The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 491 I Don't Mind Keeping People In Huaxia Forever

Chapter 491 I Don't Mind Keeping People In China Forever (Part [-])

When Ji Yang first arrived at the headquarters of the Xuan Group, Ji Yang didn't know anyone in the Xuan Group except Liu Shuyan, Lu Zhanxing, and Lu Xue.

Under the astonished eyes of two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, Liu Shuyan introduced a man, a woman and Han Lie to Ji Yang.

Han Lie and the man and woman are the group leaders of the Xuan Group, according to the latest planning and arrangement of the Xuan Group.

The current Liu Shuyan is the leader of the first group of the Xuan Group, and Han Lie is the leader of the second group.

Another pair of middle-aged men and women are the group leaders of the third group and the fourth group, and their names are Wang Qiao and Xue Lu respectively.

To be able to be the group leader of the Mysterious Group, at least one must have a cultivation base above the late stage of the Mysterious Rank.

Ji Yang felt that among the four team leaders, the strongest ones were not Liu Shuyan and the others, but Xue Lu.

On Xue Lu's body, her aura is the strongest, and it is more than a little stronger than Liu Shuyan and others.

Such a strong breath, at least in the early stage of the earth.

Maybe even higher.

"There are eight groups in the Xuan group, and the leaders of the other four groups have tasks. I will introduce them to you later when I have the opportunity."

After Liu Shuyan introduced Xue Lu and others, he took Ji Yang into the small building and said to him at the same time.

Now that Ji Yang has come to the headquarters of Xuanzu, Liu Shuyan has to give him a good introduction.

Ji Yang wasn't particularly concerned about these things, and he didn't have any special feelings when he heard that there were eight groups in the Xuan Group.

Ji Yang would feel strange if there were only four groups in the Xuan group.

Although the current China is stable internally, the surrounding countries are dishonest. If there are not many people, how to deal with these guys who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth.

The small building is ordinary on the outside, but there are other mysteries on the inside.

The small building doesn't look big, but in fact it is tight everywhere. As soon as he entered the small building, Ji Yang saw several ancient warriors guarding the door.

When these people saw Ji Yang, they looked at him very sharply.

Although these few people are not group leaders, Ji Yang can feel that their aura is at least in the late stage of the Mysterious Stage.

It seems that if you want to be a team leader, you don't just rely on your strength. Although some people are strong, they are just ordinary members.

Thinking about it, the cultivation base of the late stage of Xuan rank is not considered strong.

Such an identity alone is not enough to complete certain dangerous tasks. After all, some foreign organizations are not vegetarian.

"Hahaha, you are Ji Yang, welcome to the Xuanzu headquarters."

The small building does not only have two upper and lower floors, but also a basement below.

Liu Shuyan brought Ji Yang to the basement. When Liu Shuyan brought Ji Yang to a room in the basement, there were three elderly people in their 60s and [-]s sitting in the room.

The three old men were discussing something, when they saw Ji Yang coming, the old man sitting in the middle stood up with a smile, his body swayed, and he was in front of Ji Yang in an instant.

The old man stretched out his hand to grab Ji Yang's hand, and said with a smile on his face.

The old man recognized Ji Yang without even introducing him. It seemed that he had seen Ji Yang's information before.

Ji Yang was somewhat surprised to be held by the old man.

Because he discovered that he didn't know how his hand was caught by the other party.

This kind of situation can only explain one thing, that is, the old man in front of him is very fast and strong, and has already surpassed Ji Yang.

It's hard for Ji Yang not to be shocked by this kind of thought in his heart.

I'm sorry, I'm a god right now, the old man in front of me is actually stronger than me, that's too awesome.

Even if his rank is low, this shouldn't happen.

"This old man is very strong, and his cultivation is stronger than yours."

"The law of the Three Realms checks and balances the mortal cultivator who cannot become a god, but his cultivation is definitely the kind of existence that can compete with the gods."

When Ji Yang was shocked, Xiao Longnu was also surprised.

Hearing what Xiao Longnu said, Ji Yang secretly nodded.

It seems that mortal practitioners should not be underestimated. Even if some people fail to become gods, their cultivation base is very strong.

The three old men in front of them are probably no worse than the immortals of the sixth and seventh ranks.

"Ji Yang, this is Group Leader Peng of the Xuan Group, and these two are Deputy Group Leader Fang and Deputy Group Leader Zhang of the Xuan Group."

"Their cultivation bases have all reached the late stage of the Heaven Rank."

Seeing Ji Yang's unnatural expression, Liu Shuyan introduced from the side.

It would be impossible for a Xuan group to have a few real masters in charge.

Ji Yang felt relieved when he heard that the three old men were the group leader and deputy group leader of the Xuan group, and they had cultivation bases in the late stages of the heavenly rank.

The people in front of them, whether they are the group leader and deputy group leader of the Xuan group, or the four group leaders Liu Shuyan.

Seriously speaking, they are all at the level of big bosses in the Xuan group.

When these people see themselves today, it is not easy to think about it.

Everyone in the room has already known each other, and everyone took their seats one by one.

Liu Shuyan said before that he had something to do with him today, and Ji Yang was also very calm, waiting for everyone to say what it was.

Ji Yang's calmness was seen by Team Leader Peng and others, and they were very satisfied with Ji Yang's performance.

With the identities of these people present and the coercion on them, even the highest chief of Huaxia would not be so calm when seeing them.

Ji Yang was so calm, even when they were surprised, they also admired him.

"Ji Yang, we came here today to ask you a few questions, I hope you can tell us the truth."

The team leader and deputy team leader of the Xuan team are here, and the four team leaders Liu Shuyan are only serving as foils, and it is not their turn to speak.

When deputy group leader Fang spoke, Ji Yang just nodded, and asked if he wanted to, but Ji Yang didn't mind.

Anyway, if you can say it, you can say it yourself.

"Ji Yang, you were in Linhai before, did you kill a few people in the residential area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company?"

"One of them is named Kimura Taku-san?"

Ji Yang didn't expect Xuanzu to ask himself this, he frowned, but still nodded.

"That's right, I killed a man named Taku-san Kimura."

"You came to me today, are you asking for a crime?"

Ji Yang's eyes were a bit chilly, if the Xuan group really wanted to blame him, even if the group leader Peng and others in front of him had a higher level of cultivation than him, he would not let others slaughter him.

"No, no, Ji Yang, don't get me wrong, we're just asking."

"This Kimura Taku-san is a businessman on the surface, but he is secretly collecting information for country R. He is almost like a spy. If you kill such a person, you will be killed."

"I'm asking this, just to confirm the information from country R, ​​and at the same time tell you that Kimura Takusan's son Kimura Aihara and his teacher Iwamoto Masaki have come to China."

"Their purpose of coming to China is very simple, to seek revenge from you."

Seeing that Ji Yang misunderstood, Team Leader Peng shook his head and said.

Hearing what Team Leader Peng said, Ji Yang's eyes turned colder.

But this time the coldness was not aimed at the people of the Genzu, but at Kimura Aihara and Iwamoto Masaki.

Dare to seek revenge on himself, Ji Yang doesn't mind keeping them in Huaxia forever.

 The second update is sent, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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