Chapter 499: War Pigs (Part [-])
Through the observation of the pig demons, they all felt that Ji Yang was a bit weak.

Now Ji Yang actually said that the pig monsters are not good, it is strange that the pig monsters can enjoy themselves.

Zhu Jiumei is the leader of the pig demons in front of me, and they all have to obey Zhu Jiumei's orders. If Zhu Jiumei lets them come, they will definitely come.

But there are still many pig demons who are opposed to this incident, and now they are even more dissatisfied when they see Ji Yang.

Ji Yang didn't bother with the rioting pig demons.

Anyway, Zhu Jiumei was right next to them, if these pig demons really did something too much, Zhu Jiumei would naturally clean them up.

Now Ji Yang just wants to beat the pig in front of him to his knees.

Although this is a bit difficult, Ji Yang has no choice.

If you don't defeat the pig monsters, how can you have any status when you face other pig monsters in the future.

"Zhu Tong, don't embarrass me."

Hearing the surrounding voices, Zhu Jiumei frowned slightly. Although she didn't stop, she said such a sentence to Zhu Tong.

The meaning of this sentence is already obvious, that is, Zhu Jiumei asked Zhu Tong to fight Ji Yang.

Zhu Jiumei said so, even if Zhu Tong didn't want to, he had to be willing.

Moreover, what Ji Yang said just now also stimulated Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong clearly felt that Ji Yang was not as good as him, but now Ji Yang said that he was not good enough, as a 500-year-old pig demon, he couldn't stand it.

"Boy, come on then."

"I don't use weapons, you can do whatever you want."

Zhu Tong looked at Ji Yang with cold eyes, twisted his neck a few times, shook his arm a few times, and there was a bone cracking sound.

By simply moving his muscles and bones, Zhu Tong was already ready to fight Ji Yang.

Zhu Tong didn't even take a weapon, which meant that he planned to deal with Ji Yang empty-handed.

Seeing that Zhutong didn't use a weapon, Ji Yang didn't take out the black sword either. Although Zhutong said he could use a weapon, but if he really defeated him with a weapon, his goal would not be achieved.

Only when the pig monsters are defeated in an absolutely fair state, will the pig monsters around him be convinced.

"You don't need weapons, and I don't need them either. They will say that I bully you."

While Ji Yang was speaking, his body began to retreat, and he opened the distance between himself and the pig.

Ji Yang still doesn't know exactly how Zhutong's fighting power is, but he can become the strongest under Zhu Jiumei, so Ji Yang must deal with it carefully.

As Ji Yang retreated, the surrounding wild boars and pig monsters also retreated consciously, leaving an open space for Ji Yang and Zhu Tong.

The dark brown demonic aura on Zhutong's body was dark brown, and the dark brown demonic aura enveloped Zhutong. Zhutong stretched out his hand to Ji Yang, and moved his fingers with a disdainful and provocative look.

Facing Zhutong's provocation, Ji Yang seemed calm in his heart.

At this time, he must be calm, if his mood is unstable, it will be difficult for him to beat Zhu Tong today.


The 500-year pig demon, Ji Yang can't be careless in any step.

Zhu Tong challenged him, Ji Yang felt calm, but he still rushed towards him.

As soon as Ji Yang moved his body, he was in front of Zhu Tong in an instant.

Although he didn't have a weapon in his hand, his palm was like a machete, and he slashed at the pig's neck.

Zhu Tong didn't move. Seeing Ji Yang's hand slashing, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he grabbed Ji Yang's arm with one hand.

"Just because you dare to challenge me, court death."

Zhu Tong grabbed Ji Yang's arm, although he looked unhappy, he grabbed Ji Yang's arm just right.

Zhu Tong's palm tightened, and he firmly grasped Ji Yang's arm. While speaking indifferently, he swung his arm and threw Ji Yang out.

Zhutong is very powerful, Ji Yang felt it when the opponent grabbed his arm.

He also didn't expect that Zhu Tong would catch his first attack so easily.

The pig was thrown at the same time, and Ji Yang was thrown more than ten meters away.

When the upside-down body reached a big tree, Ji Yang kicked one foot on the big tree, the big tree made a click sound, a footprint appeared on the trunk, and his body rushed towards Zhutong again .

This time rushing towards Zhutong, Ji Yang's aura was stronger than before.

Ji Yang's body was flushed red, and the Earth Fire Art had already been used.

His fists were already wrapped in a circle of flames, and he threw them at Zhutong.

Sensing the change in Ji Yang's breath, Zhu Tong's eyes were startled.

"The momentum is strong, but it's still too weak."

Zhutong shook his body, and his black-brown fist wrapped in evil spirit greeted Ji Yang's fist.

Zhutong's fists are really like a casserole pot, big enough and thick enough, it looks very visually impactful.

After being wrapped in monster energy, its power is even more terrifying.


The four fists collided, and two roars sounded like explosions.

Zhutong's body standing on the same spot actually took two steps back, and Ji Yang's body flew upside down again.

Ji Yang rolled around in the air and landed on the ground, his eyes fixed on Zhu Tong.

At this time, Zhu Tong's face was not very good-looking, and he looked at Ji Yang in disbelief.

He confronted the opponent head-on, and was beaten back two steps. Zhutong was obviously not satisfied with the result.

To be more precise, it was a little bit different from what he expected.

Although Ji Yang was also blown away, and he seemed to be more defeated than himself, but he actually retreated, which made Zhutong unacceptable.

The pig demons watching around were also startled by the scene in front of them.

Ji Yang actually has the strength to shake Zhutong, which is beyond expectations.

After all, these pig monsters are clear about the strength of the pigs.

"Hmph, ha!"

Zhu Tong was a little angry, this time he took the initiative to attack Ji Yang.

Zhutong's strength is indeed great, and his speed is not slow. Every step he takes has a great span.

After a few steps, Zhu Tong came to Ji Yang, kicked Ji Yang with one foot.

With this kick, the strong wind left a small gully on the ground. Although the gully was small, it was enough to show the strength of Zhutong's kick.

One force down ten times, Zhutong didn't use any tricks at all, it was real strength.

But such absolute power is enough to destroy many exercises.

Faced with such a strong kick from Zhutong, Ji Yang was not stupid enough to confront him head-on.

It was not easy for Ji Yang to be able to knock the pig back with the shock of the fist bump just now.

The 500-year-old pig demon is indeed terrifying in strength.

Unable to touch him, Ji Yang could only choose to hide. Fortunately, Ji Yang's speed was not slow, and when Zhutong's foot was about to kick him, he had already retreated quickly.

Ji Yang withdrew quickly, but he still felt the strong wind coming from the same leg of the pig.

This strong wind is like a knife, the strong wind blows through Ji Yang's clothes, and there is a cut in Ji Yang's clothes that looks like a knife.


One kick missed, and Zhutong's foot fell hard to the ground.

The entire sole of Zhutong's big foot was sunk in the soil, with the sole of his foot as the center, the surrounding soil turned up one after another.

If this kick hit Ji Yang, Ji Yang would be seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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