wounds on her chest. The hideous wounds looked like they were torn apart by wild animals, and blood flowed out from the wounds.

The blood that flowed out dripped into the cauldron below.

"She's still breathing, save her first."

When Ji Yang saw the arrangement in the cave and Qi Wei hanging, he was already dumbfounded.

What is the purpose of these things arranged by the yellow-eyed zombie, why did he hang Qi Wei up to let the blood out, even if he wanted to drink the other party's blood, he could drink it directly.

Could it be that the yellow-eyed zombie has a habit of torturing people to death before drinking their blood.

When Ji Yang was in a daze, Xiao Longnv reminded him, and he finally came to his senses.

Right now is not the time to find out what the yellow-eyed zombie is going to do, but to save Qi Wei first.

If the blood continues to flow like this, Qi Wei will definitely bleed too much to death.

When saving Qi Wei, Ji Yang didn't destroy these things arranged by the yellow-eyed zombie, he always felt that there was something weird about it.

After Qi Wei is treated, he must find someone to ask what's going on.

 The third update, today’s update is over, tomorrow will continue, ask for a monthly pass, recommend, and reward
(End of this chapter)

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