The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 492 Peng Caixuan

Chapter 492 Peng Caixuan (third shift)

"Those who are not my race will be punished even if they are far away. Since they have come to my door, I will let them stay in Huaxia forever."

With cold eyes and a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Ji Yang said loudly to Team Leader Peng and the others.

When he was speaking, Ji Yang exuded an aura that made everyone around him gasp. Even Group Leader Peng and others, who were stronger than him, were shocked by his sudden aura. .

This child should not be underestimated, this is what everyone thinks.

"It's a good point. People who are not of my race will be punished even if they are far away, and those who are sent to the door cannot be kept."

"But what you don't know yet is that Kimura Aihara and Iwamoto Masaki are both onmyojis, especially Iwamoto Masaki, who is very well-known in the Onmyoji world in Country R."

"Masaaki Iwamoto has been famous for a long time. He also came to China before, and even fought against people from the Xuanzu. At that time, we underestimated Onmyoji and let him run away."

"The guy hasn't come to Huaxia since then, but he didn't expect to come this time."

It's true that Ji Yang has never fought against an Onmyoji, but Ji Yang already knows the Onmyoji's Onmyoji.

Ji Yang has seen the shikigami Ibaraki Doji before.

Taku-san Kimura summoned Ibaraki Doji with the natal talisman. This time the Onmyoji came in person, there will definitely be more shikigami, and it will not be easy to deal with them.

While Ji Yang was thinking about it, Team Leader Peng shouted something outside the room.

"Caixuan, come in."

As Team Leader Peng finished speaking, a rather handsome young man, about the same age as Ji Yang, more than 1.9 meters tall, walked into the room.

When the young man walked into the room, Ji Yang instinctively felt the breath of the opponent's skill.

Although this person named Cai Xuan is not too old, his aura is not weak.

His aura is already comparable to that of Xue Lu, that is to say, this young man named Caixuan has strength above the earth level.

After Caixuan arrived in the room, he greeted Team Leader Peng and the others one by one, and then turned his eyes to Ji Yang.

It seemed that he was also feeling Ji Yang's strength.

"Ji Yang, Onmyoji is not easy to deal with. Caixuan is my grandson, and his cultivation has reached the early stage of the earth."

"I'm going to let him be your helper, let him deal with Kimura Aihara and Iwamoto Masaki together with you."

When Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan looked at each other, Team Leader Peng spoke.

Not only is Peng Caixuan's cultivation level not simple, but his identity is also not simple.

He turned out to be the grandson of Team Leader Peng. No wonder he has such cultivation at such an age. It seems that Team Leader Peng has cultivated him a lot.

"Hmph, I'll be his helper, just because I'm afraid that he will hold me back when the time comes."

"Grandpa, I think it's better for me to go directly to those two onmyojis and solve them directly. It's not easier."

Peng Caixuan's status is unusual, and his own cultivation is not weak. He is considered the No.1 of the younger generation in the Xuan group, and he is also very arrogant in the Xuan group on weekdays.

He didn't feel a particularly strong aura of an ancient warrior in Ji Yang's body, which made him somewhat disdainful of Ji Yang.

Being underestimated by Peng Caixuan, Ji Yang did not show any particular dissatisfaction.

Anyway, I have met many such people, so I am not surprised.

I always think that I have two brushes, but I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and the world is invincible, and this Peng Caixuan seems to be the same.

"Caixuan, how many times have I told you, don't underestimate anyone."

"Ji Yang's strength is not weak, Team Leader Han has already suffered a loss in his hands just now."

"And I've already told you that onmyojis must not be underestimated, otherwise you must be the one who suffers."

Group leader Peng knew Peng Caixuan's character.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to hone Peng Caixuan.

The Xuanzu has fought with Onmyoji for countless times, and more than one member of the Xuanzu died in the hands of Onmyoji.

Now Peng Caixuan's attitude made Team Leader Peng's face look bad.

Seeing Team Leader Peng's bad face, Peng Caixuan was somewhat afraid, but he still puffed out his chest and said with a straight face.

"Onmyoji is not weak, I know, but he, let me see."

Peng Caixuan did not let go of his arrogance, but his words irritated Ji Yang even more.

Ji Yang heard that Peng Caixuan underestimated him again and again, how could he bear it.

Letting you save face for grandpa, if you are shameless, then Ji Yang will slap you in the face.

"Hmph, do you want to make gestures?"

Ji Yang looked at Peng Caixuan and said in a cold voice.

"Just make gestures. Don't think that you are very good if you win Team Leader Han."

"I've heard Team Leader Liu praise you again and again before, and seeing you today is nothing more than that. Look at this. It's only interesting to make gestures with a good start."

"Whoever loses between the two of us will be his younger brother in the future. What do you think?"

It seems that Peng Caixuan has an opinion on Ji Yang, not because of the first meeting.

But ever since Liu Shuyan saw Ji Yang's ability, he often said that Ji Yang was good in the Xuan group.

This made Peng Caixuan, who has always been regarded as the No.1 of the younger generation of the mysterious group, very unconvinced.

When he saw Ji Yang today, he would speak so bluntly. It turned out that what he was waiting for was Ji Yang's anger.

Wanting to come to Peng Caixuan, he also wanted to compete with Ji Yang.

"The grandson of the head of the mysterious collection team can be the younger brother, this is fine."

Ji Yang smiled and said casually.

His words directly confirmed that Peng Caixuan would be his younger brother, which made Peng Caixuan even more unhappy.

"It's not sure who is who, little brother, let me teach you a good lesson today."

When Peng Caixuan spoke, people immediately moved.

Ji Yang was a little surprised that he didn't care about the people here, but directly moved his hands.

Surprise is surprise, Ji Yang's reaction is not slow.

When Peng Caixuan moved, his hands became claws, and he grabbed Ji Yang.

"Cracking Claws!"

Casting the Splitting Wind Claw, Peng Caixuan's fingertips were covered with a layer of cyan true energy.

Infuriating looks like sharp, sharp nails.

Peng Caixuan grabbed Ji Yang with both hands, very fast without showing any mercy.

After all, Peng Caixuan has the cultivation base of the early stage of the earth level, and Ji Yang will not hold back if he comes up to do it directly.

I saw that the palms of Ji Yang's hands had turned red at this time, and the Earth Fire Art had already been used, his hands formed fingers, and he pointed directly at Peng Caixuan's palm.

"See if I don't snap off your fingers!"

Peng Caixuan didn't realize the danger at this time, his claws still grabbed towards Ji Yang.

He showed disdain for Ji Yang's finger.

On the other hand, Team Leader Peng and the others saw Ji Yang pointing out their expressions, and their expressions changed.

Although Ji Yang's breath felt weaker than theirs, but at this moment, Ji Yang's strength did not seem to be weaker than theirs.

"What a powerful technique."

Cultivation is the foundation of strength, and good exercises can make up for the lack of cultivation.

Although they don't know what kind of kung fu Ji Yang is using, but with just these two fingers, Team Leader Peng and the others feel that Peng Caixuan is in danger.

 The third update is sent, the update ends today, and the update will continue tomorrow, please recommend, monthly pass, reward
(End of this chapter)

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