The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 55 Tang Tai Asks for Help

Chapter 55 Tang Tai Asks for Help
"Ji Yang, what are you doing?"

In the intensive care ward of Wang Naval Hospital, Li Zixuan pressed Ji Yang on the hospital bed and asked angrily.

"I've been lying down for three days, and my body will rust if I lie down again. You see, I'm fine now. Let me be discharged from the hospital?"

Looking at Li Zixuan, Ji Yang said sadly.

The healing medicine prepared by Li Shizhen is really effective. It takes at least half a month for ordinary people to recover from an injury like his, but Ji Yang only took three days. He felt that he was more than half healed. No need to stay any longer.

Of course, he recovered so quickly, partly because of the medicine prepared by Li Shizhen, and partly because his recovery ability after cutting the hair and washing the marrow was different from ordinary people, otherwise it would take at least two or three days to recover to his level.

"No, don't you know how bad your injury is?"

"The doctor said that if the wound is two points deeper, you will be disembowelled. It's only been three days. How can such a serious injury be cured?"

Li Zixuan shook her head to stop.

"I'm really fine. If you don't believe me, look, my wounds have scabbed over, and new flesh has grown. I can be discharged from the hospital."

Ji Yang begged and said that he really didn't want to lie on the hospital bed anymore.

Li Zixuan looked at the wound on Ji Yang's abdomen, and new flesh had indeed grown there. She herself is a medical student, and she was also very surprised at Ji Yang's recovery speed.

But even so, Li Zixuan was still worried.

"Lie down for me. I'll ask the doctor to give you another comprehensive examination. If the doctor in the hospital allows you to leave the hospital, then I will agree to you."

After finishing speaking, Li Zixuan also gave Ji Yang a threatening look, signaling Ji Yang to stay obediently, and then left the ward.

Watching Li Zixuan leave, Ji Yang also lay helplessly on the hospital bed.

"Hey, it's annoying to be cared about by someone so much."

With a sigh of helplessness, Ji Yang took out his mobile phone in boredom.

It has been more than three days since Black and White Impermanence caught three eyes, but the reward of two thousand merits has not yet arrived.

"Hei Wuchang is not planning to renege on his debt, no, I have to ask Hei Wuchang."

After finding Hei Wuchang's profile picture, Ji Yang clicked and opened a WeChat message.

"Heiwuchang, aren't you planning to cross the river and tear down the bridge? You brought back the three-eyed ghosts. Where are my two thousand merits?"

After saying a word, Ji Yang also began to wait for Hei Wuchang's reply, but after waiting for a long time, there was no reply from the other party.

"I'll go, does this guy really want to renege on his debts and ignore me?"

Seeing Hei Wuchang ignoring him, Ji Yang became even more anxious.

Although he can communicate with the Heavenly Court and the Underworld, he cannot go to the Heavenly Court and the Underworld. If Hei Wuchang really reneges, he can only bear it, because he can't find Hei Wuchang at all.

"No, I almost lost my life just to catch this third eye. If this black impermanence dares to renege on his debt, I will never end with him."

Ji Yang felt ruthless in his heart, but in a blink of an eye he froze. He wanted to have an endless relationship with Hei Wuchang, but Hei Wuchang didn't take the initiative to show up, and he couldn't find him at all. Why was it endless?

"Hey, depressed."

In the end, Ji Yang could only lie down and look at the ceiling.


The door of the ward was pushed open at this moment. Ji Yang was lying on the hospital bed. He didn't even see who was coming in, so he asked directly: "Zixuan, are you back? Did the doctor bring it? I'm really fine." If you don’t believe me, let the doctor check it.”

As soon as Ji Yang finished speaking, he didn't see Li Zixuan answering, nor did he see the doctor examine him. He felt strange, and also looked towards the door.

"Damn, why are you so close to me? You don't have that kind of habit. Tell you, I'm a pure man and I'm not interested in that."

When Ji Yang turned his head, he also saw a rather handsome face with a pair of red phoenix eyes looking at him. The most important thing is that the distance from the other person's face to his was only a few tenths of a millimeter. Faces touch.

The owner of this face is none other than Tang Tai.

"Ahem, don't worry, I'm also a pure man, and I don't have that interest in men."

Tang Tai coughed softly twice, his expression also looked a little embarrassed.

"I don't like that, why are you so close to me, pervert."

Ji Yang said in disgust, and he jumped out of the bed directly, keeping the distance between himself and Tang Tai as far as possible. Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, Tang Tai's already embarrassing appearance became even more embarrassing, and his face turned green and blue. white.

"I, Tang Tai, Young Master Tang, are a famous playboy in Wanghai. Who doesn't know that my orientation is normal, and you are so afraid of me making a fuss."

Tang Tai was also a little angry, looking at Ji Yang's disgusted expression, he felt a little unhappy.

"Do you feel that you are called a flamboyant young man? Some people just pretend to be a fool on the surface, but maybe you are acting normal in front of others on purpose, and you are actually doing some shit behind your back..."

After speaking, Ji Yang swept Tang Tai's body with his mouth curled up.

"Ji Yang, you are enough, I came to see you with good intentions, don't push yourself too far."

Bickering with Ji Yang, Tang Tai is no match, and Tang Tai has a good face, he has already admitted defeat in his heart, but his mouth is still very stubborn.

"Tch, I don't know you very well. If you don't go to pick up my sister to see me, you're a flamboyant girl. I guess there's something wrong with you?"

Ji Yang was also bored, looking for an opportunity to bicker with Tang Tai to ease his depression.

At the same time, he also noticed that this Tang Tai seemed to have something on his mind. He was not familiar with the other party, but he had only met him once at the Mengluo bar. If he wanted to come to this Tang Tai, he would not come to see him for no reason.

Seeing that his purpose was thwarted by Ji Yang, Tang Tai sighed helplessly, and said softly: "Since you can see it, I won't play around with you anymore."

"A Biao was sent by my old man to protect me, but I have always regarded him as a brother. You have seen what happened that night. A Biao made a deal with Shouzhugan in order to protect me, Mu Hong and Li Zixuan. Hand, now he is still lying in the intensive care unit, he has not woken up yet."

It turns out that Tang Tai went to Ji Yang for A Biao.

Ji Yang also remembered that A Biao did fight Shouzhugan to protect Mu Hong and Li Zixuan, but Abiao didn't know that Shouzhugan had been possessed by a three-eyed ghost at that time. He can stop it.

A Biao was seriously injured and fell into a coma that day. Ji Yang also saw it and checked him for him. He knew the severity of the injury.

"This Ah Biao's physical fitness is pretty good. It's not easy to survive such a serious injury."

Thinking of this in Ji Yang's mind, he also looked up at Tang Tai.

"Then what do you want from me? Do you want me to treat A Biao?"

Ji Yang is basically sure of Tang Tai's purpose.

"Brother Mu An's injury can be healed by you. I believe you can also heal A Biao's injury. A Biao is my brother. I beg you to heal him."

At this time, if someone was present and heard Tang Tai's words, they would definitely be shocked to the jaw. Tang Tai was very arrogant in Wanghai, who would have thought that he would say the word begging from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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