The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 584 No Information Recorded

Chapter 584 No Information Recorded (Third)


"Crack, boom..."

Lightning bolts fell from the sky, and the surrounding trees were taller and denser. After the lightning fell, it was not Ji Yang and the others that struck first, but the trees.

Ji Yang remembered that when he was in primary school, the teacher told him.

When it rains and thunders, one must not hide under a tree, that will attract lightning and be struck by lightning, he has always done this.

But today, he suddenly discovered that sometimes, relying on the natural environment can save his life.

Several big trees were struck by lightning, their trunks were broken, their bodies became scorched black, and flames ignited.


The broken tree trunk smashed towards the ground, and the falling of the tree trunk was much weaker than the thunder and lightning, but it was also uncomfortable to be hit.

Ji Yang shouted loudly, stretched out his hand and pulled Peng Caixuan away from where the tree trunk fell.

Zhu Jiumei on the other side also pulled Yanjiao to avoid another fallen tree trunk.

Strange to say, although the tree trunk struck by the lightning was on fire, the flames only burned this tree trunk, and did not spread to the surrounding trees.

This is a forest, if the flame spreads, it will become a sea of ​​flames.

The flame didn't spread, Ji Yang frowned and looked at Zhu Jiumei.

When Zhu Jiumei saw Ji Yang looking over, she nodded and said coldly.

"I understand what you mean, and I also have this feeling. This lightning did not appear for no reason, and it may even appear under the control of some kind of force."

"Little girl Yanjiao, in the life of your old valley owner, did you say that he encountered such a situation after he came here?"

Zhu Jiumei actually called Yanjiao a little girl, judging by Zhu Jiumei's appearance, she was only a few years older than Yanjiao, so calling her sister seemed more appropriate.

But when it comes to actual age, Zhu Jiumei doesn't even know which generation of Yanjiao's elders are in the same generation.

Yanjiao felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this, but at this moment, she didn't have time to argue with Zhu Jiumei about this matter.

Because the lightning struck them again, but this time it really struck them, not the tree.

Yanjiao's inner Qi circulated, her body moved quickly, she hid towards a big rock, and at the same time she shouted at Zhu Jiumei: "No."

"In the records of the old valley owner, it didn't say that he encountered thunder and lightning, but when he came in, he also encountered danger. It was a tornado."

Yanjiao hid behind a big rock, and a bolt of lightning struck less than one meter away from the rock, which caused a layer of cold sweat to break out on Yanjiao's body hiding behind the rock.

Fortunately, she hid quickly, if she was a little slower, she would be struck by lightning, and that would be a disaster for her.

When the old valley owner came, it was a tornado, but now it is a thunderbolt. Although they are not the same thing, they are both crises.

From this point of view, the old valley owner's information is still useful.

"These lightning attacks have a range. According to my observation, it is within [-] square meters. As long as we hide out of the lightning attack range, we will be safe for the time being."

While dodging the lightning attack, Ji Yang observed the surrounding situation.

With his familiarity with lightning attacks, he quickly discovered a way to be temporarily safe.

"Run, I'll help you defend against lightning attacks."

Ji Yang didn't even know how many times he had gone through the Sky Thunder Examination. The power of these thunder and lightning is much worse than that of the Sky Thunder Examination.

It was no problem for Ji Yang to resist for a while.

"Yanjiao, let's go!"

Peng Caixuan was wearing the wind-phosphorus robe that Peng Tianlong gave him. The wind-phosphorus robe not only has strong defense, but also can increase speed.

Peng Caixuan, who practiced wind attribute skills, was already very fast, and coupled with the speed blessing of the wind phosphorus robe, his speed was simply terrifying.

Ji Yang let go, Peng Caixuan would not hesitate.

He has great confidence in Ji Yang.

Grabbing Yanjiao's hand, Peng Caixuan used the wind attribute movement technique, his body seemed to turn into a gust of wind, and ran towards the outside of the thunder and lightning attack range.

The pink demonic aura on Zhu Jiumei's body was floating, and her body quickly ran out of the lightning attack range.

When Ji Yang faced the thunder and lightning, he was a pervert (pervert). This Zhu Jiumei knew it very well, and she would not worry about Ji Yang.

Only [-] square meters, this distance is a piece of cake for Peng Caixuan and Zhu Jiumei.

Within a few breaths, the two of them had already run out of the lightning attack range.

The so-called bystanders are clear, after they ran out of the lightning attack range, the two of them looked into the lightning attack range, their expressions were shocked.

They saw thunder and lightning falling from the sky one after another, and the thunder and lightning attack range was full of thunder and explosion light. They couldn't describe the shocking scene in words. ,

"No, the boss is too dangerous inside, I'm going to save him."

It was full of thunder and lightning at a glance, Ji Yang could not be seen at all, Peng Caixuan was worried about Ji Yang's situation, so he wanted to rush back.

"He'll be fine, it's just lightning, he can handle it."

Zhu Jiumei grabbed the impulsive Peng Caixuan and stopped him with words.

"Let go of me, he is my boss, if you don't care about him, I will!"

Peng Caixuan wanted to break free from Zhu Jiumei's hand, but the more he struggled, the tighter Zhu Jiumei grabbed him.

Yanjiao at the side looked at Zhu Jiumei who had grabbed Peng Caixuan, with a little surprise in her eyes.

Peng Caixuan is an ancient martial artist at the early stage of the heavenly rank. When he is struggling with all his strength, even an ancient warrior at the middle or even late stage of the heavenly rank will have to spend some effort to control him so easily.

Looking at Zhu Jiumei again, she is completely calm and neither blushing nor out of breath, which is too relaxed.

"What are you doing? Why did your own people beat your own people, and you were stunned by lightning?"

While Peng Caixuan was still struggling, a voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, Peng Caixuan was overjoyed.

"Boss, it's great that you're all right."

The person who spoke was Ji Yang. Although Ji Yang's clothes were a little damaged, his breath didn't change in any particular way. It seemed that nothing happened.

"Whatever I can do, these thunderbolts will scratch my itch."

"Yanjiao, what happened after your old Valley Master escaped the tornado?"

Ji Yang looked at Yanjiao and asked seriously.

This forbidden area was really unusual, when everyone was out of the range of Thunder and Lightning's attack, Thunder and Lightning also stopped attacking.

This thunder and lightning is too coincidental, and it is too spiritual.

Hearing Ji Yang's inquiry, Yanjiao's expression was a little off. Yanjiao looked at Ji Yang, then at Peng Caixuan and Zhu Jiumei, but said nothing.

"Yanjiao, what's wrong with you, did you get struck by lightning just now?"

"The boss asked you something, why didn't you say it?"

Peng Caixuan looked at Yanjiao with concern, he dodged very cleverly just now, and he also protected the other party very well, Yanjiao shouldn't be struck by lightning.

"I was not struck by lightning, you don't have to worry."

"According to the life records of the old valley owner, after he escaped the tornado, there is no record of information about the forbidden area."

As soon as Yanjiao finished speaking, Ji Yang and the others were stunned.

 The third update is uploaded. The update ends today and will continue tomorrow. Thank you for your support and encouragement

(End of this chapter)

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