The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 579 We Don't Want To Get Married

Chapter 579 We Don't Want To Get Married (Part [-])
"Are you Yanjiao?"

Peng Caixuan asked in disbelief.

"That's right, I'm Yanjiao, Caixuan, I haven't seen you for ten years, and you're not that little kid who still wet the bed."

Yanjiao nodded, with a slight smile on her face.

Her words seemed to be to prove herself, and she actually exposed Peng Caixuan's embarrassing incident.

Eight years old and still wet the bed?
Hearing this, the muscles on Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei's faces twitched, and they couldn't help laughing.

This laughter sounded really embarrassing, Peng Caixuan's face was as black as coal.

"I said I didn't wet the bed, it was Ah Huang (a dog) who ran to my bed and it did it."

Peng Caixuan didn't want to be misunderstood, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

It's just that his explanation doesn't seem to be useful, but it gives people a feeling that the explanation is a cover-up, which can be seen from the weird eyes of Ji Yang and Zhu Jiumei.

"Hahahaha, who didn't pee the bed a few times and draw a few maps when I was young."

"These are all embarrassing things when I was young. You don't need to talk about it, Jiaoer, and you don't need to explain Caixuan. They will be husband and wife soon. Why are you arguing over such a trivial matter?"

"Let's go in first. I know you, Mr. Peng, will definitely be here today. We have already prepared the food and drinks, and we can chat while drinking."

"Old man Peng, there was no winner and loser just now, we will see the outcome in the wine."

Yan Lie and hearty laughed twice, and led Peng Tianlong to take the lead to walk into the Fenghuo Pavilion.

Ji Yang and the others also followed behind them. When Peng Caixuan walked past Yanjiao, his eyes couldn't help sweeping her.

The Yanjiao in front of her is definitely on the level of a goddess, she has neither body nor face.

Why did the female nerve become a goddess? Peng Caixuan felt like he was being tricked by Peng Tianlong.

"Is grandpa really not my real grandpa, otherwise how could he lie to me!"

Peng Caixuan thought in his heart that he also followed Yanjiao into Fenghuo Palace.

At the wine table, Yan Lie and Peng Tianlong drank Huan, Zhu Jiumei ate Huan, Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao didn't eat or drink, they just looked at each other, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Boy, what's your name? Judging from your age, you are older than Caixuan. You are definitely under 25 years old."

"At this age, you can fight fiercely with me, head-to-head, and use my unique skill Fire Python Fist. Who the hell are you?"

After drinking two jars of wine, except for the smell of alcohol in his mouth, Yan Lie didn't feel like drinking at all, and his face didn't even turn red.

That jug of wine must have weighed at least two to three catties.

This amount of alcohol is simply a wine tank.

"His name is Ji Yang. If you want to know his background, you don't have to think about it. I have been looking for someone to investigate for a long time, but I haven't found out."

"However, his strength is indeed very strong. It's all thanks to Ji Yang that our family's Caixuan can have the cultivation base of the early stage of Tian Tier."

"You don't even believe me when I say it. Just a month ago, Xuan was an ancient warrior at the early stage of the earth."

Before Ji Yang could speak, Peng Tianlong spoke first.

When talking about Peng Caixuan's cultivation base, he looked at Ji Yang with gratitude and relief, but also with extra curiosity.

It wasn't just Peng Caixuan whose cultivation had increased, Ji Yang's aura also increased a lot compared to the first time he saw him.

When Peng Tianlong met Ji Yang for the first time, Ji Yang's aura was much worse than Peng Tianlong's, but now, Peng Tianlong had the feeling that he couldn't see through Ji Yang.

The growth of cultivation, the more difficult it is.

The improvement of Ji Yang's cultivation base is more difficult than Peng Caixuan's, but his cultivation base growth rate is even more terrifying than Peng Caixuan's.

After Peng Tianlong got acquainted with Ji Yang, his three views were completely destroyed. The light on Ji Yang's body was so dazzling that Peng Tianlong already felt blinded.

After Yan Lie heard Peng Tianlong's words, the expression on his face was also wonderful.

Peng Tianlong is the leader of the Xuan group. With the ability of the Xuan group in Huaxia, it is too easy to investigate a person's information.

But Peng Tianlong even said that he couldn't find out the secrets about Ji Yang.

Ji Yang didn't open his mouth, Peng Tianlong would investigate him, he had expected it a long time ago, if Peng Tianlong didn't investigate him, it would be a strange thing.

It's a pity, can you find out the secrets in yourself?

Unless you have the ability to communicate with the Heavenly Court and the Underworld, otherwise you will be in vain if you check back and forth.

"I'm just curious, you're in a hurry."

"Old man Peng, you have told Caixuan the purpose of your visit this time, so let's fix the date now."

Yan Lie pouted, looked at Peng Tianlong and said dissatisfied.

"Speaking of which, it's just a date. Aren't there people in the valley who are proficient in Zhouyi, gossip, and fortune-telling by stargazing? Just let them count the date."

Peng Tianlong is more open-minded, completely in the attitude of throwing his hands away as a shopkeeper.

I know, Yan Lie is the boss in Fenghuogu, but I don't know, I thought Peng Tianlong was the boss.

"I know your attitude. I have already asked someone to calculate it. Two days later is a good day to get married. The wedding will be held in two days. You have no objection."

"I have no opinion."

Naturally, Peng Tianlong had no objection, and when he heard Yan Lie's question, he agreed directly.

It's just that Peng Tianlong and Yan Lie have no objections, but some people have opinions.

As soon as Peng Tianlong finished speaking, when Yan Lie was about to call someone to prepare for the wedding, two voices rang out at the same time.

The timing of the two voices sounded so uniformly that if it wasn't for the good hearing of everyone, they would have thought it was said by one person.

"I have an opinion."

"I have an opinion."

"Caixuan? Jiaoer? What's your opinion?"

"Is the date inappropriate, or is there something special that needs to be prepared, or is there someone to invite?"

The two who spoke were Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao.

Peng Caixuan would open his mouth, Ji Yang had already expected, although there was a big gap between this Yanjiao and the photo, but Peng Caixuan didn't want to get married, not only because of Yanjiao's appearance.

It's just that I didn't expect that Yanjiao also had an opinion at this time.

The protagonists of the wedding were not Yan Lie and Peng Tianlong, but Peng Caixuan and Yan Jiao. It was reasonable for them to disagree.

So after the two spoke, Yan Lie remained calm.

It's just that after Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao's next words came out of their mouths, they couldn't calm down instantly.

"I do not want to get married."

"I do not want to get married."

Could it be that Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao had discussed it, but they both spoke at the same time, speaking at the same speed and tone, not missing a single word.

"Crack! Bang!"

"What did you say, you can say it again!"

Yan Lie's eyes widened, the true energy in his body began to circulate unconsciously, he let out a loud cry, and lined up a palm on the table beside him, and the table was shattered by his palm.


The table shattered, and the food and wine on the table fell to the ground.

When the food was about to fall to the ground, a flame ignited, and the food and wine were instantly burned to slag and fly ash.

Yan Lie is really angry.

Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao looked at each other, under the invisible tacit understanding, they looked at the angry Yanlie with firm eyes and said in unison.

"We don't want to get married!"

 First update, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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