The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 514 Do You Think You Can Run

Chapter 514 Do You Think You Can Run (Part [-])
The handsome ghosts are all looking at King Qin Guang, and King Qin Guang is also scanning these handsome ghosts.

The cat still seems to have some skills. If you send an ordinary ghost messenger to the mortal world, it probably won't be of much help.

Ordinary ghosts can't do it, so the most suitable candidates are the top ten handsome men.

Because of their special positions, the top ten yin commanders have the right to go to the mortal world.

"Qin Guangwang, I am familiar with Xiaobai, and I am good at catching ghosts and subduing demons, I think I should go."

Zhong Kui is not among the top ten yin commanders, but it is his duty to catch all kinds of ghosts in the mortal world, so he can also freely travel between the mortal world and the underworld.

Zhong Kui begged for orders, but King Qin Guang hadn't expressed his opinion yet, some of the top ten yin commanders were dissatisfied.

"Zhong Kui, don't join in the fun at this time, although everyone has the right to go to the mortal world, but because of our duties, we only have special time to do so."

"You are much more free than us, why are you trying to grab it at this time?"

The speaker's skin is dark blue, his mouth is like an eagle's beak, his eyes are like copper bells, and he holds a soul hammer in his hand.

It turned out to be Ming Shuai Niubi, who was in charge of the dead souls of birds and animals in the sky.

"Niaozui is right, the last time I went to the mortal world was during the Ghost Festival, Zhong Kui, please don't get involved."

The ghost king, who was bare-chested, with red hair hanging loose, and blue-faced fangs, stood out and said loudly.

"Zhong Kui, this time I think you can just let it go, we two brothers don't get mixed up, what are you getting mixed up with!"

Hei Wuchang walked up to Zhong Kui, patted his shoulder and said.

Although it is said that the top ten yin commanders have the right to go to the mortal world, they must have the opportunity to do so.

Like the beak, the gills of the fish, the tail of the leopard, and the wasp, these four evil commanders are respectively in charge of the ghosts of beasts on the road, birds in the sky, fish in the water, and insects on the ground.

But this kind of dead souls are not like human dead souls. After they die, they either completely disappear, or they come to the underworld by themselves. There is no need to seduce the soul like human ghosts.

Black and White Impermanence is responsible for hooking the ghosts of the dead, and the two of them are considered to have gone to the mortal world the most times among the top ten handsome men.

The top ten yin handsomes usually have a good relationship, but this time they had the opportunity to let the other yin handsomes go to the mortal world, so they chose to abstain very carefully.

With such a reaction from the top ten yin commanders, Black and White Impermanence even gave up this opportunity voluntarily, and Zhong Kui couldn't say anything more.

"It's a pity, this time I help Ji Yang catch the cat demon, and I will definitely get some good wine from him, my wine..."

Feeling Zhong Kui is going to help Ji Yang, not for anything else, but for wine.

When Zhong Kui was talking with the ten great yin commanders, the king of hell in the ten halls was also discussing who would go to the mortal world.

It's not Zhong Kui and the top ten yin commanders that really work. In the end, who will go to the mortal world will have to listen to the King of Hades.

While waiting for Hades to discuss the results, Zhong Kui and the Yin Shuai Guicha looked at Xuan Guangjing again.

Looking through the Xuanguang mirror, the cat demon was beaten quite badly.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Meow meow……"

The cat's body is like a calf, but its speed is still very fast. Its body moves quickly in the ward.

It's just that although it moved fast, several bolts of lightning from the sky still struck it.

The lightning struck Maoyou, and Maoyou screamed in pain, the evil spirit on his body felt much weaker.

At this time, the thunder and lightning stopped in the sky, and the cat jumped again, and unexpectedly arrived at Erhuo Inoue's hospital bed.

Erhuo Inoue has long been frightened by everything in the ward. It's not that he didn't want to run away, but he was tied to the hospital bed, how could he run away.

At this moment, the cat came to the hospital bed again, looked at Erhuo Inoue with a pair of cat eyes with a cold light, and plucked at Erhuo Inoue's heart with one claw.

"No, save me quickly, ah..."

Erhuo Inoue screamed in fright, but unfortunately his cries for help were ignored.

The lightning attack just now consumed a lot of immortal energy in Ji Yang's body, and he is recovering his immortal energy now.

Xiao Longnv was protecting him, and Peng Caixuan was also injured, so no one could take care of Inoue.

Masami Iwamoto, who can watch his student's heart being pulled out by a cat, is even less likely to take care of him.


Maoyou's sharp claws penetrated Inoue Erhuo's chest, and a heart was pulled out by it.

As soon as the heart was pulled out, the cat swallowed the heart directly into its mouth again.

With the entrance of the heart, the evil spirit on Maoyou became stronger. It turns out that it can recover from injuries and increase the evil spirit by devouring people's hearts.

"Not enough, not enough, I need more."

The cat's eyes were originally pitch-black, but now they were glowing red. Erhuo Inoue's heart was not enough to heal its injuries, and it needed more hearts.

Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan's heart cat wanted to eat again, but now they couldn't eat it at all.

The cat turned its head to Yamin Iwamoto again, its eyes were red, and it stuck out its tongue and licked its upper lip with a greedy look.

Yamin Iwamoto thumped in his heart, and the cat meant to eat him.

"You've already eaten Kimura, and you still want to eat me?"

The cat didn't pay attention to Masami Iwamoto's words, its back arched, its limbs exerted strength, and the cat rushed towards Masami Iwamoto again.

Yaming Iwamoto saw the cat really pounced on him again, he gritted his teeth, took out a few talisman papers from his pocket, and threw them out.

"Thunder fire talisman, explode!"

Yaming Iwamoto summoned Maomata to protect himself, but now Maomata wanted to kill him.

Facing the cat rushing again, he could only fight desperately.

"Boom boom boom..."

The thunder and fire talisman exploded, the thunder and lightning mixed with flames exploded, and the cat was completely surrounded by lightning and flames.

When the thunder fire talisman exploded, several pieces of talisman paper appeared in Masaaki Iwamoto's hand, and he chanted a spell in his mouth, and these talisman papers spun around Yaming Iwamoto.

As the talisman papers rotated, Masami Iwamoto's body rose into the air, and these talisman papers actually had the effect of flying.

With his body in the air, Masaki Iwamoto turned around quickly, and he was about to run away through the broken window.

It's a pity that as soon as Masaki Iwamoto turned around, the cat rushed out from the explosion position of the Thunder Fire Talisman.


The cat rushed out again, and rushed directly to Masaaki Iwamoto, grabbed his claws from behind, and directly penetrated Yamin Iwamoto's body.

The cat opened its mouth wide again, and bit on Yamin Iwamoto's neck. Its throat squirmed, and it began to swallow Yamin Iwamoto's blood.

In the blink of an eye, Yamin Iwamoto had turned into a mummy.

Draining all the blood from Masami Iwamoto's body, the evil spirit on Mao's body became much stronger, but it was obviously not as good as before.

It seems that Maoyou's injury still hasn't healed.


The cat let out another unwilling cat meow, and jumped out of the broken window, it was about to run.

"Little Dragon Girl, hurry up and chase after me."

Seeing that the cat was about to run away again, Ji Yang yelled anxiously, if the cat ran away again, it would be a big trouble.

After Ji Yang finished speaking, Xiao Longnv was ready to catch up.

But before Xiao Longnv moved, she saw the fleeing cat flying back upside down.

"Do you think you escaped?"

The cat flew upside down again, and a gust of wind blew into the ward from the window, and the cat was blown back by this gust of wind.

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(End of this chapter)

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