Chapter 513

When Erlang God opened his mouth, it seemed that he had reached the hearts of all the immortals.

It's not easy for the gods in heaven to go to the mortal world. Zhu Bajie has been there last time, even if he really sent the gods down this time, he should be replaced by someone else.

When Zhu Bajie heard Erlang God speak, he felt upset.

Originally, he wanted to reprimand the other party, but seeing the approving expressions of all the gods around him, Zhu Bajie wisely didn't speak.

"Jade Emperor, how about sending me down to help Xiaobai this time?"

Zhu Bajie didn't open his mouth, but Erlang looked very proud.

Erlang God looked at the Jade Emperor, and said expectantly.

The Jade Emperor shook his head when he heard Erlang God's words.

"Xiaobai's Nether Wind and Thunder swordsmanship has not yet been fully displayed, and the cat demon has been forced back by him. If he wants to deal with this cat demon, Xiaobai should still be able to."

"Activating the Heaven-Defying Formation and letting the immortals from the Heavenly Court go to the mortal world consumes too much of the immortal energy of the immortals. It must not be activated unless it is absolutely necessary."

"King Qin Guang sent me a WeChat message just now. If Xiaobai can't resist the cat demon this time, the underworld will send someone to help, and the heavens don't need to intervene."

The Jade Emperor said solemnly, upon hearing what the Jade Emperor said, Erlang Shen's expression froze, looking a little aggrieved.

I have no chance to go to the mortal world this time.

"Three-eyed, if you want to go to the mortal world, you should wait until the Three Realms can communicate with each other, hahaha..."

Erlangshen was so proud just now, Zhu Bajie was not happy at all.

Now seeing Erlang God deflated, seeing him so aggrieved, if Zhu Bajie doesn't take the opportunity to provoke him, then he is not Zhu Bajie.

"Zhu Bajie, don't be complacent, don't think it's so great to go to the mortal world."

"I have endured you for a long time, if you don't know how to restrain yourself, I will be rude to you."

Erlangshen looked at Zhu Bajie angrily, and shouted loudly.

Shouting angrily, the aura of his whole body became much stronger, as if he was about to strike at any time.

Even the Xiaotian dog beside him was grinning.

"Three-eyed, you really think of me as an old pig, I'm afraid you won't succeed, so if you want to hit me, I will accompany you to the end, old pig."

"And you, don't think that Erlang God is covering you, you are so awesome, you are so anxious, the old pig will use you to make dog meat soup."

Zhu Bajie looked at Erlangshen and Xiaotiangou, one person and one dog, and with a move with the palm of his hand, the nine-toothed rake had already appeared in his hand, his body was full of immortal energy, and he was ready to strike.


"Yang Jian, Zhu Bajie, what are you doing?"

"This is Lingxiao Palace, not a martial arts arena, put away your indulgence."

The Jade Emperor slapped the table in front of him and shouted loudly.

Lingxiao Palace is his territory, making trouble in his territory, isn't this a slap in the face for him.

The Jade Emperor didn't show his power, he found that these guys don't know who is the boss of the heaven.

Hearing the Jade Emperor's anger and seeing the ugly face of the Jade Emperor, Zhu Bajie and Erlangshen's expressions changed, and they quickly calmed down the immortal energy in their bodies.

"The Jade Emperor calmed down, I was impulsive."

"The old pig knows his mistake, he knows his mistake, Jade Emperor, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Zhu Bajie and Erlang Shen have admitted their mistakes, and the Jade Emperor put away his anger.

Looking at Erlang Shen and Zhu Bajie, he said calmly.

"I know you two don't get along on weekdays, this fight is always going to happen."

"When Xiaobai's immediate matter is resolved, I will allow the two of you to go to the martial arts arena and have a good fight."

When the Jade Emperor said these words, both Erlang Shen and Zhu Bajie had unconcealable smiles on their faces.

