The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 583 The Strangeness in the Forbidden Area

Chapter 583 The Strangeness in the Forbidden Area (Part [-])

Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao have already passed through the barrier and entered the forbidden area of ​​Fenghuo Valley, Ji Yang nodded to Zhu Jiumei, and they walked out of the cave together.

There was no obstacle in front of the enchantment, and Ji Yang passed through it directly.

After passing through the barrier, Ji Yang felt a buzzing sound in his head, and he was slightly confused.

A pitch blackness appeared in front of Ji Yang's eyes, and Ji Yang couldn't move in the pitch blackness, as if an invisible force bound him.

The darkness didn't last long, roughly around ten or twenty seconds.

When the darkness disappeared, Ji Yang found that his current environment was very similar to the forest outside Fenghuo Valley.


After Ji Yang appeared, Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao walked over smiling, followed by Zhu Jiumei.

Fortunately, this enchantment is teleported to the same point, and the location is the same. If it is teleported randomly, it will be miserable, and it will be difficult for everyone to get together.

"Is this a forbidden place?"

Ji Yang looked back, and there was also a dark cave behind him, and this cave was the exit back to Fenghuo Valley.

"Well, according to the records of the old valley owner, this is the forbidden area of ​​Fenghuo Valley."

"Look, here are the words left by the old valley owner, that's right."

Yanjiao nodded, pointing to the cave next to Fenghuogu, there was a big fire character carved out of something unknown.

The first generation owner of Fenghuo Valley has such a quirk that he likes to scribble. This fire word is equivalent to evidence that he has visited here.

"Interesting, it's really interesting here!"

Zhu Jiumei looked at the big fire characters, with a meaningful smile on her face, and said something that made people puzzled.

Surrounded by trees and vegetation, there are also some rocks, which looks like a big forest.

Zhu Jiumei was born and lived in the forest. I have seen this forest for hundreds of years. Even if you like forests, you don’t need to sigh at this time, right?

"Interesting? Why is it interesting?"

"Isn't it just a large area of ​​trees, the air in this forest is not good, it gives me a gloomy feeling."

Peng Caixuan looked at Zhu Jiumei and muttered softly.

"Hmph, it's because your cultivation base is weak and your observation skills are too poor, so you didn't notice it."

"Ji Yang, look at the fire word, do you find anything weird?"

Zhu Jiumei rolled her eyes at Peng Caixuan, curled her lips in disdain, pointed to the fire character left by the first generation owner of Fenghuo Valley, and said softly to Ji Yang.

Is the fire character weird?

Ji Yang just glanced at it casually just now, and did not observe too much. It seems that his insight is still a bit weak.

Zhu Jiumei just glanced at it just now, but she found a problem, this is the gap.

Although Ji Yang's immortal status has reached the sixth rank, after all, he has just reached it not long ago. To be precise, it has only been about a year since he had the immortal status.

On the other hand, Zhu Jiumei has come here step by step. She has lived and cultivated for more than 600 years.

Even if Ji Yang's cultivation base of the sixth-rank immortal rank is not weaker than that of monsters with more than 600 years, but in terms of experience in all aspects, it is too far behind.

When Ji Yang was reminded by Zhu Jiumei to observe Huozi, Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao also watched curiously.

This observation made Ji Yang startled, he turned to look at Yanjiao and asked.

"Yanjiao, are you sure that the fire character was engraved by the first generation owner of Fenghuo Valley?"

"If the first generation of Fenghuo Valley Master has the fire word at this moment, it should be hundreds of years?"

"Well, that's right. At the end of the training formula of the Fire Phoenix Jue, there are some biographies of the first generation of valley owners. Only those who can practice the Huo Feng Jue can see this biography."

"In his life, the old owner of the valley has described many things about entering the forbidden area. This fire character is also a mark left by him, so it must be true."

"Based on the time when the old valley owner entered the forbidden area, it has been more than 500 years."

Yanjiao didn't think at all, so she replied directly.

Yanjiao answered in the affirmative, Ji Yang shook his head again and again, exclaiming in his mouth.

"It's unbelievable. After 500 years, this word has no trace of weathering. It looks like it was just engraved. Even some gravel can still be seen."

Whether it is engraved on plants or stones or other places, as time goes by, after experiencing natural phenomena such as wind, rain, sunlight, etc., it will definitely change.

The fire character in the forbidden area does not have the slightest feeling of having existed for 500 years.

Just like what Ji Yang said, some gravel and dregs in the words of fire are still preserved there.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao were both dumbfounded. After careful observation, they found that the fire character really looked like it had just been engraved on it.

"Boss, what's going on, how is this possible, it's been more than 500 years!"

Peng Caixuan opened his mouth enough to stuff a goose egg, looked at Ji Yang in a daze and asked.

Ji Yang shook his head, he didn't know about this, it was Zhu Jiumei who discovered the anomaly first, Ji Yang could only look at Zhu Jiumei asking, hoping that Zhu Jiumei could give an answer.

Zhu Jiumei has lived for so many years, she has lived longer than Fenghuo Valley was established.

It's a pity that although Zhu Jiumei discovered the problem, she didn't know what was going on.

"Just because I found a problem doesn't mean I can solve it."

Ji Yang's eyes froze, it seemed that this was the first time Zhu Jiumei had encountered such a thing.

Sweeping his eyes around, Ji Yang sensed the atmosphere around him. Everyone is now at the edge of the forest and the edge of the forbidden area.

But even at the edge, Ji Yang could still feel a powerful aura rushing towards his face.

This breath is very weird, it seems to be good or evil, it is also hot and cold, it is indescribably weird.

"This word has not changed for 500 years. It must be related to the forbidden area. This forbidden area is not simple. We have to be careful."

Ji Yang felt that what he said was all nonsense, and Zhu Jiumei and the others beside him were not fools.

The handwriting has not changed in the past 500 years. That is because it is in the forbidden area, and it is naturally related to the forbidden area.

But even though what Ji Yang said was nonsense, Zhu Jiumei and the others still nodded with dignity.


While Ji Yang and the others were talking, there was a sudden boom, and the originally bright sky suddenly turned cloudy.

Ji Yang sounded very familiar with this voice, because every time he used the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique to gather lightning from the sky, this voice would appear.


Ji Yang's face was startled, and he looked up to the sky.

The surrounding trees were tall and blocked the view, but Ji Yang looked up, and through the gaps in the trees, he still saw the dark clouds gathering in the sky.

Thunder and lightning loomed among the dark clouds.

"Boom boom boom..."

The moment Ji Yang raised his head, bolts of lightning descended from the sky, striking towards where Ji Yang and the others were...

(End of this chapter)

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