The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 497: Pig 9 Sister Chapter Facing the Sea

Chapter 497 Jiumei Zhu Returns to Linhai (Part [-])

"Second uncle, aren't you cold?"

The young man was driving, looking through the rearview mirror, looking at Chen Jianhai, who had an anxious and painful expression, and asked softly.

It's okay if the young man didn't ask, but after asking, Chen Jianhai realized the problem.

Just now he ran away patronizingly, at that speed, even when he went to the countryside to peek at the big girl in the next village taking a bath, and was chased by the other's big yellow dog, he didn't run so fast.

Running all the way, he ignored everything, as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

He didn't feel any clicks, comments, or strange looks in his eyes.

At this moment when the young man asked, Chen Jianhai realized that he was bare-chested and had many silver needles pierced on his body.

When I thought about how I ran out of the airport like this just now, the return rate was absolutely 100%.

It's just that this rate of turning heads doesn't seem to do me any good, but it's a huge mockery.

"Damn it, Ma Le Gobi, Du Ta Ma was killed by those two bastards."

"Qiu Liang, find someone to find out the information of the passengers on the plane I took today. I want to find the two bastards who made me ashamed, and then let them know what will happen to Chen Jianhai who offended me."

Things have already happened, and it is unrealistic to want to undo what happened just now.

In an era where information dissemination is so advanced, it is not so difficult to control the dissemination of information.

The matter was irreversible, Chen Jianhai had hated Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan.

This hatred is just the beginning. When he arrives at the hospital and the hospital tells him that his intestines are fine and these silver needles are useless, he will hate him even more.

"Okay second uncle, a friend of mine's father is a leader in an airline company, it's a trivial matter."

Qiu Liang looked at Chen Jianhai, nodded and said.

When Qiu Liang and Chen Jianhai drove away from Linhai Airport, a black Hummer stopped at Linhai Airport.

There are many luxury cars coming to pick up people at the airport, but the Hummer doesn't stand out.

When a woman in a military uniform with an indifferent expression and exquisite facial features stepped out of the car, some people looked towards this side unconsciously.

"Ji Yang."

This woman in military uniform was Mu Hong. When the indifferent Mu Hong saw Ji Yang walking out of the airport, a bright smile appeared on her indifferent face.

This smile is like a ray of light in the dark night, which makes people's eyes bright.

Ignoring the gazes around her, Mu Hong has already quickly walked in front of Ji Yang, throwing herself into Ji Yang's arms.

Holding Mu Hong in his arms, Ji Yang smiled brightly.

"I haven't seen you for two days, do you miss me that much?"

"Well, think."

In front of Ji Yang, Mu Hong is definitely hotter than fire.

Facing Ji Yang's inquiry, she did not admit the slightest bit of reserve to admit her inner thoughts.

"I miss you as well."

When Ji Yang was speaking, under the gazes of envy, jealousy, and blessings, he directly kissed Mu Hong's mouth.

Mu Hong's face flushed slightly, but she didn't resist, but responded fervently.

"Cough, cough, brother, you are making out with your sister-in-law, shouldn't you consider how I feel about being single?"

"There's a lot of murderous intent around. I don't want to be implicated by you, a loving couple. It's too unfair to die like that."

Peng Caixuan looked at the selfless Ji Yang and Mu Hong, and reminded him softly.

Hearing Peng Caixuan's reminder, Ji Yang and Mu Hong reluctantly parted ways.

Ji Yang has a thick skin but doesn't feel anything, and Mu Hong is too ashamed to lift her head.

Mu Hong realized how she would always do such embarrassing things in front of Ji Yang. She was no longer cold and reserved.

When Mu Hong bowed her head shyly, Ji Yang introduced Peng Caixuan and Mu Hong.

When Ji Yang introduced the two of them, he did not intentionally conceal their identities. When Mu Hong learned that Peng Caixuan was actually the grandson of Team Leader Xuan, she was very shocked.

What kind of existence is the Xuan group, the grandson of the leader of the Xuan group, such an identity is enough to frighten a large number of people.

Even Mu Qing, a lord of the military region like a prince, must be careful when facing Peng Caixuan.

"You don't have to be polite to him, he is my little brother, call sister-in-law quickly."

Sensing the change in Mu Hong in his arms, Ji Yang joked with a smile.

Peng Caixuan didn't feel ashamed, and called Mu Hong sister-in-law directly.

Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang in a daze, but Ji Yang just smiled casually and asked Mu Hong to drive back to his residence, saying that he would talk to her slowly on the way.

On the way back, when she learned that Peng Caixuan had lost the match with Ji Yang, so she became Ji Yang's younger brother, Mu Hong didn't know what to say.

Ji Yang accepted such a younger brother, if word spread, the threshold of Ji Yang's villa would be crushed.

Maybe the whole of Linhai Misty Rain will be overwhelmed by visitors.

Back at the villa, Peng Caixuan asked Ji Yang to arrange a room for him knowingly and then left directly.

If he continued to stay beside Ji Yang and Mu Hong, he was afraid that he would be tortured to death by them.

Others said that Xiu Enai died quickly, but how did these two people live so long.

After Ji Yang and Mu Hong had a lingering encounter with sparks hitting the earth, Ji Yang held Mu Hong in his arms and asked him what happened during the two days when he was no longer facing the sea.

Ji Yang thinks it would be best if Mu Hong and the others could not know about Onmyoji.

Let them know that not only can they not help, but they also have to worry about themselves.

He asked Mu Hong in order to sound out the other party's tone and see if they had encountered any strange things.

After all, the onmyojis are here for themselves, and their own women are likely to become their targets as well.

Fortunately, what Ji Yang was worried about did not happen.

However, from Mu Hong's mouth, Ji Yang still knew one thing, that is, a beautiful woman with a hot figure came to him recently.

This beauty is named Zhu Jiumei.

Zhu Jiumei returned to Linhai. Doesn't that mean that a large number of pig demons have already arrived in Linhai?

This is definitely a good thing for Ji Yang. With Zhu Jiumei and these pig demons in Linhai, he doesn't have to worry about many things in the future.

For the safety of Mu Hong and others, you don't have to take care of it yourself, just let Zhu Jiumei arrange a few pig demons to protect them at all times.

These pig demons are more reliable and definitely stronger than those so-called senior bodyguards.

"Look at your expression, you are so happy when you hear Zhu Jiumei, you two have an unusual relationship?"

Mu Hong looked at the weird smile on Ji Yang's face, and said with some taste.

Seeing Mu Hong's misunderstanding, Ji Yang showed a smirk on his face, turned over and pressed Mu Hong under him, and kneaded Mu Hong's body restlessly.

Following Ji Yang's kneading, Mu Hong's breathing became rapid.

"It turns out that Mu Hong in our family will also be jealous, but your man and I don't have that strong taste. I'm not interested in a pink sow."

"Pink little sow, what do you mean, ah..."

Mu Hong didn't quite understand what Ji Yang said, and when she asked, Ji Yang was already on top of her.

Regarding Mu Hong's question, Ji Yang will tell her slowly during the hand-to-hand fight...

(End of this chapter)

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