The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 498 Unconvinced Pig Demons

Chapter 498 Unconvinced Pig Demons (Third Watch)

Linshan dense forests, shrouded in the dark night, here looks a little eerie.

It is difficult to climb the mountain road at night, and there are many trees and vegetation near the mountain, making it even more difficult to climb up.

At this time, a figure was moving fast in the mountains. Whether it was trees or vegetation, or the narrow and wide mountain road under his feet, it didn't affect his speed in the slightest.

"There are a lot of pig demons, and the mountains are full of monsters."

This fast-moving figure is Ji Yang.

Knowing that Zhu Jiumei has come to Linhai, Ji Yang is very eager to see her.

This is not to say that Ji Yang wants to see Zhu Jiumei so much, but more importantly, he wants to see how many pig monsters the other party has brought and how well these pig monsters are cultivated.

Before entering the mountain, Ji Yang felt the thick monster aura emanating from Linshan a few miles away from Linhai.

As soon as he entered Linshan, the strong evil spirit became clearer.

"Be careful."

Ji Yang moved forward quickly, a sense of crisis suddenly came, and when the little dragon girl reminded him, the black sword was already in Ji Yang's hand.


With the Heiman sword in his hand, Ji Yang slashed towards the front with one strike.

When the sword was struck, a silver light flashed, and a big tree in the arms of two people in front of him was cut off by his sword.

The big tree broke, and a burst of red mist flashed behind the big tree. A beautiful face with a flowery face, long pink hair, and a hot figure appeared in front of Ji Yang.

"Your strength is much stronger than before. It seems that you are really a potential stock."

Who could the beauty in front of her be if she wasn't Zhu Jiumei.

Zhu Jiumei hid behind a tree and deliberately cast coercion on Ji Yang, just to see Ji Yang's reaction.

Judging by Zhu Jiumei's current attitude, she is obviously very satisfied with Ji Yang's performance.

Ji Yang was not dissatisfied with Zhu Jiumei's temptation.

Even if he is dissatisfied, the current Ji Yang can't help it, who can't beat Zhu Jiumei now.

Zhu Jiumei's strength is far stronger than Ji Yang's now.

"You returned to Linhai faster than I thought."

"As soon as I heard that you were back, I came here directly to look for you. How many pig demons did you bring over this time?"

Ji Yang did not show courtesy to Zhu Jiumei, although Zhu Bajie said at the time that Zhu Jiumei followed Ji Yang.

But this following is not really Ji Yang's subordinate, at least not yet.

To put it bluntly, Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei can be regarded as a cooperative relationship. Ji Yang helps Zhu Jiumei and other pig demons to cultivate on the right path, and Zhu Jiumei and her subordinate pig demons help Ji Yang solve some problems that he can't solve. trouble.

"Come with me, I'll take you to have a look."

As soon as she mentioned her subordinates, Zhu Jiumei had an unconcealable arrogance on her face.

Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei ran all the way to the top of the mountain, during which Zhu Jiumei's speed varied from time to time, it was really not easy for Ji Yang to keep up with her speed.

But Ji Yang is not ashamed yet, at least he can always keep up.

It seems that Zhu Jiumei is somewhat dissatisfied with Ji Yang's strength, otherwise she would not test him again and again.

After all, it was not Ji Yang who defeated Zhu Jiumei, but Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Jiumei admired Zhu Bajie, but Ji Yang's cultivation was not as good as hers. As one of the leaders of the pig monster clan, it was normal for her not to be convinced by Ji Yang.

"so much?"

When Zhu Jiumei brought Ji Yang to a relatively open place in Linshan, Ji Yang was shocked by the black wild boars in front of him.

There are hundreds of these wild boars, and among the hundreds of wild boars, there are many pig demons that have turned into human forms.

A preliminary look at the number of pig demons that can transform into human form shows that there are more than a hundred of them.

It takes at least two or three hundred years for a pig demon to transform into a human form. There are more than a hundred goblins with two or three hundred years of age. The power they contain is very great.

"Hmph, boss, is this the mortal fairy you mentioned?"

"Mortal gods, don't they seem to be cultivated very well?"

"Yeah, boss, this guy looks pretty good, is he really good?"

Zhu Jiumei brought Ji Yang here, whether it was a wild boar or a pig demon in human form, they all looked at Ji Yang.

Before Zhu Jiumei brought them here, she naturally wanted to talk about Ji Yang.

Seeing Ji Yang at this time, it is inevitable that some voices of doubt will appear.

Facing the doubts from her subordinates, Zhu Jiumei didn't express her opinion, she just looked at Ji Yang.

Although Zhu Jiumei could forcibly suppress her subordinates, she felt that if Ji Yang really wanted to convince her subordinates, she had to show some skills.

If everything depends on her, Zhu Jiumei will also look down on Ji Yang.

"Who is the strongest of your subordinates besides you?"

What to do if others are not convinced by yourself, then convince him.

Ji Yang's cultivation level is not as good as Zhu Jiumei's, and he will not fight Zhu Jiumei just for fun.

He set his target on the pig demon under Zhu Jiumei. As long as he defeated the other party, the other pig demons would be able to convince him.

"Zhutong, come out."

Zhutong has completely turned into a human form, and now he looks like a middle-aged sloppy uncle.

He has a big beard, wears ordinary clothes, his clothes look a little messy, and his hands smell of alcohol.


Zhutong walked up to Zhu Jiumei and greeted Zhu Jiumei.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at Ji Yang, he didn't take Ji Yang seriously.

"Zhutong is the strongest among my subordinates. He has 500 years of cultivation."

"He has been called out by me. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhu Jiumei nodded to Zhu Tong, then looked at Ji Yang and said softly.

Zhu Jiumei knew what Ji Yang meant, but she still gave Ji Yang a chance to express her thoughts, which was considered her respect for Ji Yang.

500 years of cultivation, such a high cultivation base, Ji Yang said that the pressure is not small.

There is a huge gap in cultivation between monsters under 500 years old and monsters over 500 years old.

Being able to transform into a real human form, the strength cannot be underestimated.

"Do you dare to fight with me?"

Ji Yang stared at Zhu Tong, his eyes full of fighting spirit and said.

Although his cultivation cannot be improved by fighting, Ji Yang can still accumulate a lot of experience in the process of fighting.

Even with the same level of cultivation, there are differences between high and low, and the strength that can be exerted in battle is the expression of strength and weakness.

The accumulation of actual combat experience is of great use to Ji Yang.

The strength shown in actual combat is strong enough, and in the process of fighting, it is also very common to defeat opponents with higher cultivation levels than oneself.

"Hahaha, are you sure you want to fight with me, I think it's better to choose a weaker one for you?"

When Zhu Tong heard that Ji Yang was challenging him, a sneer of disdain appeared on his face.

Zhu Tong looked down on Ji Yang so much, Ji Yang felt furious, with a bit of anger in his eyes, he shouted at Zhu Tong.

"You can't watch enough, the other pig demons should forget it."

When Ji Yang said these words, the pig monsters around became commotions, Ji Yang's words were saying that they couldn't do it.

 The third update, today’s update ends, tomorrow will continue, please recommend, reward, monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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