The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 578 Real People and Photos

Chapter 578 Real people and photos (three more)

Yan Lie has a hot temper, and his personality seems to be the kind that is very combative.

Ji Yang didn't say anything.

But I came here today to join in the fun, and help Peng Caixuan by the way.

Yan Lie wants to find his grandson-in-law, and wants to try his grandson-in-law's cultivation, yes, then you can try, but can't you ask first?

Even if I don't directly tell you who Peng Caixuan is, can't you guess twice before doing it, and do it if you have to come up.

The Flaming Fire Python Fist seemed to be less powerful than the Flame Burn just now, but it was not weak either.

If you use such a strong skill to find your grandson-in-law, do you want to find someone or kill someone?

Ji Yang frowned as he watched Yanlie rushing towards him, and there was a bit of chill in his eyes.

"Get out of the way, give him to me!"

Ji Yang said softly to Peng Caixuan who was beside him, Peng Caixuan was not pretentious and nodded directly.

Peng Caixuan was also dissatisfied with Yan Lie's appearance, so he couldn't figure it out.

His grandfather could clearly say that he is Yan Lie's grandson-in-law, in that case, Yan Lie would not do anything if he thought about it.

But Peng Tianlong not only didn't say it directly, but also deliberately mentioned that Peng Caixuan was already at the early stage of the heavenly rank, which was obviously just making trouble.

Could it be that Peng Tianlong was unhappy because Peng Caixuan was coming to divorce this time, and wanted to use Yan Lie's hand to teach Peng Caixuan a lesson?

"Hmph, do you want to deal with me alone? Even if you have reached the early stage of the Heaven Rank, it is not enough!"

"But I like your temper, but even if you are my grandson-in-law, I will teach you a lesson."

Ji Yang took the initiative to stand up and asked Peng Caixuan to stand aside, which caused Yan Lie's misunderstanding instead.

He took Ji Yang as Peng Caixuan.

"There's a lot of nonsense, you break my flame wall before you talk!"

While Ji Yang was speaking, he waved his palm, and a wall of flames appeared in front of him.

After possessing the flames of the Phoenix Fire in his body, Ji Yang's flame wall is much stronger than before.

The flame wall made of purple flames was two to three meters high and four to five meters wide. The huge flame wall appeared, completely blocking Ji Yang behind.

Seeing this wall of flames, Yan Lie's eyes narrowed, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, interesting, interesting, hahaha..."

This Yan Lie was indeed a militant, he became even more excited when he saw that Ji Yang's flame wall was not weak.

The flames above the fists were thicker, and the snake's head with its mouth wide open looked clearer.

Yan Lie came to the flame wall and threw his fists towards the flame wall. His posture was like two fire snakes rushing towards the flame wall.


Two fists hit the flame wall, the flame wall trembled violently, and the range of the flame wall decreased sharply in an instant.

The wall of flames that was two to three meters high and four to five meters wide was now less than two meters high and less than three meters wide. Yan Lie really had some skills.

However, facing the result of his fists, Yan Lie didn't seem satisfied.

"Ha! I can't, I can't break you!"

"Successive Fire Python Fist!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Yan Lie shouted loudly, his eyes were wide open, it seemed that there were flames burning in his eyes at this moment, and he punched the flame wall several times with both fists.


After this attack, the flame wall couldn't bear it after all, and with a bang, the flame wall shattered.

The wall of flames was shattered, the corners of Yan Lie's mouth curled up, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the smug smile on Yan Lie's face, Ji Yang smiled disdainfully.

Isn't it just breaking his own flame wall? What's so embarrassing, the flame wall is just a very common defense method for him.

If Ji Yang wants to use the flame wall, more than a dozen will appear in minutes.

If more than a dozen walls of flames appeared, Yan Lie's expression would definitely be wonderful.

If there are more than a dozen flame walls, even if Yan Lie can break all of them, the consumption of Yan Lie will not be small.


While smiling proudly, Yan Lie attacked Ji Yang again, with a wave of his arms, a circle of flames burned directly towards Ji Yang.

This flame didn't seem to be very powerful, but its range was not small, directly covering all five meters around Ji Yang.

Isn't it just looking for a grandson-in-law, and knowing that his grandson-in-law is no match for him, Yan Lie didn't stop, but kept attacking again and again.

Fortunately, it was Ji Yang who was facing him now, if it was Peng Caixuan, he would definitely be in a hurry.


"Fire Python Fist!"

Under the gaze of Yan Lie, Ji Yang actually called out the Fire Python Fist, and then smashed the surrounding flames with both fists.

Ji Yang doesn't know much about the Fire Python Fist, he did it on purpose, and he imitated it.

Although he doesn't know the Fire Python Fist, after devouring the flames of the Phoenix Fire, Ji Yang's mastery of fire attribute attacks has also been greatly improved.

The condensed fire takes shape, Ji Yang will do it now.

Ji Yang's fists condensed purple flames, and the flames vaguely looked like snake heads. The pirated version of the Fire Python Fist appeared, and he was stunned.

The Fire Python Fist is his unique technique, if Ji Yang used it, would he not be surprised?

Seeing Ji Yang put out his own flame with his fist, Yan Lie looked at Peng Tianlong suspiciously.

He is the only one who knows the Fire Python Fist in the entire Fenghuo Valley. Even Peng Tianlong doesn't know how to practice it. When the person in front of him suddenly uses it, he can only wait for Peng Tianlong to give him an answer.

It's a pity that Peng Tianlong is also in a state of confusion now.

He himself didn't know why Ji Yang was able to use the Fire Python Fist.

The flame was shattered by Ji Yang's two punches. After the flame was shattered, Ji Yang looked at Yan Lie, moved his foot, and punched Yan Lie.

"Uncle Ni, let you also taste my attack!"

Thinking in Ji Yang's mind, a punch also landed in front of Yan Lie.

Seeing Ji Yang's punch, Yan Lie snorted coldly, and punched him forward.


Both fists collided, Ji Yang and Yan Lie took a step back respectively.

"You are not a cultivation base at the early stage of Tianjie, you are not my grandson-in-law Peng Caixuan."

Yan Lie has already reached the late stage of the Heavenly Rank, and his punch is definitely not something that can be received by the early stage of the Heavenly Rank.

With this pair of punches, Yan Lie also knew that he had picked the wrong person.

"He is indeed not Peng Caixuan, he is my fiancé Peng Caixuan."

At the same time Yan Lie said that Ji Yang was not Peng Caixuan, a figure walked out of Fenghuo Hall.

This time it was a young girl who walked out, wearing a red robe, tall and slender, with fair skin, delicate features, and a pair of big eyes staring at Peng Caixuan.

The girl's name is Peng Caixuan's fiancé, so she is Yanjiao.

But the difference between the Yanjiao in front of me and the Yanjiao in Peng Caixuan's photo is really too big.

How did an obese body become slim?How did the rough skin become finer?There are only two slit eyes on the chubby face, how did it become so big?

Is this really all right?

Could it be that the photo Peng Tianlong gave to Peng Caixuan was fake at all?
Peng Caixuan, Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei were completely dumbfounded.

 Third update, the update ends today and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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