Chapter 54
Wanghai Bar Street, several special police cars approached quickly, and the people playing in the bar street saw these special police cars and quickly avoided them.

"What's going on here? Are the special police also anti-pornography?"

"Who knows, would it be possible that someone who came to have a drink, a dance, and a girl would shoot me down with a gun."

"If there is excitement, don't watch the bastard, watch it first and then talk."

"Damn it, I just stole a cabbage. As for using the special police to arrest me, let's run away."

The appearance of the special police also made the noisy bar street become chaotic. Some people looked forward to watching the excitement, and some ran away because they had a criminal record. After all, no one knows what these special police are doing now.


When a modified special police car slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of Mengluo Bar, as the car stopped, a young man with a cold face jumped out of the car.

"Brother Mukang, you are here."

As soon as he saw the young man who jumped out of the car, Tang Tai went up to meet him. This young man was Mu Hong's second brother, Mu Kang, the squadron leader of Wanghai Special Police Team.

"Well, are you alright?"

Mu Kang nodded to Tang Tai and asked softly.

"I'm fine, let's come and see Mu Hong and the others."

Tang Tai said with a slight smile.

"Mu Hong, Zi Xuan, are you alright?"

Mu Kang walked quickly to Mu Hong and Li Zixuan who were squatting at the door and asked worriedly.

After he received a call from Tang Kang saying that Mu Hong was being harassed by the Hutou Gang at Mengluo Bar, he brought people over quickly.

"Second brother, we're fine, but Ji Yang is still inside, you guys hurry up and rescue him."

When Mu Hong saw Mu Kang, she let go of her hanging heart and urged loudly at the same time.

"Ji Yang? The one who scraped the bones of the elder brother to heal the poison?"

Mu Kang had already learned that Ji Yang scraped Mu An's bones to cure poison, but because of his busy training recently, he never had the chance to go home to express his gratitude to Ji Yang.

Hearing that Ji Yang was still in the bar at this time, he was also anxious.

"Brother Mu Kang, save Ji Yang. There are many bad guys inside. After Ji Yang pushed me and Sister Mu Hong out, he locked the door behind you. Save him quickly."

Li Zixuan held Mu Kang's hand with tears all over her face, and said anxiously.

"Zixuan, don't worry, someone come here and blow up the door for me."

Mu Kang's eyes froze, and at the same time he secretly thought that Ji Yang is a man, and he can do such a thing in such a dangerous situation.



Mu Kang ordered, and immediately two special police officers rushed to the door of Mengluo Bar. Although the door of Mengluo Bar was strong, it couldn't withstand the explosives. With two bangs, the door was blown away.

"Put down your weapon, or..."

The door was blasted open, and more than a dozen SWAT members rushed into the bar quickly. As soon as they rushed in, the scene inside the bar shocked everyone.

There were many people lying on the ground in disorder, and the surrounding decorations were smashed into disrepute.

"Ji Yang, Ji Yang."

Li Zixuan and Mu Hong rushed in following the SWAT team. When they saw the situation inside the bar, they couldn't help covering their mouths, and at the same time they were even more worried about Ji Yang's situation.

"He's there!"

Mu Hong looked around anxiously, and when he saw Ji Yang sitting there leaning against the wall, he yelled loudly.

"Ji Yang, Ji Yang, don't scare me."

At this moment, Ji Yang had already passed out, looking at his tattered clothes, especially the hideous wound on his abdomen, Li Zixuan's tears flowed down like broken beads.

"Zixuan, don't get excited, he just fainted, but he's bleeding so much, he needs to be sent to the hospital for treatment first."

"Come on, take him to the hospital quickly."

Mu Kang looked at the unconscious Ji Yang, frowned and said, seeing how seriously Ji Yang was injured, he also felt a little bad in his heart, but in order not to continue to irritate Li Zixuan, he could only try his best to explain the situation lighter.

"A Biao? There is another person here."

When the special police sent Ji Yang to the ambulance, Mu Kang also found A Biao.

"Check other people immediately, send the injured to the hospital, search the entire bar, don't let anyone go, if you encounter resistance, you don't need me to tell you what to do."

Mu Kang ordered loudly, and more than a dozen special police officers immediately acted.

"You go to the hospital with Ji Yang and A Biao, and leave the rest to me."

When Ji Yang and A Biao were sent to the car, Mu Kang looked at Mengluo Bar with cold eyes.

"Wanghai has been quiet for too long, and this tiger head gang is even more rampant. If you don't give these guys some strength, you really think that we police are vegetarian."

Taking out the phone, Mu An immediately dialed a number and went out.

"Director, I request to carry out a crackdown on Wanghai tonight."

This night, Wanghai is destined to be restless, there are teams of policemen appearing in the streets and alleys, this night, Wanghai's big and small gangs are patronized by the police...

"it hurts!"

After Black and White Wuchang returned to the underworld with the three-eyed ghost, Ji Yang also passed out. He didn't know how long he had been in a coma. When he woke up Yoyo, there was a burst of tearing pain from the wound in his abdomen.

"I really don't know if I'm at odds with Wanghai. I've only been here for a few days, but I've been hospitalized twice."

Everything in front of him was so familiar, Ji Yang knew that he must be in the hospital at this time, thinking about what happened in the past few days, he also shook his head and smiled wryly.

Fortunately, Bai Wuchang gave himself a healing pill researched by Li Shizhen at that time. Although the pill was not exaggerated to the point that people would heal immediately after taking it, the speed of recovery was obvious. At least now the wound had scabbed over.

"Why are you so stupid, why did you push me out and lock yourself in the bar."

Seeing Ji Yang wake up, Li Zixuan's tears flowed down again, and she threw herself into Ji Yang's arms.

It was a good thing for a beautiful woman to throw herself into her arms, but as soon as Li Zixuan fell into Ji Yang's arms, Ji Yang's expression changed.

"Oh... it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

She still had injuries on her body, Li Zixuan's pounce didn't matter, Ji Yang was in trouble, the scabbed wounds almost burst open.

"Hmph, you deserve it, who told you to be a hero."

Although she spoke harshly, Li Zixuan still distanced herself from Ji Yang, and looked at Ji Yang with some heartache in her eyes.

"I don't want to protect you, why do I feel like a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart?"

Looking at Li Zixuan a little aggrieved, I did this because I was afraid that Li Zixuan and the others would be frightened when they saw the impermanence of black and white, and the other was to protect them from being hurt. Is it wrong for me to do this?
"Who do you call a dog, believe it or not, I will bite you to death."

Li Zixuan stared and said loudly.

"Hey, isn't it biting like that?"


With a bad smile, Ji Yang hugged Li Zixuan and kissed Li Zixuan directly on the mouth.

Li Zixuan was taken aback by the kiss, and instinctively wanted to struggle, but when she thought of Ji Yang's injuries and was afraid of hurting him, she could only bear it in the end, but how did she become a response after holding back...

At this moment, Mu Hong came outside the ward. She was about to open the door to enter, but saw Ji Yang and Li Zixuan kissing in the ward through the window. Her face changed slightly, and she also retracted her hand on the door.

Finally he left with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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