Chapter 577 Flame (Part [-])
It was the first time for Ji Yang to see the Ancient Wu Sect, and he was very curious about everything here.

He felt that these ancient martial arts sects were even more awesome than those ancient palace buildings in the world.

After entering Fenghuo Valley, although Peng Tianlong led the way, he did not forget to observe the reactions of Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei.

Originally thought that Zhu Jiumei and Ji Yang would be shocked after seeing Fenghuogu.

You must know that Fenghuo Valley is a real first-class sect in the ancient martial arts world. Anyone who comes to Fenghuo Valley will be amazed by the majestic scale of Fenghuo Valley.

But Peng Tianlong made a mistake this time and was very disappointed.

Apart from some slight shock at the beginning, Ji Yang's expression became very calm, and the shock in his eyes became weaker and weaker.

This is especially true for Zhu Jiumei, the expression in Zhu Jiumei's eyes is nothing but contempt.

"What is the origin of this Zhu Jiumei? Does she also come from a certain sect?"

Zhu Jiumei's contempt made Peng Tianlong suspicious.

Peng Caixuan had only told him Zhu Jiumei's name before, but he didn't mention anything else.

Peng Tianlong didn't know about Zhu Jiumei's identity at all, so he planned to find an opportunity to ask Peng Caixuan.

But even if he asked, would Peng Caixuan tell him the truth?
Even if Peng Caixuan told Peng Tianlong that Zhu Jiumei was a monster, would Peng Tianlong believe it?
Zhu Jiumei can't blame her for being so contemptuous in her eyes, it's because she has seen too many things.

This Fenghuo Valley is indeed well built, but compared with some big monster mansions that Zhu Jiumei has seen, it is still much worse.

Peng Tianlong took Ji Yang and others all the way to the main hall of Fenghuo Valley, and met some disciples of Fenghuo Valley on the way.

These disciples looked at Peng Tianlong either strangely or adoringly.

The strange thing is that they don't know Peng Tianlong.

Those who worship are those who know Peng Tianlong's true identity, and those who know Peng Tianlong's identity all pay respects to Peng Tianlong.

"Brother, who is this person? I haven't seen him before. Why do you call him Elder Peng?"

A disciple who had just started, after seeing his senior brother greeting Peng Tianlong, he also greeted him.

After Peng Tianlong responded with a smile and left, the confused disciple asked the people around him about Peng Tianlong's identity.

"It's normal that you don't know him for a short time."

"Elder Peng was once the number one master of the sect under the master of Fenghuo Valley, and was also the former elder of the valley. Later, he left Fenghuo Valley at the request of Huaxia's leaders."

"The current Elder Peng is the leader of the Huaxia Xuan Group, with a very high status."

"According to the time, it has been five years since he came back last time. This is his return to see the owner of the valley according to the valley rules."

Hearing the question from the junior brother beside him, the senior brother also revealed Peng Tianlong's identity.

The number one master of the sect under the master of Fenghuo Valley, the former elder, this is already amazing.

Now he is the leader of the mysterious group, and his status is not lower than that of the owner of Fenghuo Valley.

This new disciple knows the particularity of the Xuan Group in China and its importance to China.

The new disciple looked at Peng Tianlong's back with admiration in his eyes.

I don't know if Peng Tianlong heard the conversation between the brothers. Anyway, he didn't stop at all, and he brought Ji Yang and others to the hall of Fenghuo Valley, Fenghuo Temple.

Just when Ji Yang and the others approached the Fenghuo Hall, a shout of anger resounded in the hall.

Then Ji Yang felt a wave of heat blowing from the hall, a tall and strong old man wearing a red robe embroidered with flames, about the same age as Peng Tianlong, rushed out of the hall.

The old man rushed out and threw a punch at Peng Tianlong.

"It's nothing to us, we'll just watch."

"We are here to help Caixuan. As long as Fenghuogu doesn't make things difficult for Caixuan, neither you nor I will do anything."

Seeing the old man appear, Zhu Jiumei's eyes were fixed, her fists were clenched, and she was about to rush forward.

It's just that before Zhu Jiumei rushed forward, Ji Yang had already stopped him.

The old man who rushed out looked powerful and attacked fiercely, but he didn't have any killing intent on him.

Although he was attacking Peng Tianlong, it seemed that he was not the enemy.

Peng Tianlong watched the rushing old man hit him with a punch, his clothes fluttering all over his body, and he greeted him with a punch.


The two fists intersected, and there was a burst of anger, and both Peng Tianlong and the old man took two steps back.

"Old man Peng, it seems that your cultivation is not in vain. Give me another try!"

"Hmph, old man Yan, is this how you, the owner of the valley, treat me? Do it as soon as we meet. If you have the ability, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

It turned out that the old man who rushed out was the owner of Fenghuo Valley, Yan Lie.

As the name suggests, Yan Lie has a very hot temper.

Hearing Peng Tianlong's words, a smile appeared on his face, and he clapped his palms and pushed them forward.

"Fire burning!"

The palms were pushed out, and a flame burned towards Peng Tianlong.


Seeing the flames burning, Peng Tianlong smiled disdainfully, and slapped out his palms.

Peng Tianlong clapped out his palms, and two dragons condensed by the wind rushed towards the flames.

When the flames collided with the wind dragon, they were instantly shattered, and the remaining power scattered to the surroundings, and there were cracks on the ground. Ji Yang and others used the breath in their bodies to resist.

This Peng Tianlong and Yan Lie are just trying their hand and passing the trick.

It's not a real life-and-death battle.

But the kung fu techniques the two of them used must have been a bit too much, this is basically a killer move.

"Old man Peng, yes, Feng Tornado has improved again."

"To each other, your flames are burning, and the power is much greater than before."

They were competing with each other just now, but now they are flattering each other.Peng Tianlong and Yan Lie are enough.

"Hey, why did you bring so many people, two young people, which one is my grandson-in-law?"

Fighting against Peng Tianlong is just Yan Lie's way of greeting Peng Tianlong.

Now that he has said hello, he also looked at Peng Caixuan and Ji Yang.

Peng Caixuan hadn't been to Fenghuo Valley for ten years, and Yan Lie hadn't seen Peng Caixuan for ten years. His memory of Peng Caixuan was still in the impression of the eight-year-old kid ten years ago.

"Guess for yourself? My family's Caixuan is currently at the early stage of the heavenly rank, so go find it yourself."

Peng Tianlong didn't know which song to sing, he didn't tell Yanlie who Peng Caixuan was, but let Yanlie guess by himself.

Yan Lie frowned, followed by a strange smile on his face.

"At the beginning of the heavenly stage, the talent is good enough, so let me give it a try."

"Fire Python Fist!"

Yan Lie drank softly, and flames emerged from the palms of his hands.

Flames wrapped his fists, and the flames vaguely looked like a snake's head with its mouth wide open.

Peng Caixuan and Ji Yang stood together, with a movement of Yan Lie's body, two fists were thrown towards Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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