The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 484 Qi Wei's Corpse Poison All Over His Body

Chapter 484 Qi Wei's Corpse Poison All Over His Body (Part [-])
Qi Wei is a beautiful woman. She has been exercising all year round without any fat on her body. Her lower abdomen is flat and her skin is firm and elastic. It should be concave or convex.

But with such a good figure of naked fruit in his arms, Ji Yang didn't react in the slightest.

As soon as he hugged Qi Wei in his arms, Ji Yang felt that Qi Wei's whole body was weak, and a strong corpse aura filled her body, and she had already been poisoned by the corpse.

Qi Wei is not Zhang Zhixin, Zhang Zhixin has at least practiced Taoism and has good resistance to corpse poison.

Qi Wei is just an ordinary person, even if she is in good physical condition, she cannot resist the erosion of corpse poison.

Taking out a set of his own clothes from the Qiankun storage ring and putting them on Qi Wei's body, Ji Yang frowned and looked at Qi Wei who was put on the ground by him.

"Is she in a bad situation?"

After Ji Yang put on Qi Wei's clothes and put them on the ground, he didn't speak.

But looking at his appearance, one can tell that Qi Wei's situation is not very good.

Zhang Zhixin looked like he wanted to look at Qi Wei but didn't dare to look at Qi Wei, blushing and asked Ji Yang, his hand was still covering his nose.

Although he covered his nose with his hands, he could see some nosebleeds flowing from his fingers.

Although Qi Wei's body was bleeding just now, Zhang Zhixin's eyes still fell on a good figure with a naked body.

Zhang Zhixin is still a pure boy, the pure and pure kind.

Although his body is very pure, his heart is also restless. He is at a young age, seeing a woman's body for the first time, can he calm down?

Ji Yang turned his head to look at Zhang Zhixin, and saw that he was bleeding from the nose, and frowned slightly.

"Can you not be so embarrassing, isn't it just a few glances, what about you?"

Zhang Zhixin's face turned even redder by Ji Yang, and he smiled awkwardly.

Ji Yang said it easily, as a person who possesses three beauties at the same time, how could he remember how an innocent junior brother like Zhang Zhixin would feel when he saw a beautiful woman eating a fruity body.

After making fun of Zhang Zhixin, Ji Yang said with a straight face.

"She is in a much more serious situation than yours. The corpse poison has eroded her whole body, and her blood has been occupied by the corpse poison."

Ji Yang didn't hide from Zhang Zhixin, but told Qi Wei's real situation.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Zhang Zhixin's expression changed, and he said in a surprised voice.

"The corpse poison has corroded the body and blood. If you say that, isn't she already a zombie?"

Corpse poison has filled the whole body, and the body is covered with corpse poison. If this is not a zombie, what is it?
Ji Yang didn't want Qi Wei to become a zombie, but he still nodded and agreed with Zhang Zhixin's words.

What Zhang Zhixin said is the truth, Qi Wei is not wrong to say that he is a zombie.

"You even killed the yellow-eyed zombie, is there any way to save her?"

Zhang Zhixin asked tentatively.

Ji Yang shook his head with a wry smile, beating zombies and getting rid of corpse poison are two different things, Ji Yang can beat zombies, but it doesn't mean he can get rid of corpse poison in Qi Wei's body.

If Qi Wei had just been poisoned by the corpse, Ji Yang could still use the immortal energy in his body to force the corpse poison out of her body.

But now the corpse poison has penetrated into Qi Wei's blood, bones and everywhere in his body.

In such a serious situation, Ji Yang has no ability to get rid of Qi Wei's corpse poison.

"Is it just watching her turn into a zombie?"

The little dragon girl communicates with Ji Yang through her soul.

Thinking of Qi Wei turning into a zombie, Xiao Longnu felt a little sad in her heart.

"She has been eroded by the corpse poison too badly. I can't do anything about it. Do you have a way?"

Ji Yang couldn't bear to watch Qi Wei turn into a zombie, but there was nothing he could do.

Ji Yang asked Xiao Longnu back, and Xiao Longnu rolled her eyes.

"I can't help it, but you and I can't, not necessarily others."

"Don't you want to know what the yellow-eyed zombie is doing? You can take a picture and send it to your Moments to ask."

"If anyone can recognize what this is, you can ask him, maybe he has a way."

Xiao Longnv expressed her thoughts, and Ji Yang thought it was a solution.

Taking out the phone and turning on the camera, Ji Yang started to take pictures of the yellow-eyed zombie.

Skeleton oil lamps, unintelligible characters, a cauldron filled with blood...


Ji Yang shot with enthusiasm, but Zhang Zhixin looked dumbfounded.

Nima, what time is this, a beautiful woman is about to turn into a zombie, and Ji Yang is still thinking about taking pictures.

"Ji Yang, the most important thing now is to find a way to save her, can we put the photo behind as a souvenir?"

Zhang Zhixin said in a low voice.

"No, no, the most important thing now is to take pictures and send them to Moments. She's already doing this, so it doesn't matter if you delay for a while."

Ji Yang said casually while sending the photos he took to WeChat Moments.

Shit, taking pictures doesn’t count, but posting them on Moments, even if you like posting them, it’s not appropriate.

Zhang Zhixin admired Ji Yang very much in his heart, but when he heard Ji Yang's words at this time, he suddenly felt that he had misjudged someone.

Zhang Zhixin misunderstood himself, but Ji Yang didn't know that he was staring at Moments and waiting for someone to reply to him.

After the photos were posted, some people replied, but these replies were all nonsense and had no value at all.

Yuelao: "Oh, not bad, what kind of magic circle is this? It looks well arranged, but it's a bit bloody. I don't know how powerful it is?"

Mother of Lightning: "Oh, Xiaobai, what kind of formation is this, the baby is scared to death, it looks bloody, although I have a good impression of you, but if you dare to do bad things that cannot be tolerated, I will shock you Yo!"

Taishang Laojun: "Well, although it's just a picture, the formation is full of evil, and human heads are used as lamp holders, Xiaobai, you don't want to touch this kind of formation, or you will definitely degenerate into a demon! "

Zhong Kui: "Oh, I'll go, Xiaobai, where did you take the picture, such an evil formation, are you in danger?"

People in Heaven and Earth have been poisoned by novels and magazines, and their tone and way of speaking have changed.

Although the person who left the message couldn't recognize what it was, at least one thing was certain, that is, these things were not randomly placed, but an evil formation.

What makes Ji Yang a little depressed is, are these guys stupid? Why would anyone suspect that this is what he put on.

If he really fell into the devil way, practiced some evil skills, and put on an evil formation, would he be so stupid as to post it on Moments?

Isn't this the same as a murderer running to the gate of the police station and yelling that he has killed someone?

Qi Wei's situation is getting worse and worse, but among the messages replied by Heavenly Court and Underworld, none of them can really recognize what this formation is.

Just when Ji Yang was jumping his feet in a hurry, he received a message on WeChat, and the person who sent the message turned out to be Zhang Daoling.

 A new update is coming, thank you for your support, asking for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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