The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 518 36 Changes VS 89 Mysterious Art

Chapter 518 36 Changes VS Eighty Nine Mysterious Kung Fu (Part [-])
The immortal energy was shattered, and there was a roaring explosion, and the residual power of the immortal energy scattered.


When the fairy energy was shattered, Zhu Bajie and Erlang moved again, and the three-pointed double-edged knife and the nine-toothed rake collided again in an instant.

These two people have really disliked each other for a long time, and when they fight, one is more ruthless than the other.

With a rake from you, a knife from me, there were bursts of weapons colliding in the arena, and immortal energy overflowed.

"Zhu Bajie, see if I don't chop off your ears for drinking."

Erlangshen picked up the nine-toothed rake with the three-pointed two-edged knife, squinted his eyes, and cut the three-pointed two-edged knife towards Zhu Bajie's ear.

Before the three-pointed two-edged knife touched Zhu Bajie's ear, Zhu Bajie's ear already felt a tingling pain. If it really touched Zhu Bajie's ear, Zhu Bajie's ear would definitely fall off.

"Three eyes, you are ruthless, I will change."

After changing the word, Zhu Bajie's body instantly shrank to the size of a grain of rice.

Immortal method Tiangang 36 changes in size as desired, this is also Zhu Bajie's skill.

Zhu Bajie's body became smaller, and Erlang's three-pointed two-edged knife fell into the air.

Zhu Bajie's body became the size of a grain of rice. If his eyes were not good, he would not be able to see him. However, Erlangshen's eyes were very good. Looking at the smaller Zhu Bajie, Erlangshen smiled coldly.

"It's more boring if you just rake it, and I cut it with a knife, so it's more interesting."

"You will change, and I will change too. Bajiu Xuan Gong, I will change!"

Bajiu Xuangong, Tiangang 36 transformations, and Disha 72 transformations, these are all super awesome spells. These three types of spells are considered to be the same kind of spells, but each has its own merits.

(Are Eighty-Nine Xuangong and Seventy-two Changes the same fairy method? Who is a part of whom? There is a lot of debate, and here it is defined as two sets of spells. Don’t blame everyone)
After changing the word, Erlang Shen's body flashed a circle of golden light, and his body shrank rapidly.

"Giggle... Whoa..."

The golden light dispersed, and a colorful rooster appeared in the arena.

Erlangshen turned into a big rooster, flapped his wings, and a gust of wind blew the smaller Zhu Bajie into the air.

Zhu Bajie flew up, the big rooster quickly rushed up, opened its beak, and bit Zhu Bajie.

"Damn it, I'll change!"

"Three eyes, let me eat you."

Zhu Bajie didn't want to be the size of a grain of rice at first, but when he circulated his immortal energy, he over-circulated, so he became too small.

When Erlang Shen turned into a big rooster, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

At the same time as the body flew up, Zhu Bajie had performed 36 transformations again, his body the size of a grain of rice instantly became bigger, and a red fox appeared in front of the big rooster.

Chickens are the fox's favorite food. Zhu Bajie turned into a fox and opened his mouth like a rooster's neck to bite.

"Hmph, change!"


Just when the fox was about to bite the big cock's neck, a golden light flashed on the big cock's body again, and the big cock's body instantly became bigger, and a majestic tiger appeared in front of the fox.

Erlang Shen turned into a tiger, roared loudly, and grabbed the fox that Zhu Bajie had turned into with one claw.

Zhu Bajie turned into a fox, but his reaction speed was very fast. Feeling that Erlang God had performed eight or nine mysterious skills again, the fox turned and ran away.

Erlangshen grabbed the fox with one paw almost the moment he turned into a tiger.

But the fox reacted too quickly, and the tiger's claws failed to catch the fox, but only caught it on the ground.


The tiger's claw fell to the ground, and several ravines were scratched on the ground by the tiger's claw.

"Don't you want to fight, why did you run away?"

"Do you think you escaped, oh..."

The tiger let out a roar, and rushed towards the fox.

The tiger jumped on the top of the fox's head. The tiger's mouth was wide open, and its sharp teeth looked terrifying. A pair of tiger claws also grabbed the fox.

Seeing the pounced tiger, the fox had a strange expression on his face. The corners of his mouth were upturned, his eyes were slightly squinted into crescents, and it looked like he was smiling.

The fox smiled, and pointed his butt at the tiger's head, and raised his tail. Was this to make the tiger bite his butt?

When Zhu Bajie's transformed fox made this movement, all the immortals watching outside were bewildered.

Although the fox transformed by Zhu Bajie can't fight the tiger transformed by Erlang God, but he can transform again, or use other spells in Tiangang 36 transformation, so he shouldn't give his ass to the tiger to bite.

ps: To explain a misunderstanding, whether it is 36 changes, 72 changes, or eighty-nine Xuangong, this number does not represent how many things can be changed, and Tiangang 36 changes are only stronger than Disha 72 changes, only eight Due to Jie's personality, the 36 transformations are not outstanding in Journey to the West. In addition, the bull devil practiced the Tiangang 36 transformations.

Just when all the immortals didn't understand what Zhu Bajie wanted to do, the fox actually let out a series of farts.

"Puff puff……"

Fuck me, this Nima is also fine.

Zhu Bajie's series of farts made a loud sound, and the gods watching could hear them clearly.

It is said that loud farts don't stink, and stinky farts don't make loud noises, but Zhu Bajie's serial farts are both smelly and loud.

As for how stinky it is, the gods watching can't smell it, but by watching the reaction of Erlang God's transformed tiger after asking about the smell, one can guess that the power of this series of farts is not small.

"Ouch... vomit... vomit..."

Because the tiger has been fumigated.

"Hey, sorry, I just ate some soybeans and couldn't hold back."

Looking at the vomiting tiger, the fox said guiltily.

It's just that he said this with guilt, but the fox's eyes showed a bit of cunning, he obviously did it on purpose.

"Zhu Bajie, I must kill you today."

Erlangshen was ashamed and angry now, he would never have thought that Zhu Bajie would come up with such a move.

Although I have heard that Zhu Bajie has a move called Zhu Zhu Qiankun fart before, but I have never seen Zhu Bajie use it before. When I saw it today, it was so disgusting.

The tiger changed back to Erlang God's original appearance. After returning to his original appearance, Erlang God's body began to grow rapidly. Soon, his height had become more than ten meters high, which looked like a big mountain.

As his body grew bigger, Erlang raised his foot and stepped on Zhu Bajie's transformed fox.

If his foot stepped on a fox, the fox would have to be turned into a meatloaf.


Erlang Shen stepped on it, and the fox was directly stepped on by him.

Seeing this scene, some fairies screamed in fright.

It's just that Erlang God's foot clearly trampled Zhu Bajie under his feet, but there was no joy on his face.

"Do you think it's useful to be invisible in front of my God Erlang, the sky eye (third eye) is open!"

It turned out that when Erlang's feet fell, Zhu Bajie shrank his body instantly, and then ran away invisibly.

This caused the gods watching outside to think that Zhu Bajie had been stepped on by him.

 Second update, thank you for your support and encouragement, please recommend, monthly pass, tip
(End of this chapter)

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