"Zhu Bajie, just wait for me, and see if I don't kneel your knees on the ground and beg for mercy."

"Three-eyed, it doesn't matter who kneels down and begs for mercy. You should stop crying then."

"Okay, let's continue to look at the Xuanguang mirror, save your energy and use it in the martial arts arena."

Seeing Erlangshen and Zhu Bajie fighting again, the Jade Emperor frowned and said in a cold voice.

When the Jade Emperor opened his mouth, Erlang Shen and Zhu Bajie fell silent, and all the immortals looked at the Xuanguang Mirror attentively.

There are several large round tables in the Hades Hall of King Qin Guang of the Underworld, and wine and vegetables are placed on one of the round tables. The Ten Kings of Hades sit around the round table, eating large pieces of meat and drinking heavily.

While looking through the Xuanguang mirror in front of him, he watched Ji Yang and the cat fight again.

Bull head and horse face, black and white impermanence, Zhong Kui and other shady and handsome ghosts sat at another round table, eating and drinking while looking at the Xuanguang mirror.

"What kind of onmyoji in this country R has some skills, and there are quite a lot of methods. The cat demon he summoned looks quite evil."

The Metropolitan King took a sip of Scotch vodka in his glass and said loudly.

"It's just a little monster that has been around for hundreds of years. If the Three Realms can communicate with each other, I can strangle several little monsters with one hand."

Yan Luo Tianzi swallowed a piece of pot-packed meat, and said with some disdain.

"How can this kind of little monster be used by the King of Hades? I and Niutou are enough."

The horse face on the other table heard what Yan Luo Tianzi said, and said in a respectful voice.

"That's right, a little cat demon, where there is no need for Hades to take action, any one of our top ten yin commanders can easily destroy it."

The one who spoke this time was the Underworld Commander Leopard Tail who specializes in animal ghosts among the top ten Yin Commanders of the underworld.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. You are saying this because you want to take this opportunity to go to the mortal world."

"I just chatted with the Jade Emperor on WeChat, and the Jade Emperor has approved it. The heavens will not care about this matter, and we will take care of it from the underworld."

"The last time I caught Doji Ibaraki, it was Zhu Bajie who caught him. It's a credit to Heaven."

"This time, we in the underworld can't miss the opportunity. No matter whether Xiaobai can beat the cat monster or not, we will step in and at least catch the cat monster."

The last time Taishang Laojun interrogated Ibaraki Doji, he did not interrogate the final method to break the Three Realms.

The cat in front of him is yet another opportunity. If it is caught and brought back for trial, maybe something can be found through interrogation.

King Qin Guang didn't want to miss this opportunity.

If Xiaobai really beat the cat demon to death, King Qin Guang would be very depressed.

Hearing King Qin Guang's words, all eyes in the Palace of Hades were fixed on him. This is a chance to go to the mortal world. I don't know who King Qin Guang will send.

"You guys don't have to think about it. As the King of the Ten Palaces of Hades and just a little cat demon, it's too inappropriate for you to make a move. Besides, can you go?"

"I think it's better to choose one of the handsome ghosts."

It's fine for Yin Shuaigui to look at King Qin Guang, but why the other Nine Palaces of Hades also look at him, which makes King Qin Guang frown.

The three worlds cannot communicate with each other. At ten o'clock, the King of Hades has not been to the mortal world for a thousand years, not to mention the other Nine Halls of Hades, King Qin Guang himself really wants to go to the mortal world.

But there is no Heaven-Defying Formation available in the underworld, even if King Qin Guang wants the other Nine Hall Kings of Hades to go, there is no way.

Hearing King Qin Guang's words, the other Nine Kings of Hades could only sigh and resign themselves to their fate.

The other shady handsome ghosts are happy, they are all waiting for King Qin Guang's order to see if they let themselves go to the mortal world.

 The third update is sent, the update is over today, and it will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, and reward

(End of this chapter)

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