Chapter 56

With Tang Tai's personality, asking him to bow his head to someone for help is something he would never do normally.

But this time, A Biao was seriously injured. He was treated with the best medicine and experts in the military hospital, but after three days, he didn’t get any better. On the contrary, his condition got worse. Ji Yang helps.

At the beginning, Tang Tai also wanted to let Ji Yang treat him with an arrogant attitude, but after seeing the Mu family's attitude towards Ji Yang, he decided to be more gentle and lower his attitude.

A man can bend and stretch. Although A Biao is by Tang Tai's side as a bodyguard, the two have been together for a long time. Tang Tai also regards A Biao as a brother. A Biao has saved his life more than once, bowed his head for A Biao and How can it be.

Although Ji Yang didn't know much about Tang Tai, he could guess based on Mu Hong's tone of voice when he mentioned Tang Tai earlier. This Tang Tai was definitely a very arrogant person in Wanghai.

But now he actually used the word beg for his bodyguard, Ji Yang was also shocked.

"A Biao is a man. If he hadn't taken action to intercept the thin bamboo pole that day, Mu Hong and Zi Xuan would have been in disaster. Whether it is public or private, this A Biao himself must be saved."

Ji Yang has already made up his mind to save A Biao.

But since Tang Tai begged himself, if he agreed so easily, wouldn't it seem that he was too casual.

"A Biao, I can save him, but..."

Ji Yang deliberately paused, this Tang Tai is not a fool, seeing Ji Yang like this, he understood what the other party meant.

"Don't worry, I won't let you help with the treatment for nothing. Here is a check for 50 yuan, which is regarded as a deposit. As long as you can cure A Biao, I will give you another 50 yuan, how about it?"

Before Tang Tailai came, he never thought about letting Ji Yangbai treat him. After all, he and Ji Yang didn't know each other very well, and the two of them could be regarded as meeting each other at most.

50?This price is not low, but for a young master like Tang Tai, it is just a drop in the bucket.

"Nowadays, the merits gained from healing people are getting less and less. I don't know how much you can get from treating A Biao this time?"

"I'm so cash-strapped right now that I can hardly afford enough food and clothing for the rest of my life. I've had enough of this kind of hard life. I missed the opportunity to change my current embarrassing life several times in a row. I can't miss it this time. .”

Thinking of this in Ji Yang's mind, he also shook his head, and said softly: "One million deposit, if the treatment is not good, it will be returned as it is, and if the treatment is complete, how about giving me another one million?"

Don't say I'm black, I am also forced by life, so the so-called penny is not a hero.

Anyway, Tang Tai was not short of money, so it was not a big deal for him to spend 200 million yuan, but it could solve his big problem. As long as he had this 200 million yuan, he would not have to live the days when he used to divide a bag of instant noodles into eight pieces.

"no problem."

It's only 200 million, Tang Tai doesn't even need to blink his eyes, he goes out with his friends, sometimes it's more than 200 million, now he can use 200 million to save A Biao's life, he doesn't even need to think about it.

"Although I don't need money, I may get more merit, but I still have to live until the Tianlei assessment in a month. If I don't earn some extra money, I won't even be able to eat. In fact, I am kind, so don't blame me."

Ji Yang's expression is also very calm when he thinks of it in his heart.

"This is a check for 100 million. The check is given to you. You can follow me to treat A Biao now."

Now A Biao is in critical condition, and the doctor also said that A Biao's life is in danger at any time, since Ji Yang has agreed, Tang Tai also asked eagerly.

He took out another check for 50 from his bag, plus the check for 50 that he took out earlier was exactly 100 million. The 50 that he took out later was originally intended to be given to Ji Yang after he healed A Biao.

"You have also seen that I am no different from house arrest now. Zixuan won't let me leave the ward at all, but don't worry, she has already gone to the doctor."

"After the doctor examines me, I can leave here. The ward is too stuffy and boring. As long as I can get rid of this house arrest, I will treat A Biao."

Ji Yang said helplessly, he also wanted to treat A Biao now, but could he do it now?

If Li Zixuan came back and found that Ji Yang had not only sneaked out, but also treated A Biao with injuries, Ji Yang must be the one who suffered the most.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Tang Tai frowned slightly, A Biao's situation could not be delayed, but now Ji Yang was forced by Li Zixuan not to leave the ward, what should be done.

"Ji Yang, who told you to get out of bed, what did you take my words for?"

Just when Tang Tai didn't know what to do, Li Zixuan also brought several doctors to the ward, and Mu Hong also followed this time.

For the past three days, Mu Hong would visit Ji Yang in the ward every day, and today happened to be in time for Li Zixuan to find a doctor to examine Ji Yang.

"Well, I'm really fine, don't you think I'm fine?"

Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan with a bitter face, and when he spoke, he twisted his body to indicate that he was fine.

"What's the matter, go back to the hospital bed and let the doctor examine you. You don't want to be discharged, do you?"

Li Zixuan saw Ji Yang twisting and turning there, she was really afraid that Ji Yang would tear the wound, so she widened her eyes and shouted loudly.

Ji Yang also stopped talking nonsense, and obediently lay back on the hospital bed.

"A person can't be judged by his appearance. Before, he was gentle like a kitten, but now he has become a tigress. I blame myself for being too kind to women. I am really kind and bullied."

Lying on the hospital bed with a bitter face, he also noticed Tang Tai's expression, and the other party also looked at Li Zixuan in astonishment.

Ji Yang blinked at Tang Tai, meaning: "How about it, is my woman very fierce?"

Tang Tai secretly gave Ji Yang a thumbs up.

"This Li Zixuan looks very ladylike, very gentle, she is really unbelievable."

Tang Tai thought secretly in his heart.

"Tang Tai, why are you here?"

Mu Hong seldom saw Li Zixuan like this before, but now seeing Ji Yang being said by Li Zixuan, she also felt it was funny, and at the same time she also noticed Tang Tai in the room.

"You also know that A Biao is still lying in the intensive care unit, and his condition is getting worse and worse. I know that Brother Mu An's illness was treated by Ji Yang, so I came here to ask him for help."

Tang Tai did not hide his purpose of coming here, and there was no need to hide this matter.

"Ji Yang's medical skills are indeed very powerful, but he is also injured now. I don't know if it will affect his performance. Did Ji Yang promise you?"

Mu Hong nodded and at the same time glanced at Ji Yang who was lying on the hospital bed being examined by the doctor, and said with some concern.

"Well, Ji Yang said that as long as the doctor agrees to leave the hospital after examination, he will treat A Biao."

Tang Tai said softly, but after seeing the way Mu Hong looked at Ji Yang, a playful smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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