The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 517 Pig 8 Jie VS2 Langshen

Chapter 517 Pig Bajie VS Erlang God (Part [-])
Is it because the sales of goods have been relatively good recently, so the merits have exploded so much?

But counting the time, it doesn't seem to be too long. How many things do you have to sell in a day to gain so much merit.

If he could sell so many things every day, the goods in his Qiankun storage ring would have been empty long ago.

After clicking on the sales record, Ji Yang glanced at it roughly.

The recent sales have not fluctuated too much, and overall it looks normal.

This kind of sales speed will definitely not increase so much merit.

Since it is not a merit earned from selling things, it can only be a reward.

Yes, rewards.

Ji Yang has done a lot of good things recently, exterminating the zombies of the General Corpse Clan in Kyoto, and today's two onmyojis plus Maoyou, these are all big things.

Thinking of the reward, Ji Yang excitedly clicked on the message.

Clicking on it, it was indeed the recent reward that suddenly increased my merit.

"Killing the yellow-eyed zombies and blue-eyed zombies, plus Qi Wei's treatment, a total of 150 million merits have been rewarded."

"Today's Onmyoji event should have rewarded 500 million merits, but because of Leopard Tail's action, the merits have been reduced by 40.00%, and 300 million merits have been obtained."

"There are 450 million merits in two rewards. I'm sorry, it's so cool."

More than 800 million merits, minus the rewarded 450 million merits, there are still more than 300 million merits, and after subtracting the previous 200 million merits, there are still more than 100 million merits.

Recently, I have earned more than 100 million merits from selling goods, which is not a small number.

"It's a pity, if the leopard tail doesn't appear, I can get a merit reward of 500 million. In that case, I can break through to the sixth-rank immortal job."

If you have the strength of a sixth-rank immortal, it will not be a problem at all to deal with monsters that are about 500 years old.

Think about it today when Leopard Tail hit the cat again, it was so clean and quick, it was killed in one go.

Thinking about myself again, after fighting for so long, even using the strongest power of Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship, it only seriously injured the cat again, this is the difference in strength.

Ji Yang is now very eager to improve his strength, but unfortunately the 200 million merits have already reached Leopard Tail's pocket.

"Promoting immortality is a way to increase strength, and there is a magic weapon."

"Although the black light sword in my hand is not bad, it is far inferior to Guan Yu's Qinglongyanyue knife, Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake, Zhong Kui's ghost-slaying sword, and the yellow banner in Leopard's tail. .”

"It would be great if the Heimong Sword had the ability to absorb things like Huang Ban."

Through the appearance of the leopard tail today, Ji Yang also realized a problem, that is the magic weapon.

I have all kinds of shortcomings now, lack of merit to enhance the immortal position, lack of magic weapons to enhance strength, and lack of stronger immortal techniques to fight.

Thinking about myself, I feel so poor (forced).

Immortal rank promotion requires time to accumulate, and magic weapons and immortal techniques need opportunities, and these are not something you can just say.

When Ji Yang was thinking about where to get a magic weapon with a special effect or a new immortal method, the Heavenly Court Tournament Arena was crowded with people and it was very lively.

As the Jade Emperor, he naturally kept his word, and what he said must be carried out.

Earlier in Lingxiao Temple, the Jade Emperor had said that after Ji Yang's matter was settled, Zhu Bajie and Erlangshen would have a fight in the martial arts arena.

Zhu Bajie and Erlangshen couldn't wait for each other for a long time. After Baowei returned to the underworld with the cat, they came directly to the competition field.

"Zhu Bajie pays 100, and Erlang Shen pays [-]. The minimum merit is [-] merits, and the maximum is [-] million merits. Bet, bet."

Bigan shouted loudly, not only did he have a lot of vulgar objects such as gold, silver and jade, but he also had a lot of merit in his hands.

All the immortals in the heavenly court were already in a hurry, but now that there is excitement to watch, why don't they come.

Just watching the excitement is not enough, some gods with good deeds directly proposed to open a handicap and gamble.

At the instigation of the immortals, Bigan opened the game.

It's just that Erlangshen and Zhu Bajie are stronger or weaker. It's really hard to judge. Bigan directly came up with the same odds. Whoever likes to beat can beat whoever he likes.

But there are also rules, that is, each god can only suppress one person, not both sides.

If both sides are pressed, it's still a gamble.

"I beat the old pig to win, 20 merits."

"Zhu Bajie is definitely not Erlang God's opponent. I beat Erlang God by 50 merits."

"I think Zhu Bajie can win. Zhu Bajie's cultivation has grown rapidly over the years. I beat Zhu Bajie with 100 million merits."

"80, Erlang Shen can win..."

This 20 merits, that 50 merits, his 80 merits, his one million merits.

In the blink of an eye, the total number of merit bets has exceeded [-] million, and the speed of increase is unabated.

The betting here is hot, and Zhu Bajie and Erlangshen are also fighting fiercely in the martial arts arena.

"Three eyes, I have tolerated you for a long time, eat my old pig!"

Zhu Bajie jumped up high, and smashed the nine-toothed rake at Erlang Shen's head.

It's just a competition, Zhu Bajie's move is a bit ruthless, you are playing desperately.

Facing Zhu Bajie's rake, Erlang God showed a sneer of disdain, swung the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, and went up to Zhu Bajie's rake.


The nine-toothed nail rake and the three-pointed double-edged knife are both magical weapons. Zhu Bajie and Erlang Shen are also high-level. When the two weapons collided, the immortal energy in the two people surged. The immortal energy of the weapon spread around like water ripples.

The scattered immortal energy disappeared after rippling to the edge of the arena, which was absorbed by the powerful seal on the edge of the arena.

The power of the immortal magic is extremely powerful, and the remaining power alone is enough to hurt people. If there is no seal protection, who would dare to watch the excitement?


Zhu Bajie's nails and rakes are truly powerful.

Although Erlangshen caught the rake, the force on the rake still made his body sink, and the ground under his feet was cracked by him.

God Erlang frowned, shouted angrily, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand shook, and Zhu Bajie flew upside down.

Zhu Bajie tossed twice in the air, landed steadily on a cloud, and looked at Erlangshen with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Zhu Bajie, I haven't fought in a thousand years, and my strength has increased a lot, but do you think that I can defeat me, Erlang Shen?"

Erlangshen kicked the ground with his feet, his body soared into the air, and with a wave of the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, an arc-shaped immortal energy glowing with golden light flew towards Zhu Bajie.

"Heh heh heh, don't underestimate my old pig, shit!"

Seeing the golden light coming, Zhu Bajie widened his eyes, let out a loud cry, and waved the nine-toothed rake in his hand, shooting out a streak of gray immortal energy.

The gray immortal energy collided with the golden light immortal energy, and the two immortal energy instantly shattered.

 One update will be sent, thank you for your support and encouragement, please recommend, monthly pass, reward

(End of this chapter)

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