The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 53: Black and White Impermanence

Chapter 53: Black and White Impermanence
The thin bamboo pole held by the three-eyed ghost seemed to feel no pain. Ji Yang beat the thin bamboo pole for a long time, and the opponent's arms and ribs were all broken by himself, but he didn't feel it at all, and the attack didn't weaken at all. .

"Hahaha, from your tone of voice, I think you are capable, but it seems that you are just a braggart."

"Although I don't know how you know about me, but since you know, then you don't want to live today."

The unpleasant sound of the thin bamboo pole was heard, and his fists were dancing vigorously like a windmill. Ji Yang gradually felt overwhelmed.

"I'm still a newcomer, and I've been cut and washed by the Taishang Laojun's elixir. Why can't I even beat a kid who just died? Isn't it too weak?"

Ji Yang was depressed, but he couldn't relax in the slightest. Looking at the posture of the thin bamboo pole, the opponent was obviously in a posture of immortality.

At this time, Ji Yang felt that his hands and feet were numb from the beating. The body of the thin bamboo pole was skinny, but when he was hit by fists and feet, it was like hitting an iron plate. This is too awesome.

"Your uncle, if you don't come here, black and white impermanence, if you don't come, I will go back to the underworld with you on business."

Heiwuchang clearly told himself that as long as he finds three eyes and informs the other party, Heiwuchang will come immediately, but now it has been 10 minutes, but he has not seen a single shadow.

"Bang, click!"

The thin bamboo pole kicked a vase into pieces, splashing the ceramic pieces and mud, Ji Yang also hurriedly dodged to the side.

It's just that he wanted to hide, but the thin bamboo pole didn't want to give him a chance. The thin bamboo pole followed closely, and his palms turned into claws and directly grabbed Ji Yang's chest. This was to break Ji Yang's heart.

Suo Xing Ji Yang reacted quickly. Seeing the opponent's claws, he quickly continued to hide aside. Although he avoided the result of being heartbroken, the thin bamboo pole still scratched a hideous wound on his abdomen.

"Hey, why is there a strange energy in your blood, hahaha, I am very lucky today, if I can eat you, I will not be an ordinary brat."

After licking the blood on his hand, the thin bamboo pole looked at Ji Yang greedily as if he had found some treasure.

Ji Yang's blood is different from that of ordinary people. Although what Taibai Jinxing gave Ji Yang that day was the dregs of the Taishang Laojun, but it was also the dregs of elixir. , how could Ji Yang change so much.

The medicine power in the medicine dregs has been integrated into Ji Yang's flesh and blood. Although his flesh does not have the effect of immortality like that of the Tang monk's meat in Journey to the West, it is also a great tonic for a kid like the three-eyed.

"Hey, what does it mean to find nowhere to go through iron shoes? It doesn't take much effort to get it. As long as I eat your meat and drink your blood, I am no longer an ordinary brat. At that time, I can live freely in the mortal world." Yes, baby, you are my baby."

Looking at the thin bamboo pole yelling nonsense, Ji Yang grinned in pain.

The thin bamboo pole was not lightly grasped this time, and if it was two points deeper, he would be disembowelled by the opponent.

"For two thousand merits, I have worked hard enough."

"Brother is a man, you are a big man calling me baby, you are not disgusting, I still want to vomit."

Pressing his bleeding wound with one hand, he looked warily at the thin bamboo pole approaching him.

After tasting Ji Yang's blood, Shouzhugan also became crazier, attacking more violently than before.

Ji Yang is already wounded, it's not that the thin bamboo pole doesn't know pain, he will hurt, under the crazy attack of the thin bamboo pole, Ji Yang is also gradually exhausted.



The thin bamboo pole kicked Ji Yang's chest, Ji Yang's chest hurt, his mouth felt sweet, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and he also hit a wall.

"Haha, I take your life."

After Ji Yang hit the wall, his skeleton was about to fall apart. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the thin bamboo pole also rushed towards Ji Yang, preparing to kill Ji Yang with one move.


But just when the thin bamboo pole was about to pounce in front of Ji Yang, there was a sudden gust of cold wind in Mengluo Bar, and then two people, one black and one white, appeared in front of Ji Yang.

"Xiaobai is really sorry, I encountered some delays on the road just now."

Hei Wuchang had seen him on the profile picture before, and Ji Yang also recognized that the person who was talking to him was a bit dark. The one in black was Hei Wuchang, and the one beside him was Bai Wuchang.

Heiwuchang grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and said apologetically.

This mouthful of white teeth must be a big hit in advertising toothpaste.

"If you come two seconds late, I will turn into a ghost and be taken away by you."

Seeing the appearance of Impermanence in Black and White, Ji Yang also knew that he had nothing to do next, so his body softened and he sat on the ground.

"This is for you. This is the healing medicine researched by Li Shizhen. Taking it can speed up your recovery."

Bai Wuchang looked at the wound on Ji Yang's abdomen, took out a medicine bottle from his arms and threw it to Ji Yang.

"Damn it, are you calculating it? Can't you give me two more?"

There was only one black pill in the medicine bottle, Ji Yang thought it was some kind of windfall, but now it seems that there is no hope.

This is the healing medicine researched by Li Shizhen. Li Shizhen is a medicine sage, so there is no doubt that the effect of his research on healing medicine is not good.

"I came out in a hurry, I only have one on my body, I will give you more when I have a chance."

"Now is not the time to chat, I'll catch this guy first."

Bai Wuchang smiled faintly, and then looked at the third eye with cold eyes.

"Three-eyed, come back with me obediently, lest you suffer from the pain of your soul."

Hei Wuchang was also looking at the thin bamboo pole on the ghost's upper body at this time, he didn't need to ask or guess, he could see the three eyes inside the thin bamboo pole at a glance.

In fact, when Black and White Wuchang appeared, the third eye was already dazed, and he also knew that he was doomed today, but he was unwilling to go to the underworld with Black and White Wuchang like this, and seemed a little hesitant.

"If you don't show up yet, you're asking for trouble, and impermanence enthralls your soul!"

When Hei Wuchang saw the three eyes, he was on fire, and when he saw that he had spoken, the three eyes still refused to come out of the thin bamboo pole, and the anger in his heart became even more intense.

With Heiwuchang's loud shout, an iron chain was added to his empty hand, and with the clattering sound of the iron chain, the iron chain was also thrown out by Heiwuchang.

At the same time, Bai Wuchang was the same as Hei Wuchang, an identical iron chain was thrown from his hand and inserted straight into the body of the thin bamboo pole.


"Heiye Baiye, please forgive me, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

The iron chain entered the body, and there was a miserable cry, and then Ji Yang saw a somewhat illusory figure being pulled out of the thin bamboo pole by two iron chains.

This illusory figure is an old man in his fifties. An iron chain is wrapped around his neck, and an iron chain is wrapped around his hands. His expression is also very painful. This old man has three eyes.

"Now I know how to beg for mercy. What were you thinking when you ran away that day? Do you know how many people the underworld has used to find you after you escaped? Go back with me obediently and be punished."

Black and White Wuchang said in one voice, when the two of them pulled the iron chain, Sanyan was also dragged to the ground.

"Xiaobai, two thousand merits will be given later, and we will go back to exchange business."

After Hei Wuchang finished speaking, another gust of wind blew by, and the black and white Wuchang and the three-eyed ghost also disappeared in Mengluo Bar.

(End of this chapter)

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